When Crisis Hits Me in Many Times:(

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians! It is the first time to share my story in social media, because I'm not used to it. But I found this platform as comfort zone to someone who need to exposed beyond what is within yourself, about life and things that makes you out of your shell, where in you can freely share and give opinions without judging anybody and this is right place.Here's my story.

It was too young to be a widow at the age of 30.It was all started 2015, a year when I got married to a man I thought I can share for a lifetime.
_DSC0190.JPGPhoto Credit:mompixel, my wedding ceremony

But life is unpredictable ,it turns out the worst year for me.It was Month of August I had miscarriage in my first pregnancy I never forget that time I cried every night because I was blaming myself for what happen to my first baby, my husband always comfort me and told me to accept it that maybe it was not for us, that someday God give me another one.
Weeks passed by, I think 2 weeks after my miscarriage my mom died, for colon cancer it was a hard times to our family, she 's been diagnose and had an operation,for more than a year.Her doctor advise for chemotherapy but we can't afford for that kind of treatment,so the doctor gave her an oral medication because we're not a well off family to sustain those expensive medication and our family lend a large amount of money to our relative and friends even to the stranger, we're doing everything as far as we can as family so that our my mom can undergo operation at that time.It was very painful to us to saw my mom suffered too much.She didn't survive. Just like other people who have this kind of chronic illness even the riches,the famous and the ordinary people can never bet death. But now she is in the resting place with the lord, she is at peace and no more pain.
Two months passed, life for us is different because we loss our mother whom we loved most.But we're trying to back our life in usual, going to work,school,doing things as ordinary life.IMG_2986.JPGThis is photo taken during Christmas eve, every Christmas Day we gather in our house together and having an exchange of gifts.,
I thought that was enough for this kind of trial, that in all this pain there will be an end but it wasn't, my husband died for cardiac arrest after 2 months death of my mom.What a unfair life I had, trials didn't leave me alone, It's stuck in my life, and I don't know when it will perish.All the bitterness in life,pain, mourning and grieving are destined to be part of me, that time I don't know what to do, I want to cry out but tears didn't roll down onto my cheeks, no more tears to cooperate the pain I've been through.My family and friends trying to comfort me, to move on and accept but move and accept is not easy for me,In all the this trial how can I move on?. My life was in miserable and it will until I die, that the thoughts I had in mind,I asked God of many why's, why you allowed to suffer me like this.I was a mess,I blame him. Me and my husband going to church every Sunday and attended a bible study every Sunday night, I was not taken for granted to praise Him and ask for his guidance.We never forget him, but where is God when my life is in the mess.I stop attended mass and bible study at that time, I want to be alone and cry all day. Until, one of my friend in bible study sent me a bible verse, Matthew 11:28-3028 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”It reminds me with my husband, Everyday he sends a bible verse all of his friend through text,he will always have a load monthly in order to do this, when I asked why he's doing that and he said that's only thing he can do for God for serving him in a little way. At the moment as i read the verse it reflects my life.,In all my burdens God will never forsake me.Months later I try myself to live in normal life, and hope that someday all of the pain will be healed.I started again to go to church and attend bible study.Little by little I was in the process of healing. I asked God for forgiveness that I question his capability. I realized in all this trial God tested my faith to him, and I should not give up, I must trust his plan for me.That in all the circumstances makes me more strong to face it and asking God for help and strength, not blaming him.
Earlier in 2016, Crisis strike again, but not in my love ones this time it was me. I was diagnose Stage 3 breast cancer, as the time i read my result for biopsy.I want to close my eyes and pray that I was just dreaming and it is not true. I try to open my eyes and read it again and again my sister who is with me thought that I will be crying, but Ironically She is the one crying, I told her don't cry you are not the one who are sick.I just trying to comfort myself to be calm, my reaction is not the same in the past, maybe because I understand now that no matter the pain and no matter the physical exhaustion, I will never give up to trust him ,this time there is sense of acceptance.My doctor advise me to undergo 6 cycle chemotherapy as my treatment and I need to prepare an amount 41,000 every cycle and asked him if is there other way or treatment except chemo?and as doctor for cancer he answered no, but still I asked how about cheaper chemo,he told me there are cheaper chemo but for the kind of cancer cells that I have I need to have a expensive one,then I asked him how many percent will I survive if i undergo chemo and he said 50/50 depend how the reaction of the medication in my body, there was no assurance at all. So, that time I decided to do not undergo chemo, first reason I can't afford because is too expensive, I cannot sustain the medication, and most of all there was no assurance at all. I find other ways to look for alternative or herbal medicine. But it won't make me feel better, year after it was month of May of 2017 I undergo mastectomy operation and advise again to have a chemo but still I refuse it, same reason.
This photo is from my friend in college during her visits to me at the hospital.
So I undergo Immunotherapy,
It's make me felt better, I can work again like a normal life.I don't know if you are familiar with this, it's a high dosage of multi vitamins through IV infusion,my aunt introduce me this treatment, My doctor is truly a medical doctor, but practicing as naturalist.Honestly Immunotherapy also is not an assurance also that i will be healed, but I'm very hopeful that it's a one way that I will be healed. I never forgot my doctor in Immunotherapy said to me, you know what, there was no assurance in this world but only with God, even the healthy one dies in a blink of an eye,you are blessed, God loves you, you are given a chance to make your life more focus unto him.That time I begin to realize of what the doctor said to me. Even in this difficult time of my life I am blessed with the people surrounds me, my friends, my co-teachers whose been very supportive financially even in a big to little amount of money they will give me or lend me for my treatment, my family that I know they are also affected in my situation, because i can't help them financially, my salary is not enough for my treatment.In all this crisis I lift up to God,my health, my financial problem and my life.
Today,I'm trying to live normal life I had. But I know it's different now, everything was change. But life must go on and live the life God given me, take the chances and look forward be optimistic that someday I will be healed it may not be physical healing but in spiritual healing.
And I want to hold this qoutes: I heard this when I watch Joel Osteen show,Ease is coming, You may be struggling now , but that is not permanent, God is coming to ease the pain.
"Tasting God's Goodness in Bitter Times" I read this from the book of William B. Girao
I want to share some bible verse that gives me more encouragement:
Deuteronomy 31:6New King James Version (NKJV)
6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Psalm 18:6New King James Version (NKJV)
6 In my distress I called upon the Lord,
And cried out to my God;
He heard my voice from His temple,
And my cry came before Him, even to His ears.

