"Do you know where to catch the 69?"

in #seattle6 years ago

I was waiting for my bus today, as most days, down by 12th and Jackson. I leave for work early, so even with respect to homeless people I am usually "up before them". It's nice, generally speaking ...

Sure, when I wake up I see the mess from the night before - garbage strewn, grease stains, signs of doings and goings-on that certainly look sketchy, and this is life in the city these days.

This morning some dude, homeless guy, asks me "where to catch the 69?" ...

My outer voice said simply, "no, sorry, I don't know".

My inner voice wanted to say, "dude, down off of 1st Avenue or maybe Aurora ... but it will cost you $100 man ..."

Sure, that inner voice is kind of a jackass, but it's what I wanted to say ...

Besides ...

You "catch the 69" ... you'll probably catch something else.


I know how you feel. Glad you were polite to the guy though, he could use some ramen and beans! ; )

Totally dude ... I was close to being homeless a few months ago ... it's just funny how the decay, the slow-motion car wreck that is modernity, can become the stuff of normality.

Well said... that is the way it seems to be..here's hoping for better!

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