Vegan chocolate mouse for Mary Magdalene feast day! (ecotrain)

in #food7 years ago (edited)

Vegan chocolate mouse for Mary Magdalene feast day!

Hi everyone,

Today is Mary of Magdalene feast day. A day to celebrate the sacred feminine and the power of the womb. As it's a feast I think we should feast!

I woke up with a craving for chocolate this morning. I normally eat fruits first thing but I thought, I can make something chocolaty with banana!
So... I put in a blender: half a banana, four soft dates, two or three table spoons of extra virgin coconut oil, and one really big heaping table spoon of, preferably raw, cocoa powder. Blend it.......mouse! voila!
Ooh yummy and not that bad for you at all, in fact it's super medicine! ;-)


Love it! Looks like the perfect healthy indulgence on this day! And really liking your recipes :)

Thank you! More coming soon!

I like your posts a lot. the quality of images is very good as well as the content. cool stuff. @clara-andriessen

I need this

Go and make it! <3 We all need chocolate!

Mmm! Love it. yum yom, give me some now etc. Also did not know the Mary Magdalene link - thanks :-)

Glad you like it! Wait till you taste it! ;-) It's more of a personal way to celebrate Mary of Magdalene day, but I do hear of more people who link Mary of Magdalene to chocolate. :-) It must be the soothing sweet loving feeling you get from it. <3

MMMMmm, I've tasted this.. TOO GOOD!

You made it with the same ingredients?

WOW... this looks good :) I must go and try :)

Looking Amazing.

I didn´t know about Mary Magdalena´s Feast day. Thank you for sharing.

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