6/21/2020 Entry to the Steemit Diary Game - Father's Day at the Greene Turtle

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! Yesterday was a fun day, and it was also father's day. I did a lot. In the entry to follow, I will discuss my day:


I am including this picture here for the thumbnail. It is my family and me at the Greene Turtle.

My Life

On a side note, here is a public instagram post I saw of the sunrise in Chester County yesterday. I screenshotted it to include:


There are very few places in the world as beautiful as Pennsylvania (in my opinion). . .

I woke up around 6:50am yesterday. I had intended to wake up at 7am, but my mother came in and woke me up because she thought I had overslept. What usually happens is I don't feel confident, and wake up at 5:30am to make sure the music for church is learned properly. However, this week I was confident, so I slept in.

I showered, and drove to the church. When I got to the church, I ran through all of the hymns, and was satisfied with them. I then ran through the prelude. My coworker then walked in and told me that she heard me practicing. She reminded me that the middle hymn was done by the virtual choir this week, and that we weren't singing it live. I felt like an idiot since I literally sang in the virtual choir, and still didn't remember that that had been the hymn we'd done. Whatever-the-case, it is better to be too prepared than not prepared enough.

We practiced the hymns, and that went swell. I then considered running through the prelude on the piano I was going to play it on. I decided against it because I didn't want to overdo it, and mess my self up by playing it too much.

By the way, this week I was playing an original composition for the prelude. That being VI. God is Good (from several months ago). I have never actually played it live, so this was kind of the "world premiere".

When it came time for the prelude, I got through the first page without any problems. On the second page, I began to hear some reverb in the speakers, and it distracted me. I messed up a measure and thought" it's okay. I can still pull it together in the next measure." When the next measure came, I messed up even worse. I thought "It's okay. Everything will be fine in the next measure." I then played that measure and messed up even more. I thought "I'm doomed. This performance is ruined," and the rest of the piece was fine. Here's a recording of the piece I played:

The church service went well other than those few measures in the prelude. I left the church around 9:45am.

When I got home, I asked my parents if they wanted to watch something, but my father had something to do. So my mother and I watched a Scooby Doo Movie called "Scooby Doo and the Gourmet Ghost". We sometimes watch children's movies together for fun. I would like to brag that I predicted who the bad guy was on my sixth guess.

I then went upstairs to write the diary entry, but got side tracked by moving stuff to the attic, and texting Emma. I eventually got around to writing the diary entry though.

After doing the diary entry, I wanted a short activity to go between writing that post and writing my next Achievement post, so I decided to try to record a game of Bed Wars for this entry. That wound up taking two hours. I am not the best, and I kept losing like 15 minutes into the game (meaning I was one of the last people left alive). I refused to give up though because I didn't want it to be a waste of time.

The most frustrating loss was when I was bedless, but the last guy was really far away, and I could get to his bed before him. I started bridging only to learn that he was a fly hacker. He flew over to me and killed me to win the game. I was really angry.

Then this game happened. You can hear my frustration with the guy who was next to me. Just so you know, fireballs are projectiles that can be thrown and blow up blocks such as wool and clay. Here is the game I recorded:

After I finished that game, I took some time to send out text messages to all of my friends who have created Steemit accounts over the years, and informed them about the diary game. I got several maybes, and 2 definite posters. I am very glad that they are joining, and will be resteeming their entries! I already did resteem @jmor's first entry.

Anyway, after that I finally started work on the second achievement's article. This achievement's curriculum is to learn about the different keys and their functions. I hope that the article I laid out is helpful, and more importantly, the users have fun doing it!

In the middle of writing that, my family went for dinner in Delaware at 6:30pm. This was our first time eating at a restaurant in several months. I had a hamburger (I know so interesting). The indoor dining experience was very unique considering the restaurant was only allowed to be at 30 percent capacity. I would hate to be a restaurant owner right now.

Here are some pictures we got at dinner:




We celebrated father's day, and Grandad and Miss Lee gave me a wallet for graduation. Here is a picture of that:

new wallet.jpg

I will always treasure that wallet, but I have had my current wallet since I was 4, so I am going to continue to use that one for now. I am really grateful for the new wallet though! Perhaps I will start a tradition of passing it down to my grandchildren.


One funny story from the restaurant is that an incredibly old man (in a mask) walked over and asked me:

Are there any single ones at this table I can flirt with?

I missed the greatest opportunity of my life to hand him a one dollar bill. I am still so angry that I missed that opportunity. I just awkwardly responded "no?", and he walked away.

After we got home from dinner, I continued working on the security achievement's article. I finished it around 10pm, and decided to go to bed.

I then decided I wanted to write the next achievement's article, so I wrote the next achievement's article (about posting etiquette), and finished it around midnight. I hope to write out some more articles today. I want to get through writing out all the explanations and samples as quickly as possible so that I can create the central article with the list of achievements.

While writing both articles, my friends were messaging me with questions about how to use Steem, and I was also conversing with several new users (and the other greeters) on discord. I look forward to reading all of their posts!

At midnight, Emma and I talked briefly about our days. We had intended to talk at 10pm, but she was busy. She asked to talk at midnight, so we did. I went to bed around 1am. It was a good day! Happy father's day @remlaps! Thanks for being the best father ever, and bringing me to Steem four years ago!






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