Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 2|2019-05-11

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Pattern Formation And Solitons

Surface tension controls the onset of gyrification in brain organoids (1905.03659v1)

Davide Riccobelli, Giulia Bevilacqua


Understanding the mechanics of brain embryogenesis can provide insights on pathologies related to brain development, such as lissencephaly, a genetic disease which cause a reduction of the number of cerebral sulci. Recent experiments on brain organoids have confirmed that gyrification, i.e. the formation of the folded structures of the brain, is triggered by the inhomogeneous growth of the peripheral region. However, the rheology of these cellular aggregates and the mechanics of lissencephaly are still matter of debate. In this work, we develop a mathematical model of brain organoids based on the theory of morpho-elasticity. We describe them as non-linear elastic bodies, composed of a disk surrounded by a growing layer called cortex. The external boundary is subjected to a tissue surface tension due the intercellular adhesion forces. We show that the resulting surface energy is relevant at the small length scales of brain organoids and significantly affects the mechanics of cellular aggregates. We perform a linear stability analysis of the radially symmetric configuration and we study the post-buckling behaviour through finite element simulations. We find that the process of gyrification is triggered by the cortex growth and modulated by the competition between two length scales: the radius of the organoid and the capillary length due to surface tension. We show that a solid model can reproduce the results of the in-vitro experiments. Furthermore, we prove that the lack of brain sulci in lissencephaly is caused by a reduction of the cell stiffness: the softening of the organoid strengthens the role of surface tension, delaying or even inhibiting the onset of a mechanical instability at the free boundary.

Stability analysis of ground states in a one-dimensional trapped spin-1 Bose gas (1905.03069v1)

C. -M. Schmied, T. Gasenzer, M. K. Oberthaler, P. G. Kevrekidis


In this work we study the stability properties of the ground states of a spin-1 Bose gas in presence of a trapping potential in one spatial dimension. To set the stage we first map out the phase diagram for the trapped system by making use of a, so-called, continuous-time Nesterov method. We present an extension of the method, which has been previously applied to one-component systems, to our multi-component system. We show that it is a powerful and robust tool for finding the ground states of a physical system without the need of an accurate initial guess. We subsequently solve numerically the Bogoliubov de-Gennes equations in order to analyze the stability of the ground states of the trapped spin-1 system. We find that the trapping potential retains the overall structure of the stability diagram, while affecting the spectral details of each of the possible ground state waveforms. It is also found that the peak density of the trapped system is the characteristic quantity describing dynamical instabilities in the system. Therefore replacing the homogeneous density with the peak density of the trapped system leads to good agreement of the homogeneous Bogoliubov predictions with the numerically observed maximal growth rates of dynamically unstable modes. The stability conclusions in the one-dimensional trapped system are independent of the spin coupling strength and the normalized trap strength over several orders of magnitude of their variation.

Curved surface geometry-induced topological change of an excitable planar wave (1905.02927v1)

Kazuya Horibe, Ken-ichi Hironaka, Katsuyoshi Matsushita, Koichi Fujimoto


On the curved surfaces of living and nonliving materials, planar excitable waves frequently exhibit directional change and subsequently undergo a topological change; that is, a series of wave dynamics from fusion, annihilation to splitting. Theoretical studies have shown that excitable planar stable waves change their topology significantly depending on the initial conditions on flat surfaces, whereas the directional-change of the waves occurs based on the geometry of curved surfaces. However, it is not clear if the geometry of curved surfaces induces this topological change. In this study, we first show the curved surface geometry-induced topological changes in a planar stable wave by numerically solving an excitable reaction-diffusion equation on a bell-shaped surface. We determined two necessary conditions for inducing topological change: the characteristic length of the curved surface (i.e., height of the bell-shaped structure) should be larger than the width of the wave and than a threshold independent of the wave width. As for the geometrical mechanism of the latter, we found that a bifurcation of the globally minimum geodesics (i.e. minimal paths) on the curved surface leads to the topological change. These conditions imply that wave topology changes can be predicted on the basis of curved surfaces, whose structure is larger than the wave width.

Spontaneous generation of dark-bright and dark-antidark solitons upon quenching a particle-imbalanced bosonic mixture (1902.09316v2)

H. Kiehn, S. I. Mistakidis, G. C. Katsimiga, P. Schmelcher


We unveil the dynamical formation of multiple localized structures in the form of dark-bright and dark-antidark solitary waves that emerge upon quenching a one-dimensional particle-imbalanced Bose-Bose mixture. Interspecies interaction quenches drive the system out-of-equilibrium while the so-called miscible/immiscible threshold is crossed in a two directional manner. Dark-bright entities are spontaneously generated for quenches towards the phase separated regime and dark-antidark states are formed in the reverse process. The distinct mechanisms of creation of the aforementioned states are discussed in detail and their controlled generation is showcased. In both processes, it is found that the number of solitary waves generated is larger for larger particle imbalances, a result that is enhanced for stronger postquench interspecies interactions. Additionally the confining geometry highly affects the production of both types of states with a decaying solitary wave formation occurring for tighter traps. Finally, and also in both of the aforementioned transitions, the breathing frequencies measured for the species differ significantly for highly imbalanced mixtures.

