Most Recent Arxiv Papers In Nonlinear Sciences 1|2019-06-03

in #complexsytems5 years ago

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Adaptation And Self-Organizing Systems

Abrupt Desynchronization and Extensive Multistability in Globally Coupled Oscillator Simplices (1903.12131v3)

Per Sebastian Skardal, Alex Arenas


Collective behavior in large ensembles of dynamical units with non-pairwise interactions may play an important role in several systems ranging from brain function to social networks. Despite recent work pointing to simplicial structure, i.e., higher-order interactions between three or more units at a time, their dynamical characteristics remain poorly understood. Here we present an analysis of the collective dynamics of such a simplicial system, namely coupled phase oscillators with three-way interactions. The simplicial structure gives rise to a number of novel phenomena, most notably a continuum of abrupt desynchronization transitions with no abrupt synchronization transition counterpart, as well as, extensive multistability whereby infinitely many stable partially synchronized states exist. Our analysis sheds light on the complexity that can arise in physical systems with simplicial interactions like the human brain and the role that simplicial interactions play in storing information.

Extinction-induced community reorganization in bipartite networks (1905.13007v1)

Somaye Sheykhali, Juan Fernández-Gracia, Anna Traveset, Víctor M. Eguíluz


We study how the community structure of bipartite mutualistic networks changes in a dynamic context. First, we consider a real mutualistic network and introduce extinction events according to several scenarios. We model extinctions as node or interaction removals. For node removal, we consider random, directed and sequential extinctions; for interaction removal, we consider random extinctions. The bipartite network reorganizes showing an increase of the effective modularity and a fast decrease of the persistence of the species in the original communities with increasing number of extinction events. Second, we compare extinctions in a real mutualistic network with the growth of a bipartite network model. The modularity reaches a stationary value and nodes remain in the same community after joining the network. Our results show that perturbations and disruptive events affect the connectivity pattern of mutualistic networks at the mesoscale level. The increase of the effective modularity observed in some scenarios could provide some protection to the remaining ecosystem.

Colored noise in oscillators. Phase-amplitude analysis and a method to avoid the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma (1905.12994v1)

Michele Bonnin, Fabio Traversa, Fabrizio Bonani


We investigate the effect of time-correlated noise on the phase fluctuations of nonlinear oscillators. The analysis is based on a methodology that transforms a system subject to colored noise, modeled as an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, into an equivalent system subject to white Gaussian noise. A description in terms of phase and amplitude deviation is given for the transformed system. Using stochastic averaging technique, the equations are reduced to a phase model that can be analyzed to characterize phase noise. We find that phase noise is a drift-diffusion process, with a noise-induced frequency shift related to the variance and to the correlation time of colored noise. The proposed approach improves the accuracy of previous phase reduced models.

Universality of high-dimensional spanning forests and sandpiles (1804.04120v2)

Tom Hutchcroft


We prove that the wired uniform spanning forest exhibits mean-field behaviour on a very large class of graphs, including every transitive graph of at least quintic volume growth and every bounded degree nonamenable graph. Several of our results are new even in the case of , . In particular, we prove that every tree in the forest has spectral dimension and walk dimension almost surely, and that the critical exponents governing the intrinsic diameter and volume of the past of a vertex in the forest are and respectively. (The past of a vertex in the uniform spanning forest is the finite component that is disconnected from infinity when that vertex is deleted from the forest.) We obtain as a corollary that the critical exponent governing the extrinsic diameter of the past is on any transitive graph of at least five dimensional polynomial growth, and is on any bounded degree nonamenable graph. We deduce that the critical exponents describing the diameter and total number of topplings in an avalanche in the Abelian sandpile model are and respectively for any transitive graph with polynomial growth of dimension at least five, and are and respectively for any bounded degree nonamenable graph. In the case of , , some of our results regarding critical exponents recover earlier results of Bhupatiraju, Hanson, and J'arai (2017). In this case, we improve upon their results by showing that the tail probabilities in question are described by the appropriate power laws to within constant-order multiplicative errors, rather than the polylogarithmic-order multiplicative errors present in that work.

