The Lost Book of Enki: Tablet 2

in #history6 years ago

Alalu's flight in a nuclear-armed spacecraft.
He sets his course to Ki, the seventh planet (Earth).
Why he expects to find gold on Earth.
The solar-system's cosmogony; Tiamat's water and gold.
The appearance of Nibiru from outer space.
The Celestial Battle and Tiamat's breakup.
Earth, half of Tiamat, inherits her waters and gold.
Kingu, Tiamat's main satellite, becomes the Moon of Earth.
Nibiru is destined to forever orbit the Sun.
Alalu's arrival and landing on Earth.
Alalu, discovering gold, holds Nibiru's fate in his hands.


The second tablet doesn't actually have a lot to go over as it mostly details Alalu's journey to Earth and the creation of Earth that Alalu knew of. To get through the Hammered Bracelet, Alalu used the Weapons of Terror to blow a large chunk away and make a path through them. He did it, he made it to Earth in the "Eagle's Seat" a crash landing, but all was well. Alalu alive on a planet filled with gold.


So how did Earth attain all of its gold? Earth used to be an entirely different planet and it was much larger. Tiamat was its name, a watery beauty. Beside her, Mammu (Mercury) presenting to Tiamat the beauty of gold! Tiamat would also have multiple moons formed around it, Kingu (our moon) being one of them. Then, from the depths came a new planet, passing by An and Antu to be named Nibiru (the tale of the planets is told as if they are people) and they would send Nibiru on a course to challenge Tiamat. Between the two Nibiru gathered nine servants (moons?) Tiamat and Nibiru would collide, but it is described in a strange way!


