in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


It's really sad to know that the very people that are supposed to protect us are now the one's that we're scared of mostly.
In some countries, people depend on police to protect lives,properties and they also maintain peace and order. But in my country where i'm from it's the other way round.
Something happened on Monday 19th July 2021. My sister's Landlord instructed his care taker to move all his tenant generators to their respective backyard without a formal notice to the tenants stating the urgent reasons why the generators has to be moved. They are four tenant living in the compound including the care taker,three people accepted and my sister's husband refuses stating his reasons.( his reasons was that he has a gas cylinder at the back of the house therefore bring his generator to the same backyard will be too dangerous for him and his family. The noise from the generator too and black suit could be considered hazardous.) In the real sense of it we all know how dangerous this factors could affect our health. The matter was reported to the police. When we got to the police station it was another different thing entirely. my sister was asked to write a statement which she did and she was detained by the IPO without any offences simply because she stood up for her right and that of her family. The IPO forcefully collected the sum of ELEVEN THOUSAND NAIRA (N.11000) from her after detaining her for several hours in police custody without any crime. she was not arrested she went there by herself.
I was angry at the same i was so much in pain and i decided to bring this up. In other countries people have their fundamental human right to express their feelings per time per time but in my county is a different ball game.
The police are no longer our friends like they used to say because an evil seed has been planted in them. Even when they know the truth they will always twist it and they use every opportunities they have as an avenue to make money sometimes the will arrest an innocent person and torture him or her like a criminal. A lot of people have encountered them and i'm sure they have a lot to say about this.
So many people have lost their lives due to police brutality and i keep wondering why people like using the word police is your friend.
I will throw this to everyone is Police truly your friend?

 3 years ago 

We also have no respect for the police in our country, but it is good that freedom of speech is respected! Don't you want to move somewhere else? There are better places to sell, friend!
Thank you for the post.


Hello Please don't post general posts here ! The community is meant for Achievement Progress !

 3 years ago 

Hi, @choicebaba,

Your post has been supported by @svm038 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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