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in HeartSTEM4 years ago

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The good one vibrates print for the whole Hheartstem, for this moment, I bring to them the subject-matter in which I will dock, the essentials basic physicist on the acoustics, since it is the branch of physics, which takes charge of the study of the sounds, although at present the above mentioned expression refers rather to the used skills, for the treatment of the sounds in enclosures and closed places.

The sound.
This phenomenon is formed by a series of waves of compression and rarity, which transmit kinetic energy for the interior of material means, as an example more common expert the stamp as sound, in the assumption that the gap reached inside the bell was absolute and the bell was protected from the mechanical vibrations, it would not sound, since the gap goes so far as to be a whole ever and the stamp communicates that his vibration to the support of the bell of gap would hear a very muted peal.

Sound production.
The air of the lungs makes to vibrate two small muscles named vocal cords and this way we manage to produce sounds with a certain height, the height is related to the frequency of the sound, it is the quality that allows us to distinguish the serious sounds of the sharp ones, in case of the music, the height of the sound is used, to classify the musical notes, when us to refer to the notes to the notes, we speak about different sounds from frequency, the relation between any frequency of two notes is called intervals musically.

Equation of interval is:
I = f// f1

Where f and f1, they are the respective frequencies of two notes, and the interval is i.
Something important is that the sounds generate all in elements, who are in vibration. Which is transmitted to the way and across him it comes up to the eardrum. The ear is trasformador of impulses, that they are transmitted up to the brain, where they are interpreted.

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Properties of the sound.
The characteristics of the sounds, they can be summed up by three properties: intensity, the frequency and the stamp.

The intensity.
The sounds can be strong or weak, the intensity measures itself in decibel or decibelios (db), for tiene more understandings on the intensity, a normal conversation has an intensity from 50 to 60 db, whereas l sounds expressed by hammers tire from 130 to 140 is db.

The frequency.
The tone of a sound can be serious or sharp, because it is determined by the frequency of the sonorous wave, which produces it. A high frequency corresponds to a sharp sound; a low frequency corresponds to a serious sound, the human ear only perceives sounds which frequencies are between 20 and 20000 hz. Encimas and below these values they are respectively, the ultrasounds.

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It is the miscellany of frequency typical of an instrument.
The waves of the sound qualify in two types:

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The longitudinal ones, which vibrate in the direction of the spread and the cross streets, that does it perpendicularly to the above mentioned direction. The sonorous waves are of the first type and it consists of a series of compressions and successive rarities.

Speed of spread.
The speed to the one that spreads the sound is always the same one, for a certain way and a given temperature. Be already this one solidly, liquid or gas. Nevertheless, there exist differences between the speeds of spread of the sound, for diverse means, depending on the thickness and the elasticity of these, because the sound propagates in the dry air to a temperature of 20 grades at a speed of some 335m/s, in the solid ones the above mentioned speed is approximately a few four times major. The sound overcomes with difficulty the changes of thickness between different means, for which for the sonorous isolation it is more advisable the interposition of an element, which forces to the step of this one along means of very different thickness, which the very thick elements, the temperature also influences the speed of spread, in an increase provokes a dilation of the way, which diminishes his thickness, that's why his speed diminishes.

Perception of the sound.
It is based by the phenomenon of the vibrations, where the above mentioned perception of the sounds, which depends on the distance, turns out to be affected by some circumstances such as the interposition of an obstacle between the sonorous source and the recipient or the relative movement between this one.

Effects of the sonorous waves.
The undulatory character of the sound does, that experiences them same effects that other perturbations of this type, if a sound has a punctual origin, the front of the waves will be a sphere, which they will remove increasingly from the source, whose volume will be diminishing. Between the phenomena, which experience the sound there are the diffraction, the reflection and the refraction.

Diffraction of the sound.
The diffraction takes place, when the sound, raisin for an orifice which dimensions are minor, that his wavelength, the situation in which a very small fraction and the rest is reflected continues his modified way.

