in #steemchurch6 years ago

Greetings to all the parishioners of our church #steemchurch and to our amiable spiritual director @sirkinght and to the @apostles. It is really to see another great day that our lord has made . Happy sunday to you all. I will be talking about "THE ACT OF CHARITY".


The 10 great commandment given to us by our father in heaven through moses is actually divided into two parts which are; (a). The love for God and (b). The love for our neighbours.

So it is imperative for us to show gueniue love to the people around us through the act of giving, lending a helping hands, playing with them, showing concern,e.t.c. Now let take a look at the meaning of charity. This mainly mean the act of showing love through different ways. It could also mean "The practice of charity means the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a humanitarian act."


Way you could induge in the act of charity


There many ways one could induge in the act of charity , and some of these include the following;

  1. Through Giving
    The act of charity in this manner is most common around us. It is a way of helping those in need when you are at the disposal of that thing . This giving could be in terms of monetry form( money), knowledge, strenght, e.t.c

  2. Through concern
    This is one of the act of charity i consider the best. It is one of the difficult one and the most rare thing found around us. It is actually giving attention to the things happening around, and to your neighbours. Always try to show concern to things happening around you and don't feel less concern.

  3. Through Assistance
    The act of charity is felt through giving assistance or lending a helpful hands to those in need of it. It could be some need something from you e.g, you see an old woman trying to carry a heavy load all by herself, he or she could give her an assistance of helping her lift or carry the load. Through the this act we have shown love to her and more especially to God our father

  4. Through Respect
    This is one of the origin of building or laying a good foundation of a child. The act of charity is seen in the respect of younger ones to their elders and also important the respect of the elders ones to the younger ones.

    That is why a wise man once said that " respaect is reciprocial"
    NOTE: if we say that we love God and we keep his commmandment by respecting him , then we should ourselves, respect and love our fellow neighbours as they too was created in the same image and likness of God our creator.

Ways we get the act of charity wrong


There are more than one ways we get the act of charity wrong but thinking we are performing the geniune act of charity. Some of these ways include the following;

  1. Pretence
    This is claiming that you are doing the act of charity, but actually not performing anything.

  2. Lieing
    This is the easiest way of false acting of charity. It is very quick to say something but very hard to do it

  3. Through force
    It is the unwillingness or the undesire for somenoe to do something. This is when it does not come within oneself or heart or desire. You are been pushed to do it.


So my brothers and sisters in christ , i urge everyone of us to always see the need of charity and not just charity but geniune one, as they will say

A good example is not far fetch in the life of our only knight for now @sirknight. I am really appreciative for your kind gesture.





Charity means the voluntary giving of help to those in need, as a humanitarian act.

You can do this anywhere and anytime



it is imperative for us to show genuine love to the people around us through the act of giving, lending a helping hands, playing with them, showing concern

Warm regards


It is better to give than to receive..... hope you are making a difference in your neighborhood..... thanks for sharing

Yes i am really doing that and even in my school.

Happy sunday to you too, charity does begin at hope, it is of great importance to teach the young ones that sharing and giving is q Godly way of life!

It is more blessed to give than to receive.
, charity does begin at hope, it is of great importance to teach the young ones that sharing and giving is q Godly way of life!

"So it is imperative for us to show gueniue love to the people around us through the act of giving, lending a helping hands, playing with them, showing concern,e.t.c."
It is our duty and we ought to act like our savior.


The act of giving will go a long way to saving humankind, so the modern world is filled with evil, it makes one want to be greedy but we should learn t9 see through it and continue being kind for God work in mysterious and amazing ways!

Nice one @cjofficial

The act of charity is always very good, God loves it when we do something with a sincere heart and he will bless us beyound our imagination there is saying which goes like this " O my God, I love You above all things, with my
whole heart and soul, because You are all-good and worthy of all love. I love my neighbor as myself for the love of You. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured". (Amen)

Giving is like sowing a seed in the garden of Eden, you'll reap a handsome reward.

We should endeavor to be charitable in our own little way in the society!

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