How I'm Feeling 21 Days into the Paleo Diet

in #paleo7 years ago (edited)

Paleo, Whole30, Whole, 30, Dinner, Plate, Cooking

Today marks a full three weeks since my last grain, legume, or dairy product and I feel incredible!

It's hard to believe we're already this far, but here we are. Since going Paleo, I am more energetic, have better sleep, and my mental abilities have sharpened.

Grain (wheat especially) and dairy together make for a rough combo digestively, and would often leave my energy level depleted. Eating a diet made up of almost entirely of whole foods has done my body and mind well.

The Changes have been gradual but are definitely palpable at this stage.

Around two weeks in, I began to feel a shift in my appetite, feeling a reduced need for snacks. I still have intense cravings for snacks here and there, but they have begun to fade. Coconut/Cassava-based tortilla chips have been a godsend, as they mimic the corn version well.

I haven't binged as much on snack foods, which I attribute to a lack of wheat products. There are definitely addictive properties to wheat.

An article by Dr. William Davis, a cardiologist and author of "Wheat Belly" points out the habit-forming qualities of this 'whole grain':

Wheat is addictive in the sense that it comes to dominate thoughts and behaviors. Wheat is addictive in the sense that, if you don’t have any for several hours, you start to get nervous, foggy, tremulous, and start desperately seeking out another “hit” of crackers, bagels, or bread, even if it’s the few stale 3-month old crackers at the bottom of the box. Wheat is addictive in the sense that there is a distinct withdrawal syndrome characterized by overwhelming fatigue, mental “fog,” inability to exercise, even depression that lasts several days, occasionally several weeks.

Background, Baguette, Baked, Bakery, Bread, Brown

Shockingly, Davis discusses that wheat consumption stimulates calorie consumption an average of additional 440 calories per day!

That's a ton of additional calories to consume, not to mention the inflammatory, and leaky-gut properties of this 'whole grain' that lead to additional health concerns.

I intend to incorporate other grains back into my diet, as well as a small amount of dairy, but I intend to avoid consuming wheat after my 30-day commitment is over.

This experiment also includes other variables

In addition to going paleo, I have not consumed a drop of alcohol over this time, and have gone for a run almost every day, both of which are also new developments.
Runners, Silhouettes, Athletes, Fitness, Men, Healthy

Once you start a new beneficial pattern, you want to try other ways to improve yourself. Change is infectious, especially if you see large results. I am going to be starting a new multi-vitamin tomorrow, as a way to further supplement my march towards optimal health.

It hasn't been totally smooth sailing

My partner, who has also taken the Paleo plunge with me, has been struggling with soft and irregular bowel movements. I had read that this was normal in the first few weeks, so she waited until the end of the third week before deciding to make a change.

She ate wild rice for the first time today, as she believes she may be suffering from fat absorption issues. Our nutritional therapist friend stating that when she goes paleo, she often eats rice to help ease some of these symptoms. There may be other factors we are unaware of contributing, but hopefully this small amount of grain helps.

I intend to stay on the diet until the 30 days are up next week, as I haven't experienced those issues, with the exception of one day. It's been an incredible health journey thus far, and I am inspired to continue making changes. Here's to health!

All images from or my personal account.

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Great post @colinhoward.
In my personal experience, in every diet, the hardest moments are in the first 3 weeks!!!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!!!

Thank you for the kind words : )

It's amazing how much we can change if we allow ourselves too. This radical diet shift has become much easier with time.

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