What if You Accidentally Send SBD to Your STEEM Wallet on Bittrex (Instead of SBD Wallet..)

in #steemit7 years ago

The other day I sent some of my SBD earnings to Bittrex.

I was watching a movie at the same time...

Big mistake.

After an hour my SBD's still hadn't arrived and I wondered why it was taking so long.

When the movie was finished it suddenly hit me: I had used the wrong memo and accidentally sent the SBD's to a STEEM wallet on Bittrex.

No wonder they weren't arriving.

At first I was in shock.

How could this happen to me? I am teaching this stuff!! Every day I preach Be careful! Pay attention!

And now this happened to me!!!

But then I forgave myself pretty quickly and said to myself, "The more mistakes you make, the more authentically you can teach this stuff. Actually you should make every mistake in the book in order to teach from experience!"

Next, I remembered that I had already received fantastic customer service from Bittrex before. Maybe they would forgive me, too, for my mistake, and recover my coins?

So I submitted a support ticket to Bittrex

A few minutes later I received an auto reply, saying the coins may or may not be recoverable, and I should submit more info:

Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 18.10.30.png

I submitted the requested info, and then I tried not to think of it anymore.

I had already said Good Bye to my coins and mentally booked the costly mistake under "Education Budget" (which I always do when I have to pay for my mistakes. Luckily it doesn't happen too often...)

It took only one week!

Exactly one week later I received a message from Bittrex, letting me know that my SBD's had been credited to the correct account.

Screen Shot 2017-07-24 at 18.20.27.png

Thank you, Bittrex!!

This experience has increased my faith in Bittrex even more! In a world where we have so much choice, it's the customer service that makes the difference.

I will recommend Bittrex to everyone now, first and foremost, and other exchanges only in case a coin/currency is not available there.

Hi, I’m Anja :)
I write mostly for women entrepreneurs and support them in managing their money and their business. I have written a Beginner's Guide to Steemit and am building the Conscious Crypto Community.
You can also find me in the Women of Dash group on Slack.


Your lucky!
I sent a ticket and received no message or response and no coins!

I didn't do it the way you did. So I will now try again.
Wow, I actually found a posting that was useful, so I will


Yes just try and send them a reminder - it's always possible that tickets get lost. Their auto responder also said that they are experiencing higher traffic than normal, so I guess it's possible some things get lost. I really had only good experiences with them so far, so I hope you'll get it sorted out, too!

Same happened to me. They were very professional:)

I did the same thing a year ago and they fixed my mistake for me. I'm still trading at Bittrex, I love them! I'm also on TradeQwik, another great exchange. I'm glad you had the same positive experience with Bittrex that I did!

Ooh how lucky! Happy to hear you got your coins back :D

Yep, you had to make this mistake BECAUSE you are teaching us these things!!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.027
BTC 60003.48
ETH 2309.22
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.49