The case for Gold, Silver *AND* Cryptocurrencies

in #gold6 years ago

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Not once does Mike Maloney mention Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies in this presentation, but all the reasons he gives for not trusting the old paradigm Fiat system anymore, are of course the same reasons for getting into crypto.

His choice is investing in Gold and Silver, which is a great idea to preserve wealth, however we do need to acknowledge that there's another option now in addition to precious metals: cryptocurrencies.

There's a reason why Gold doesn't lend itself very well for day to day use, even though it fulfils most requirements for being proper money: it's neither very portable, nor divisible.

In a world that's going more and more digital, we can't ignore the fact that money, too, is going digital. You may have noticed that some people have called Bitcoin "digital Gold". Because it is. It's Gold 4.0, the money for a new generation and new consciousness.

If you're still wondering about cryptocurrencies, and whether you should somehow begin to participate, I highly recommend taking the time to watch this clip. It covers pretty much all the reasons why the old paradigm system is facing a huge crash - unlike any other one before - very very soon. Mr. Maloney expects it to happen still in this decade. Many experts (and hey, astrologers, too!) agree with that.

Amongst other things, he covers:

  • The current state of the global economy
  • Why Gold and Silver are a great investment compared to anything else in the old paradigm Fiat world
  • Why things are truly different this time (even though booms and busts have happened cyclically throughout history)

Anja @connecteconomy is a Cryptocurrency Mentor for absolute beginners and a Customer Communication & Operations Consultant for Start-ups. She also runs the Conscious Crypto Community, which currently consists only of women [coincidence]. Sign up for her free Crypto Museletter here.

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