Signal selection for estimation and identification in networks of dynamic systems: a graphical model approach (1905.12132v1)

Donatello Materassi, Murti V. Salapaka


Network systems have become a ubiquitous modeling tool in many areas of science where nodes in a graph represent distributed processes and edges between nodes represent a form of dynamic coupling. When a network topology is already known (or partially known), two associated goals are (i) to derive estimators for nodes of the network which cannot be directly observed or are impractical to measure; and (ii) to quantitatively identify the dynamic relations between nodes. In this article we address both problems in the challenging scenario where only some outputs of the network are being measured and the inputs are not accessible. The approach makes use of the notion of -separation for the graph associated with the network. In the considered class of networks, it is shown that the proposed technique can determine or guide the choice of optimal sparse estimators. The article also derives identification methods that are applicable to cases where loops are present providing a different perspective on the problem of closed-loop identification. The notion of -separation is a central concept in the area of probabilistic graphical models, thus an additional contribution is to create connections between control theory and machine learning techniques.

Chaotic Dynamics

Topological computation analysis of meteorological time-series data (1805.03059v2)

Hidetoshi Morita, Masaru Inatsu, Hiroshi Kokubu


A topological computation method, called the MGSTD method, is applied to time-series data obtained from meteorological measurement. The method gives decomposition of the dynamics into invariant sets and gradient-like transitions between them, by dividing the phase space into grids and representing the time-series as a combinatorial multi-valued map over the grids. Since the time-series is highly stochastic, the multi-valued map is statistically determined by taking preferable transitions between the grids into account. The time-series data are principal components of pressure pattern in troposphere and stratosphere in the northern hemisphere. The application yields some particular transitions between invariant sets, which leads to circular motion on the phase space spanned by the principal components. The Morse sets and the circular motion are consistent with the characteristic pressure patterns and the change between them that have been shown in preceding meteorological studies.

Uncorrelated Configurations and Field Uniformity in Reverberation Chambers Stirred by Tunable Metasurfaces (1905.12757v1)

Jean-Baptiste Gros, Geoffroy Lerosey, Fabrice Mortessagne, Ulrich Kuhl, Olivier Legrand


Reverberation chambers are currently used to test electromagnetic compatibility as well as to characterize antenna efficiency, wireless devices, and MIMO systems. The related measurements are based on statistical averages and their fluctuations. We introduce a very efficient mode stirring process based on electronically reconfigurable metasurfaces (ERMs). By locally changing the field boundary conditions, the ERMs allow to generate a humongous number of uncorrelated field realizations even within small reverberation chambers. We fully experimentally characterize this stirring process by determining these uncorrelated realizations via the autocorrelation function of the transmissions. The IEC-standard uniformity criterion parameter is also investigated and reveals the performance of this stirring. The effect of short paths on the two presented quantities is identified. We compare the experimental results on the uniformity criterion parameter with a corresponding model based on random matrix theory and find a good agreement, where the only parameter, the modal overlap, is extracted by the quality factor.

Bohmian trajectories in an entangled two-qubit system (1905.12619v1)

Athanasios Tzemos, George Contopoulos, Christos Efthymiopoulos


In this paper we examine the evolution of Bohmian trajectories in the presence of quantum entanglement. We study a simple two-qubit system composed of two coherent states and investigate the impact of quantum entanglement on chaotic and ordered trajectories via both numerical and analytical calculations.

A Universal Operator Growth Hypothesis (1812.08657v4)

Daniel E. Parker, Xiangyu Cao, Alexander Avdoshkin, Thomas Scaffidi, Ehud Altman


We present a hypothesis for the universal properties of operators evolving under Hamiltonian dynamics in many-body systems. The hypothesis states that successive Lanczos coefficients in the continued fraction expansion of the Green's functions grow linearly with rate in generic systems, with an extra logarithmic correction in 1d. The rate --- an experimental observable --- governs the exponential growth of operator complexity in a sense we make precise. This exponential growth even prevails beyond semiclassical or large- limits. Moreover, upper bounds a large class of operator complexity measures, including the out-of-time-order correlator. As a result, we obtain a sharp bound on Lyapunov exponents , which complements and improves the known universal low-temperature bound . We illustrate our results in paradigmatic examples such as non-integrable spin chains, the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model, and classical models. Finally we use the hypothesis in conjunction with the recursion method to develop a technique for computing diffusion constants.

