Are you using the Brave browser for passive crypto income yet?

in #brave6 years ago

Did you know, that - just like on Steemit - you can support your favorite content creators directly through the Brave browser with its native Basic Attention Token (BAT)?

And at the same time - if YOU are a content creator (who has a website, blog or Youtube channel) - you can ask your followers to support you through the browser with BAT, too. All you have to do is sign up as a verified Brave publisher - which is something you set up only once - and off you go!

Four million people use the Brave browser on a monthly basis. That's huge, for something that comes out of the crypto space.

But besides providing a DECENTRALISED REWARDS SYSTEM, the Brave browser is also FAST, PRIVATE and AD FREE. It's so private it might make VPN connections obsolete soon (important for travellers and digital nomads).

It can also SAVE you a LOT OF MONEY on your monthly data plan on your mobile phone, because it blocks ads and trackers by default, which means you do not waste data on downloading loads of stuff in the background that you neither want nor notice. That alone makes it valuable to me, because I am constantly over my data limit and I always wonder why! So from now on I'm using the Brave browser instead of Safari on my phone.

Also, even if you do not have a Website or Youtube channel, you can EARN BAT tokens by allowing ads in your feed. This way you will get paid for your attention, and you can then reallocate your earnings towards the publishers you want to support. This way you never have to pay them out of your own pocket! Just like here on Steemit :)

Here is my link to sign up as a publisher:

Anja @connecteconomy is a Cryptocurrency Mentor for absolute beginners and a Customer Communication & Operations Consultant for Start-ups. She also runs the Conscious Crypto Community, which currently consists only of women [coincidence]. Sign up for her free Crypto Museletter here.


I'm using that, just I'm not the publisher, sad.

Well you’ll still be able to earn from ads! :)

I love your videos! They are very informative and so beautifully peaceful presented to us. Please keep on doing your thing to further enlighten the world ;) Thank you very much!

Hey, thanks so much! It’s a scary thing to do videos, so every bit of motivation helps :)
You keep doing your thing, too, please! :)

Brave really is an excellent browser.
I haven't switched over full time yet, but I've been using it to surf the Internet for a while now :)

I really should set up my website to mirror my steemit articles and be registered as a publisher 😅

Posted using Partiko Android

Now there’s an idea! :)

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