Reflection of the sound.
The sound to equal, that other undulatory movements, it fulfills also the law of reflection, that is to say, that the angle with him, which affects on the surface on the surface reflectora is equal to the angle of reflection.

The sonorous waves need, relatively big surface, so that the reflection happens, whereas this one takes place even if the surfaces in question it is rough, one of the consequence of the reflection of the sound, it is the formation of echoes, which is perceived when the sound returns after at least 1/20s, also the speed of the sounds in the air of some 335m/s, it does that the echo is not listened unless they measure between the surface reflectora and the listener a minimal distance of 10 m, in the opposite case produces to itself reverberation.

Refraction of the sound
The refraction of the sound takes place when this raisin from one way to others whose thickness, it is different from first, big part of sound is reflected in the surface of separation of both means, being very small the fraction of refracted sound.

The interesting uses of the sound in the science and technology.

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A fridge that it cools by means of sounds. It is based on the fact that the sonorous waves compress and expand the air around him, cooling and warming. Generally the difference is not too much, but the effects are achieved placing the gas inside the fridge to a major pressure.

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The ultrasound is used generally to weld two plastic ones, across ultrasound waves that make vibrate the molecules, causing a friction that generates heat. This method is used in many industries and is applied of innovative form in the clothes, although it is still more expensive enough than other methods.

The medicine uses the ultrasound for enough time, but this new technology allows to detach only one cell, and has an incredible precision. The sound waves are focused the sufficient thing like to generate waves of shock and microbubbles that exercise pressure at a microscopic level.

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Holograms hápticos, although we know that the holograms exist some time ago, the tact could not have answered yet. The technology uses the sound to produce vibrations that generate sensation of touching something.
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The XIXth century when the first phonograph was created, a very primitive system of radio was patented, or when there was constructed the first phone that was transmitting voices. During the XXth century there was a quantity of impressive advances, achieving that both the phone and the radio were turning a technology common and accepted by the society.

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Radars and sound scanner, that have allowed to describe the depths of the oceans, in the paleontology also it to apply to find fossil on the ground, on the other hand the radars have served for the marine, nautical air navigation.
In the science.

The sonorous waves have many and varied applications at present.
Music: sound production in musical instruments and systems of refining of the scale. Electroacústica: electronic treatment of the sound, including the reception (microphones and studies of recording), prosecution (effects, leaked comprehension, etc.) amplification, recording, production (loudspeakers) etc.
Acoustics physiological: he studies the functioning of the auditory device, from the ear to the cerebral cortex.

Acoustic phonetics: analysis of the acoustic characteristics of the speech and his applications.

Architecture: it has to see so much with design of the acoustic properties of a place to effects of loyalty of the listening, as of the effective ways of isolating of the noise the inhabited places.

The musical instruments also make use of the science, the technology and his advances. There exist musical instruments that by means of the use of the electronics and computers allow to gain access to a big quantity of sonorous resources.

From the employment of valves termoiónicas (bulbs), happening for an integrated and microcontrol circuits, computers and software specialized, the development of instruments that allow to imitate the sound, be already that of musical built instruments of a handmade way, that of daily objects or even of the nature, it has been a challenge. The sounds obtained in this evolution are satisfactory but they still turn out to be artificial sounds, if they are compared those who want to be imitated.

Bibliographical consultation.

Acoustics and sound systems for Miyara, Federico. 2006.

ACOUSTICS, Bruce Lindsay, Dowden - Hutchingon Books Publishers, chapter 3

Rayleigh, J. W. S. (1894), The Theory of Sound, New York, NY, United States: Dover.

Benade, A.H. (1980): Wind instruments and music acoustics. In: Sound generation
in wind, strings, computers. Royal Swedish

Acoustic engineering: Theory and Applications for Michael Möser, ‎José Luis Barros - 2009.

Environmental acoustics. Vol. The Ist - Volumen1 for Robert Bartí Domingo - 2013.

Acoustics and Audiometría for José Miguel Boix Palacián - 2013.
Acoustic engineering for Manuel Recuero López - 1999.


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