I hope you are inspired in my story especially to those who are going some obstacle in life, You are not alone , I'am here same as you are, Do not give up. Put in mind: God is bigger than our problem. Fight the Good fight of faith.

Thank u for dropping by...God bless ! Everyone...


OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

thank u @rewardpoolrape..for your upvote..Sharing my story is feeling of relief..Thank you again.

I read every word and felt pain in all the episodes you mentioned in life. It is true, life can be unfair but, that is only if you choose to see it that way. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers. He knows you can surpass them. I pray for your health to improve and for people around you to lear how to be as strong as you are.

Hi @surpassinggoogle, Here is a lady who wrote beautifully about her battles in life and how she has and still trying to win them all!

Yes,you are right @beatenegg, this time I let myself to see how life is beautiful even in the hardest time, and look forward that after all this pain God is there along the way preparing my victory.
Thank you so much for your prayer and recommending my post to @surpassinggoogle.

Throw all your burden to him, because he cares for you. 1Peter 5:7. That is one of my favorite bible text. Actually, I don't know how you feel but God knows. Bible character Job experienced like yours. There's a time that his giving up, but still his faith helps him to concur his situation.
Actually I don't know how can I help you, but I will pray to God for your situation.

Amen for that @shula14..Yes,I read about Job tested his faith to God that is why he allowed to suffer Job, because God knows that Job belongs to him.You are right human as we are giving up is one of our choice, but not giving up is the best choice. I feel relief right now, all the sympathy and encouragement and prayers from the comments here makes me better.
Thank you....your prayer means a lot to me.

Thank you @bayanihan for resteeming my post, it will a big help for me..

I salute you mam @chonaroxas for surpassing all the trials that you encountered in your life. I know God loves you so much.

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