Visit the Rotterdam Market Hall with @cn-reader (1)🧀🌽全球颜值最高的菜市场究竟长什么样?(一)

in #cn6 years ago

In my last post, we had a look at the Sydney Fish Market, and now I’m going to show you another marvelous market - the Market Hall in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Let’s start from the horseshoe-like building:


This archy building is about 40 meters tall, and has a glass facade on both sides, which are made up of smaller glass windows. Housing also apartments and an underground garage in the complex, it is a combination of food, leisure, living and parking.

The inside of the building is adorned with an 11.000 m2 artwork displaying enlarged fruits, vegetables, fish, flowers and insects. The work was made using digital 3D-animation that was separated in 4000 pieces and then printed on perforated aluminum panels. Some call this large artwork "The Sistine Chapel of Rotterdam".

这个巨型拱廊高约40米,表面的灰色石块上镶嵌着大量小块玻璃窗。 除了中间的菜市场,两边和顶部建有公寓,地下还有个四层的停车场,可停1200多辆车。建筑内部的装饰画面积达11000平米,布满了放大的水果蔬菜、花鸟虫鱼等图案。这副巨作是由4000块立体动画拼成,然后打印在镂空的铝制板材上。有些人称这块大壁画为“鹿特丹的西斯廷教堂”,因为西斯廷教堂的穹顶上有米开朗基罗绘制的巨型壁画《创世纪》和《最后的审判》。


我来了碗越南风味的沙拉,跟在越南本土吃到的味道还挺接近的。市场里还有家中国超市和荷兰的本土超市Albert Heijn, 这间连锁超市售卖很多来自世界各地的新鲜蔬果,尤其是小青菜,香菇之类的亚洲品种,平时很难在一般比利时超市找到。由于Albert Heijn比亚超要普遍得多,所以我住在比利时的时候常常去这家荷兰超市扫货,呵呵,又是沾荷兰的光。

Where the Market Hall was built is also an archaeological site. The site used to be a fourteenth-century buried settlement in a polder. The Dutch word "polder" is frequently associated with the Netherlands, since about half of the country's land was reclaimed from the sea. Dutch engineers have been developing techniques to drain wetlands for agriculture and other development. There's even an English saying: "God created the world, but the Dutch created the Netherlands". =) Later during the building of the Market Hall, a tenth-century farm was also found 7 meters under the ground.

建造大市场的地址原是一处圩田,这里在十四世纪时曾是个小村落,在建过程中,又发现地下7米处有个十世纪的农场(可怜的荷兰人,寸土寸金啊,小小的国土到处都要物尽其用)。“圩田”这个词就来自荷兰语,这也是勤劳智慧的荷兰人民千百年来填海造田的辛酸血泪史(可能我有点夸张了,说不定他们乐在其中呢 ;p 哈哈)。整个国家大约一半的土地都是朝大海要来的。英语里甚至有个说法:“世界是上帝创造的,荷兰却是荷兰人创造的”。:D

Now let's get inside. Do you like the name of this butcher shop? Nice to meat~ Haha, isn't it sweet? Not for vegetarians perhaps. And that national cow with tulips and a flag of the Netherlands. Hmm, this is a genuine Dutch shop... ;)

下面这个肉店的名字是不是挺有创意的?可能素食主义者并没觉得有多nice吧,呵呵,反正我这个肉食动物觉得Nice to Meat的名字起得还不错。名字旁边还有头著名的荷兰乳牛,作为从小喝着这个牌子奶粉长大的我,对它真是充满感激。 :D 牛身上还有荷兰的象征郁金香和国旗,真是家充满荷兰风情的小肉店呀。

Combo of fresh berries:

Super papaya:

Mickey Mouse fruits coated in chocolate:

Spanish ham and wine, also pinchos(small snacks, oh I should write a post about my trip in northern Spain where there is full of pinchos):

Flower bulbs:

Mushroom-shaped price signs:

Ok, that's it for today's Market Hall in Rotterdam. Hope you enjoyed it like I did! =) Stay tuned for the second half next Sunday!


All content by @itchyfeetdonica
图文 by Donica多


@cn-reader, 佩服!佩服!

post a beautiful pal by. @ adit123

This is such a terrific market and such a interesting history. Thank you for the information and photos

You are welcome @trendygran! Thank you for dropping by. =)

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