Toward the raging Tiamat he set his face, a spell with his lips he uttered.
As a cloak for protection he the Pulser and the Emitter put on;
With a fearsome radiance his head was crowned.
On his right he posted the Smiter, on his left the Repeller he placed.
The seven winds, his host of helpers, like a storm he sent forth;
Toward the raging Tiamat he was rushing, clamoring for battle.
The gods thronged about him, then from his path they departed,
To scan Tiamat and her helpers alone he was advancing,
The scheme of Kingu, her host's commander, to conceive.
When he saw valiant Kingu, blurred became his vision;
As he gazed upon the monsters his direction was distracted,
His course became upset, his doings were confused.
Tiamat's band tightly her encircled, with terror they trembled.
Tiamat to her roots gave a shudder, a mighty roar she emitted;
On Nibiru she cast a spell, engulfed him with her charms.
The issue between them was joined, the battle was unavoided!
Face to face they came, Tiamat and Nibiru; against each other they were advancing.
They for battle approached, they pressed on for single combat.
The Lord spread his net, to encompass her he cast it;
With fury Tiamat cried out, like one possessed she lost her senses.
The Evil Wind, which had been behind him, Nibiru drove forward, in her face he let it
She opened her mouth the Evil Wind to swallow, but could not close her lips.
The Evil Wind charged her belly, into her innards it made its way.
Her innards were howling, her body was distended, her mouth was open wide.
Through the opening Nibiru shot a brilliant arrow a lightning most divine.
It pierced her innards, her belly it tore apart;
It tore into her womb, it split apart her heart.
Having thus subdued her, her life-breath he extinguished.
The lifeless body Nibiru surveyed, like a slaughtered carcass Tiamat now was.
Beside their lifeless mistress, her eleven helpers trembled with terror;
In Nibiru's net they were captured, unable they were to flee.
Kingu, who by Tiamat was made the host's chief, was among them.
The Lord put him in fetters, to his lifeless mistress he bound him.
He wrested from Kingu the Tablets of Destinies, unrightly to him given,
Stamped it with his own seal, fastened the Destine to his own chest.
The others of Tiamat's band as captives he bound, in his circuit he them ensnared.
He trampled them underfoot, cut them up to pieces.
He bound them all to his circuit; to turn around he made them, backward to course.
From the Place of the Battle Nibiru then departed,
To the gods who had him appointed the victory to announce.
He made a circuit about Apsu, to Kishar and Anshar lie journeyed.
Gaga came out to greet him, as a herald to the others he then journeyed.
Beyond An and Antu, Nibiru to the Abode in the Deep proceeded.
The fate of lifeless Tiamat and of Kingu he then considered,
To Tiamat, whom he had subdued, the Lord Nibiru then returned.
He made his way to her, paused to view her lifeless body;
To artfully divide the monster in his heart lie was planning.
Then, as a mussel, into two parts he split her, her chest from her
lower parts he separated.
Her inner channels he cut apart, her golden veins he beheld with wonder.
Trodding upon her hinder part, the Lord her upper part completely severed.
The North Wind, his helper, from his side he summoned,
To thrust away the severed head the Wind he commanded, in the void to place it.
Nibiru Wind upon Tiamat then hovered, sweeping upon her gushing waters.
Nibiru shot a lightning, to North Wind he gave a signal;
In a brilliance was Tiamat's upper part to a region unknown carried.
With her the bound Kingu was also exiled, of the severed part a companion to be.
The hinder part's fate Nibiru then considered:
As an everlasting trophy of the battle he wished it to be,
A constant reminder in the heavens, the Place of the Battle to enshrine.
With his mace the hinder part he smashed to bits and pieces,
Then strung them together as a band to form a Hammered Bracelet.
Locking them together, as watchmen he stationed them,
A Firmament to divide the waters from the waters.
The Upper Waters above the Firmament from the Waters Below it
he separated;
Artful works Nibiru thus fashioned.
The Lord then crossed the heavens to survey the regions;
From Apsu's quarter to the abode of Gaga he measured the dimensions.
The edge of the Deep Nibiru then examined, toward his birthplace
he cast his gaze.
He paused and hesitated; then to the Firmament, the Place of the
Battle, slowly he returned.
Passing again in Apsu's region, of the Sun's missing spouse he thought with remorse.
He gazed upon Tiamat's wounded half, to her Upper Part he gave attention;
The waters of life, her bounty, from the wounds were still pouring.
Her golden veins Apsu's rays were reflecting.
The Seed of Life, his Creator's legacy, Nibiru then remembered.
When he trod on Tiamat, when he split her asunder, to her the seed he surely imparted!
He addressed words to Apsu, to him thus saying:
With your warming rays, to the wounds give healing!
Let the broken part new life be given, in your family as a daughter to be,
Let the waters to one place be gathered, let firm land appear!
By Firm Land let her be called, Ki henceforth her name to be!
Apsu to the words of Nibiru gave heed: Let the Earth join my family,
Ki, Firm Land of the Below, let Earth her name henceforth be!
By her turning let there day and night be; in the days my healing rays to her I shall
Let Kingu be a creature of the night, to shine at night 1 shall appoint him
Earth's companion, the Moon forever to be!
Nibiru the Words of Apsu with satisfaction heard.
He crossed the heavens and surveyed the regions,
To the gods who had him elevated he granted permanent stations,
Their circuits he destined that none shall transgress nor fall short of each other.
He strengthened the heavenly locks, gates on both sides he established.
An outermost abode he chose for himself, beyond Gaga were its dimensions.
The great circuit to be his destiny he beseeched Apsu for him to decree.
All the gods spoke up from their stations: Let Nibiru's sovereignty be surpassing!
Most radiant of the gods he is, let him truly the Son of the Sun be!
From his quarter Apsu gave his blessing:
Nibiru shall hold the crossing of Heaven and Earth; Crossing shall be his name!
The gods shall cross over neither above nor below;
He shall hold the central position, the shepherd of the gods he shall be.
A Shar shall be his circuit; that his Destiny will forever be!


So through Nibiru colliding with Tiamat, the Hammered Bracelet would be formed, the gold that seemed to have been made between Tiamat and Mammu would be sent off into it, as well as be reformed in the Earth. This, Alalu knew for he spent much of his years learning from many and he learned of this creation story. After testing the air, he knew it was safe, he would travel some finding an orchard of fruit, fresh water, fish, and even encounter a snake in the orchard which he hastily killed in fright of such a strange creature. Alalu would find the truth. Gold in the waters, Alalu knew now that he held the salvation of Nibiru, that he has the fate of Nibiru in his hands.


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I think it's so wild that they discuss nuclear war...

That isn't really discussed until a few more tablets, it was mentioned briefly in the previous tablet, but in this one, the nuclear missiles are used in order to make a path through the Hammered Bracelet. Although, the way Nibiru bashes into Tiamat, it kind of is described as if two massive bodies are going to war with advanced weaponry. I need to look into the Enuma Elish myself where it is told in full.

Cool, I read the book about 2 years ago. Looking forward to more, bro :)

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