Wavenumber Selection in Pattern Forming Systems (1902.01245v2)

S. Saxena, J. M. Kosterlitz


Wavenumber selection in pattern forming systems remains a long standing puzzle in physics. Previous studies have shown that external noise is a possible mechanism for wavenumber selection. We conduct an extensive numerical study of the noisy stabilized Kuramoto Sivashinsky equation. We use a fast spectral method of integration, which enables us to investigate long time behavior for large system sizes that could not be investigated by earlier work. We find that a state with a unique wavenumber has the highest probability of occurring at very long times. We also find that this state is independent of the strength of the noise and initial conditions, thus making a convincing case for the role of noise as a mechanism of state selection.

Exactly Solvable And Integrable Systems

On the solution of the Zakharov-Shabat system, which arises in the analysis of the largest real eigenvalue in the real Ginibre ensemble (1905.03369v1)

A. Minakov


Let be a shifted maximal real eigenvalue of a random matrix with independent entries (the `real Ginibre matrix') in the limit. It was shown by Poplavskyi, Tribe, Zaboronski \cite{PZT} that the limiting distribution of the maximal real eigenvalue has asymptotics \mathbb{P} [ \lambda_{max} < s ] = {\rm e}^{\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2\pi}} \zeta(\frac32)s + \mathcal{O}(1)}, where is the Riemann zeta-function. This limiting distribution was expressed by Baik, Bothner \cite{BB18} in terms of the solution of a certain Zakharov-Shabat inverse scattering problem, and the asymptotics was extended to the form \mathbb{P} [ \lambda_{max} < s ] = {\rm e}^{\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2\pi}}\zeta(\frac32)t} c(1+_\mathcal{O}(1)),\ s\to-\infty. We show that is a smooth function, which behaves as as Second, we show that the error term in the asymptotics is subexponential, i.e. smaller that for any Third, we identify the constant as a conserved quantity of a certain fast decaying solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equation. This, in principle, gives a way to determine via the known long-time asymptotics of We also conjecture a representation for the in terms of an integral of the Hastings-MacLeod solution of Painlev'e II equation.

Integral formulas of ASEP and -TAZRP on a Ring (1905.02987v1)

Zhipeng Liu, Axel Saenz, Dong Wang


In this paper, we obtain the transition probability formulas for the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (ASEP) and -deformed Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process (-TAZRP) on the ring by applying the coordinate Bethe ansatz. We also compute the distribution function for a tagged particle with general initial condition.

The propagator of the finite XXZ spin- chain (1808.06279v4)

G. Z. Fehér, B. Pozsgay


We derive contour integral formulas for the real space propagator of the spin- XXZ chain. The exact results are valid in any finite volume with periodic boundary conditions, and for any value of the anisotropy parameter. The integrals are on fixed contours, that are independent of the Bethe Ansatz solution of the model and the string hypothesis. The propagator is obtained by two different methods. First we compute it through the spectral sum of a deformed model, and as a by-product we also compute the propagator of the XXZ chain perturbed by a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction term. As a second way we also compute the propagator through a lattice path integral, which is evaluated exactly utilizing the so-called -basis in the mirror (or quantum) channel. The final expressions are similar to the Yudson representation of the infinite volume propagator, with the volume entering as a parameter. As an application of the propagator we compute the Loschmidt amplitude for the quantum quench from a domain wall state.

Accelerating dynamical peakons and their behaviour (1902.05171v2)

Stephen C. Anco, Elena Recio


A wide class of nonlinear dispersive wave equations are shown to possess a novel type of peakon solution in which the amplitude and speed of the peakon are time-dependent. These novel dynamical peakons exhibit a wide variety of different behaviours for their amplitude, speed, and acceleration, including an oscillatory amplitude and constant speed which describes a peakon breather. Examples are presented of families of nonlinear dispersive wave equations that illust rate various interesting behaviours, such as asymptotic travelling-wave peakons, dissipating/anti-dissipating peakons, direction-reversing peakons, runaway and blow up peakons, among others.

Dispersive Shock Wave, Generalized Laguerre Polynomials and Asymptotic Solitons of the Focusing Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation (1905.02493v1)

Vladimir Kotlyarov, Alexander Minakov


We consider dispersive shock wave to the focusing nonlinear Schr"odinger equation generated by a discontinuous initial condition which is periodic or quasi-periodic on the left semi-axis and zero on the right semi-axis. As an initial function we use a finite-gap potential of the Dirac operator given in an explicit form through hyper-elliptic theta-functions. The paper aim is to study the long-time asymptotics of the solution of this problem in a vicinity of the leading edge, where a train of asymptotic solitons are generated. Such a problem was studied in \cite{KK86} and \cite{K91} using Marchenko's inverse scattering technics. We investigate this problem exceptionally using the Riemann-Hilbert problems technics that allow us to obtain explicit formulas for the asymptotic solitons themselves that in contrast with the cited papers where asymptotic formulas are obtained only for the square of absolute value of solution. Using transformations of the main RH problems we arrive to a model problem corresponding to the parametrix at the end points of continuous spectrum of the Zakharov-Shabat spectral problem. The parametrix problem is effectively solved in terms of the generalized Laguerre polynomials which are naturally appeared after appropriate scaling of the Riemann-Hilbert problem in a small neighborhoods of the end points of continuous spectrum. Further asymptotic analysis give an explicit formula for solitons at the edge of dispersive wave. Thus, we give the complete description of the train of asymptotic solitons: not only bearing envelope of each asymptotic soliton, but its oscillating structure are found explicitly. Besides the second term of asymptotics describing an interaction between these solitons and oscillating background is also found. This gives the fine structure of the edge of dispersive shock wave.

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