Chaos-preserving reduction of the spin-flip model for VCSELs: failure of the adiabatic elimination of the spin-population difference (1902.00055v3)

Martin Virte, Francesco Ferranti


When studying the dynamics of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers, and their polarization properties, the spin-flip model appears to be the simplest model qualitatively reproducing all dynamical features that have been observed experimentally. Nonetheless, because of the fast time-scale of the spin-relaxation processes, the specific role and the importance of the spin-population difference - which is one of the specific feature of the spin-flip model - has been continuously questioned. In fact, the debate regarding the possible adiabatic elimination of the spin-population remains fully open. In this paper, our goal is to bring new light into this issue by demonstrating that this variable is essential to preserve the most complex dynamical features predicted by the spin-flip model, such as polarization chaos, and, therefore, needs to be conserved. To do so, we first perform a detailed analysis, focusing on the chaotic dynamics, to determine the minimal embedding dimension for the spin-flip model. As the latter confirms that a reduction of the model could be envisaged, we then consider the adiabatic elimination of the spin-population difference to highlight and explain its failure to reproduce essential dynamical features obtained in the original model.

Cellular Automata And Lattice Gases

Coarse Graining of Partitioned Cellular Automata (1905.10391v1)

Pedro C. S. Costa, Fernando de Melo


Partitioned cellular automata are known to be an useful tool to simulate linear and nonlinear problems in physics, specially because they allow for a straightforward way to define conserved quantities and reversible dynamics. Here we show how to construct a local coarse graining description of partitioned cellular automata. By making use of this tool we investigate the effective dynamics in this model of computation. All examples explored are in the scenario of lattice gases, so that the information lost after the coarse graining is related to the number of particles. It becomes apparent how difficult it is to remain with a deterministic dynamics after coarse graining. Several examples are shown where an effective stochastic dynamics is obtained after a deterministic dynamics is coarse grained. These results suggest why random processes are so common in nature. Although all the cases presented assume one-dimensional lattices, we show how our approach can be extended to higher dimensions.

Simply modified GKL density classifiers that reach consensus faster (1904.07411v2)

J. Ricardo G. Mendonça


The two-state Gacs-Kurdyumov-Levin (GKL) cellular automaton has been a staple model in the study of complex systems due to its ability to classify binary arrays of symbols according to their initial density. We show that a class of modified GKL models over extended neighborhoods, but still involving only three cells at a time, achieves comparable density classification performance but in some cases reach consensus more than twice as fast. Our results suggest the time to consensus (relative to the length of the CA) as a complementary measure of density classification performance.

A trust model for spreading gossip in social networks (1905.11204v1)

Rinni Bhansali, Laura P. Schaposnik


We introduce here a multi-type bootstrap percolation model, which we call T-Bootstrap Percolation (T-BP), and apply it to study information propagation in social networks. In this model, a social network is represented by a graph G whose vertices have different labels corresponding to the type of role the person plays in the network (e.g. a student, an educator, etc.). Once an initial set of vertices of G is randomly selected to be carrying a gossip (e.g. to be infected), the gossip propagates to a new vertex provided it is transmitted by a minimum threshold of vertices with different labels. By considering random graphs, which have been shown to closely represent social networks, we study different properties of the T-BP model through numerical simulations, and describe its implications when applied to rumour spread, fake news, and marketing strategies.

Two-species hardcore reversible cellular automaton: matrix ansatz for dynamics and nonequilibrium stationary state (1903.10590v2)

Marko Medenjak, Vladislav Popkov, Tomaž Prosen, Eric Ragoucy, Matthieu Vanicat


In this paper we study the statistical properties of a reversible cellular automaton in two out-of-equilibrium settings. In the first part we consider two instances of the initial value problem, corresponding to the inhomogeneous quench and the local quench. Our main result is an exact matrix product expression of the time evolution of the probability distribution, which we use to determine the time evolution of the density profiles analytically. In the second part we study the model on a finite lattice coupled with stochastic boundaries. Once again we derive an exact matrix product expression of the stationary distribution, as well as the particle current and density profiles in the stationary state. The exact expressions reveal the existence of different phases with either ballistic or diffusive transport depending on the boundary parameters.

Brief Notes and History Computing in Mexico during 50 years (1905.07527v1)

Genaro J. Martinez, Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora, Sergio V. Chapa-Vergara, Christian Lemaitre


The history of computing in Mexico can not be thought without the name of Prof. Harold V. McIntosh (1929-2015). For almost 50 years, in Mexico he contributed to the development of computer science with wide international recognition. Approximately in 1964, McIntosh began working in the Physics Department of the Advanced Studies Center (CIEA) of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), now called CINVESTAV. In 1965, at the National Center of Calculus (CeNaC), he was a founding member of the Master in Computing, first in Latin America. With the support of Mario Baez Camargo and Enrique Melrose, McIntosh continues his research of Martin-Baltimore Computer Center and University of Florida at IBM 709.

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