The African value


What you are seeing didn't happen in Africa but rather it happen in the United States of America
And that is not enough to say in America university (Georgia Gwinnett)
The lady you see in the picture is not an ordinary woman.she is indeed a professor in biological sciences at this university
Her name is Ramata sissoko .she has a doctorate degree and a more(obtaining a doctorate in science in North America university is be at the pannacle of planetary knowledge in her field). it should be added she is from Africa,she is from Mali🇲🇱
Let get back to the fact now the context has been established.
The professor hit the headline in the United States by this her kind gesture
That very day her student(a mother) could be not find a babysitter For her baby had to come to class with her baby.The Malian professor instead of sending her student out of her class because the child was crying,was rather taken to compassion ,like an African woman
She took the baby from her mother and put the child on her back like a typical African style.And she taught her lecture for three good hours while the baby was on her back.
The child was on her back and didn't make a single noise while on her back when she was given her lesson for three hours.
All her students couldn't believe this magic😊
Yes it is magic for some part of the world
But the Malian professor was unaware that this her Gesture which was an act of kindness was going to make her more popular than her status as a professor of biological sciences
Indeed she as taught her student two African value
1.sympathy 2.maternal character
Sympathy because she allowed her student to come to her class with her crying baby,other lecturer could have show the student the exit door.
As for her maternal character,it was fully reflected in the carrying of the baby on her back,a practice absent in North America.
Infact in the African tradition, women often carry infants on thier conote a fundamental bond,love and protection been shared between the babies and the mothers
Yes indeed African have value which we need to keep and teach the rest of the world.
#motivation story
#steemit curator
#african value

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