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RE: Early stage atherosclerosis may be entirely reversible according to Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai study

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Either stop filling yourself with sugar, red meat, and Omega 6 (Omega 3 to 6 ratio is crucial for health)... Or use pharma and keep the bad habits and depend on pharma to extend life.... yikes. Still though, if someone is bad enough, I wouldn't say not to use statins, just use as quick fix, not lifelong habit.


You make it sound easy but the target level for ldl is below 70. Even vegetarians don't all have ldl below 70 so diet alone might not even work for most people. The body produces cholesterol on it's own so it's not true that if you just don't eat meat that your cholesterol automatically will reduce.

I do agree with you that people should avoid fried foods (vegetarian or not) and various oils. In my experience fish oil does raise ldl cholesterol a lot and while it does supply omega 3, it does so at a cost of very high ldl for me at least. Statins may have to be used along with the lifestyle changes so I'm for the long term lifestyle changes but if that alone isn't enough (and I suspect for most people it will not be), then statins+lifestyle changes will reverse plaque while the lifestyle changes can be used to make sure it never returns if it is reversed.

You can try to lower your cholesterol levels by changing what you eat, but studies have shown that the average person achieves only modest reductions (4%-13%) through dietary changes alone. Standard doses of statins reliably lower LDL levels by 30%-40%, so as a practical matter the vast majority of people who need to significantly cut their LDL levels need to take a statin.



Cholesterol is a required nutrient by the body, research that. Also Its not easy to be strict on your diet, but a fast for those who can stand it will cure you. Its that easy. Just look into it, dont take from me.

Also What’s responsible for the LDL increase, EPA or DHA (or both)?
By reviewing all the studies that have used EPA or DHA in isolation, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine were recently able to answer this question.[4,5] Here’s what they found:

DHA increases LDL cholesterol by up to 16%
EPA has no effect on LDL or slightly decreases LDL
as expected, both EPA and DHA significantly decrease triglycerides (by 15.6% and 22.4%, respectively)

Dont give your entire life to the medical industry, you can be free, with enough effort. God made you to heal yourself.

Of course cholesterol is required and the body makes it on it's own. There is no evidence that we are required to consume cholesterol.

DHA increases LDL cholesterol by up to 16%

This is something I wasn't aware of but it does explain something. My own explanation was fish oil has saturated fat which obviously would raise cholesterol to some degree but it didn't explain why it would raise it so much from so little. DHA increasing LDL by 16% is very significant.



The body still requires some, but yes it produces most of the cholesterol we need. Just google human nutrient requirements.

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