The Meat Industry: Truth Hidden Behind The Sausage!

in #life7 years ago

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As vegan food sales soar, the meat industry pushes back!

Corporate leaders, clearly feeling threatened, are pressuring lawmakers to enforce laws against vegan activism.

Within the united states, many states have passed 'ag-gag' bills. This is a law which makes it illegal to take a picture of a suffering pig in a factory farm. Why? Because it is bad for profits!

This is happening in Australia as well, the new bio-security bill, rightly named the Australian 'ag-gag' gives the power to law enforcement officials, giving them the power to prosecute a whistle-blower revealing corporate sanctioned animal rights abuse.

This is just one of the many tactics employed by the meat & diary industry to keep you unhealthy and keep their payrolls rising. We will discuss some other tactics shortly.


The Marketing

Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner.
Pork. The Other White Meat.
Milk. It Does a Body Good.

Ads like these imprint themselves into our subconscious and become part of our belief system. What is for dinner? Without you knowing why, it is beef.

And your income tax is used to pay for this marketing, named checkoffs.

These checkoff programs provide funding of over $557 million each year for animal food producers to promote their goods.


The Heath Risks

Americans eat more meat per person than any other people, they are paying for it in doctor bills! With 200 pounds of meat per person every year, clinical studies show that large consumption of meat and diary products can cause cancer, diabetes, heart diesease, and other dangerous ailments.

Americans also have twice the obesity rate, twice the diabetes rate and almost three times the cancer rate of the average person on Earth. Meat is not the only factor, but it's a big one.


The Inhumane Treatment

Industry laws passed during the last 30 years have made it legal to maime, mutilate, torture, wound and kill an animal, as long as its "following generally accepted agricultural practices".

Farmed animals have almost not protection from inhumane treatment.

The below video is VERY GRAPHIC and shows an example of a factory farm in work, mistreating chickens, please do not watch if you are faint of heart, as this video is very tragic.

Where's The Protein?

We live in a society which has been mislead to think that meat and diary are the only source of protein. without a copious amount of animal protein, it will not be possible to be healthy. This message is everywhere. protein, protein, protein, the more the better.

This animal protein push is not only based on a lie, it is killing the consumers. Convincing us to eat factory farmed, hormone and pesticide ridden meat that is high in saturated fat. A large contributing factor to the epidemic of heart disease.

The essential amino acids in protein are not only in animals, they are originally created by the plants that the animals have eaten. It may be possible to cut out the middle man and receive more protein by directly eating the plants!

Watch the below video of Vegan Patrik Baboumian Breaks World Record for Most Weight Ever Carried

The healthy plant-based sources of protein are black, kidney, pinto, and other beans, almonds, lentils, hemp seeds, spirulina, and quinoa. Even eating less-concentrated sources of protein like potatoes, sweet potatoes, and bananas will get you exactly where you need to be.


What Can We Do?

It is obvious we have been lied to! As a consumer, you can directly effect these evil industries by buying less of their products or even going on a completely plant based diet. This is what they fear the most! I myself have taken some steps in this direction but I find it difficult to give up something which I grew up consuming and believing to be humane.

I hope this article has taught you something you may have not known about the meat and diary industry.

I'll join you shortly in the comments!

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Chron cares about animal rights!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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Vegan bodybuilder is so great. Probably stubborn meat eaters are so angry at this guy hahaha He has proven so many things, so glad he exist as example for plant based diet as healty.

Awesome comment! Great to see so much positive support from the community.

Whole concept of big cities is competly wrong. Almost no one in cities don't produce any kind of food, so it must be produced for them. Who can produce much food for big population in cities?...For most part big companies. They are forced to use pesticides and other toxins to grow all that food. In the end only solution is self sustaining communties (from villages to smaller cities) that can grow their own food without need for toxins.

This is so true! I live in an eco community in Bali which is taking steps in that exact direction. Thanks for your comment :).

Upvote / Resteem I've noticed the vegan community is growing each day. Great post, yes there is a lot of propaganda supporting meat, and when i see the grocery carts full of meat it is pretty disgusting. People eat way more then they actually need, which is a huge health issue and a waste and so many in the U.S. are fat, for many reasons. Jerry Banfield just had a post about being vegan as well. Peace

Yes, I was specifically targeted this propaganda. I will check out that post. Thank you :)

keren broo. lanjut. ..
jadi lebih baik mengurangi makan daging yak broo?

Pasti, coba lihat apa di bilang sama ilmuan. Makasih telah bicara!

This is awesome @chron thanks for putting this out there and caring for animal rights supported upped.

My pleasure, thank you for the support!

Bloody great to see you writing this kind of article. No more sausages for you bro!

I haven't had any sausage in a week! Thanks for your comment :)

Wow such a amazing post about veganism. It is a completely myth that human can't get sufficient protein without animal food. There are enough protein in plant based food to live healthy disease free life.
Thanks for sharing, followed you!🌼

Yes, we have been lied to! Thank you for speaking the truth :)

Da fehlt noch was: Die Hormone, die die Tiere bekommen, bekommen auch wir durch den Konsum von Fleisch, ebenso Antibiotika. Und wir wundern uns, das wir krank werden.

Das ist wahr @ dandelion3, danke für deine Eingabe. Sorry, wenn die Übersetzung keinen Sinn macht (google translate).

very good and interesting article well-written . Me and my family are slowing down eating meat but still do 2 or 3 times a week in small quantities. Yes , a bit hard to totally cut It all off but eating It very occasionnally is already better than everyday .

True dat, hope you are feeling better for it! Thanks for commenting :)

Great post!!! Well written and very interesting! Upvoted and resteemed with pleasure! Excellent! =)

Glad you enjoyed! Thank you for your support =)

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