Perception is The Greatest Choice

in #art7 years ago

Perception. Everything in life and how we react to it can come down to whatever perception we have at that moment in time. We can choose to see things from any lens we choose, creating our own realities, so how about we have some fun with perception.


How do you see yourself? How do you see the world around you? What can you do with those perceptions to create a better reality for not only yourself, but also for everyone else in this immensely amazing world? I see myself as a beginner, a creator of sorts. I choose to start fresh with every moment and to create a reality that embraces and shares love in every moment.

That eyeball, is one of my very first paintings with spray paint, ever. I've sold it! In a gallery, only months after having begun to use spray paint. Mere months away from choosing to perceive myself as an artist. I chose to perceive myself as an artist, and the world opened up to me. I've booked gallery showings, sold paintings, and even been invited to collaborate in projects with other artists. My choice to perceive myself as an artist has completely changed my life. It's changed how people perceive me and how people perceive my artwork. I am so grateful for the choice to perceive life however I choose and to create my own reality. I'm grateful to share my reality and perception with others and to be a part of their realities. What a truly amazing thing!


This piece, was featured in the newspaper. The day before my first ever solo art show. May I remind you, that I am by my own perception, a BEGINNER in this medium. I'm learning everyday, but people perceive me as an artist. They don't see that I just started this, that I'm still a beginner. That's the thing about perception. We all have our own, and we can all CHOOSE to change them at any time. What a beautiful thing! My show broke records that the gallery held both for attendance and for the number of pieces sold at an opening. Crazy right!? Some new beginner just came in and shattered all of these records and expectations!


Perception is such a beautiful gift. How will you choose to perceive yourself and the life around you? There are no limits unless you put them on yourself. Choose to perceive things however you wish, and don't forget to have fun! I wish you love, light, beauty, and growth in all of your perceptions and in all of your life. Cheers Steemit Community. I hope you enjoyed my post. If so, please share and follow me for more. :)


Awesome Art!!!!! Here's that link I mentioned to you:

Thank you so much! :)

All of your art is very beautiful!

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