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RE: The evolution of Adam - a conundrum

in #religion7 years ago

Photo Credit: Cain flying before Jehovah's Curse, by Fernand-Anne Piestre -1880

What the Bible says about "Creation" in its very different versions, is mostly irrelevant. The Christian "Bible" creation stories were taken from the Jewish Books wrongly attributed to Moses. These were written by Jewish Temple Priests sometime in the 5th of 6th Century BC.

Either the Priests decided to write down these oral stories and/or made up different parts to conform to current custom or to remove any ambiguity or other issues. These were assembled into the "Books of Moses" , which included; Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy. None of which were actually written by Moses, who was long since dead.

The reason to write them down at this time is that the Jews were released from Slavery in Babylon and returned home, constructing the second Temple in Jerusalem and writing everything down was seen as another way to bind the recently freed community of Jews together in a common culture.

Many of the passages are Sumerian stories and modified to fit the beliefs of the writer(s) and constituted Genesis, The story of Noah is from the Sumerian Flood Myth. Parts of the story of Moses are almost exactly the same as the stores of Sargon the Great:

My high priestess mother conceived me, in secret she bore me. She set me in a basket of rushes, with bitumen she sealed my lid. She cast me into the river which rose over me. The river bore me up and carried me to Akki, the drawer of water. Akki, the drawer of water, took me as his son and reared me. Akki, the drawer of water, appointed me as his gardener. While I was a gardener, Ishtar granted me her love, and for four and ... years I exercised kingship."

This passage is almost identical to the story of Moses.

None of this is a big surprise as all Jews claim to be descended from Abraham, who was a Sumerian and resided in the City of Ur (or Uruk). Noah was also a Sumerian and Abraham was the grandson of Noah's son Shem, who lived to be 600 years old.

If one reads these stories, you have to keep in mind that each is a copy of a copy passed down as an oral history, long before being written down in what would become Hebrew.

Also, the Story of "Adam and Eve" does not say they were the only people on the Earth, just that "They" were created by "God". Cain is exiled to the "Land of Nod" and obviously there were people there as well as wives for the two sons of Adam and Eve.

DNA Double Helix???

This mirrors the Sumerian creation story in which the Gods engineered man as a slave race from the people who were already present on the Earth when they arrived. They created man to be like the Gods in every way except eternal life, making them in their image.

The long ages of people reported in the Hebrew bible also mirrors the Sumerian Kings list, which gives very long ages, compared to today of many Kings. Pre-flood the ages of Kings was even longer, according to Sumerian records.

In conclusion, one must look at all the literature and history of the time, if you want to get a complete and honest accounting of where stories come from and how cultures see themselves and evolve over time. Reading any one book, that purports to be the "Truth" is always a mistake.


That is one set of viewpoints and quite popular in some circles but its not the only viewpoint, there are others just as intriguing and with as much basis.

Correct, we need to have fact based review of the historic records, backed by real evidence and not revisionist creations masquerading as "Truth".

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