What's left but the platform, tokens and blockchain? The First Month On Steemit | 抛开平台、代币、区块链谈在 Steemit 上的第一个月

in #cn6 years ago (edited)

Preface | 前言


Time does fly, I've joined Steemit for a whole month already. Being busy around and finally start writing it now.
时间很快,已经加入 Steemit 平台一个月了,这篇文章拖了两天才开始写。

Joining Steemit brought me a huge interest in crypto currency and I did invest some like EOS. As a programmer I would love to talk about how everything works here in Steemit and how excited I am. After all consideration and reviews for my first month, however, I decided not to talk about anything related to the platform itself, SMT tokens or the blockchain.
加入 Steemit 给我带来了对加密货币的极大兴趣,并且尝试投资了一些加密货币,如 EOS。作为一只程序猿,我一激动就想在这大讲特讲 Steemit 这个平台的运行机制等等。但是,在我回顾了我整整一个月后,我决定不提半个关于平台本身、代币系统、或是区块链技术的字。

Prologue - Rising | 序 - 涌动

Rising, all feelings came back like it was yesterday.

November 30th, 2016. Midnight, had distribute npm and Hexo system. Pushed the code to the remote cloud, that moment, I guess it was the most exciting moment in past 3 years. My personal blog website went online.
2016 年,11 月 30日的凌晨,部署完 npm 和 Hexo 分支,本地仓库 push 到远程的时候,真的是特别的兴奋。那一天我的个人博客网站正式上线了。

Night after night, it's hard to stop writing. This feeling, is actually always with me, never stopped since 6th grade in primary school. I hated essays, it is not art at all, like torturing. Later, slowly, schedules got filled with various kinds of events, there's no more time for writing anymore.

It's all rising, all coming back again, with Steemit.
全都又回来了,涌动着,从我认识 Steemit 开始。

Body | 正文

Inspiring | 激励

It's about the same initial motivation with anyone else -- payout. In this inspiring platform, it is just amazing to get paid for your posts. No matter you are an author, a literature lover or just nobody -- it is quite appealing.
跟大多数人一样不,最一开始的动机是 —— 赏金。在这个内容激励平台上,写文章就能拿到回报,这就是很神奇的一件事。不管你是个作家,一个文学爱好者,或者就是平平凡凡的一个普通人 —— 这样一个平台都是非常有吸引力的。

Now, I've had it for a month, and indeed, it is quite inspiring.

It is more talking of honor, self-recognition. It is a process of finding the potential value of your words. The payout for my first month is more than 170 dollars, but it is not about the payout, it is about valuing yourself.
更多的来讲是一种荣誉感,认同感。这是一个寻找自我价值的过程。我这一个月的净收入应该有超过 170 美元了,但是重点不是在收入,而是自己的成果被认可、给予价值的那种喜悦。

The interest of writing is rising, it is rising up. I believe it's not only me, it's for everyone. Steemit some way saved my life then.
这种写作的兴趣开始涌动。我相信这肯定不是仅仅我一个人,而是所有人。Steemit 从某种程度上拯救了我枯燥的生活。

Socialization | 社交

Socialization, always, is the most important ever part of any type of possible societies or groups. Same with Steemit.
社交,一直都是任何社会群体载体中,最核心最重要的一个部分。Steemit 当然不会成为一个例外。

I cannot tell how I appreciate the help from @team-cn , the founders @ericet @honoru and @softmetal . Running alone may be faster, but running together is more likely to make it farther.
不知道该如何感谢 @team-cn 这一村人,还有发起人 @ericet @honoru@softmetal 。一个人孤军奋战可能会很快,但是只有抱团才能做出更大的影响力。

Still remember how excited I was on the first day of Steemit, and how I was crazy about the first $0.01 for my post. Have to mention @freedomshift , who gave me the most important guidance on the first day.
依然记得我第一天是如何的兴奋,是如何地盯着我的文章出现了第一个 $0.01 的价值。不得不提 @freedomshift 在第一天给予我的引导与帮助,让我快速入门。

Read everyone's post, appreciate everyone, upvote everyone, comment everyone, encourage everyone. That's what I've done.

Do and Not to Do | 该与不该

After all I summary some points for newbies here:


  • Be nice to people | 对别人客气
  • Upvote nice posts | 为有质量的文章点赞
  • Always reply to comments | 总是回复别人的评论
  • Join different activities | 参与不同的活动
  • Use tags properly | 适当添加标签
  • Use external tools properly | 适当使用外部工具
  • Be honest and add credit to source | 诚实且注明引用来源

Not to Do:

  • Be mean to people with different aspects | 对持有不同意见的人失礼
  • Abuse downvote button | 随意乱踩文章
  • Don't reply to people at all | 完全不理会别人的留言
  • Run alone, do not get into any community activity. | 孤军奋战,不参与任何社区活动
  • Abuse tags or forget to add "nsfw" tag for improper contents | 随意使用标签且忘记为不适当内容加上 “nsfw” 标签
  • Plagiarism | 剽窃内容

Wish all the bests.



同时,记得谢谢小P把你给扯上淘气包与小可可之间的爱情 XD


哈哈哈,是啊,给捕获了 lol

@coder-bts, 参加月旦评的同学都好厉害,小可可一定支持你哟~~~ img

谢谢小可可 :D



Be nice to people | 对别人客气
Upvote nice posts | 为有质量的文章点赞
Always reply to comments | 总是回复别人的评论
Join different activities | 参与不同的活动
Use tags properly | 适当添加标签
Use external tools properly | 适当使用外部工具
Be honest and add credit to source | 诚实且注明饮用来源 <---- 應該是 引用吧^^

这叫喝水不忘挖井人 :P



你好cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 谢谢你对cn区的贡献。如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。

对了,也一直感谢 @cnbuddy 的支持!


是的,我们可是最早的一批 :D





:/ 该事件系不属实

一起加油 :)





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