New year, new moon, new me

in #moon7 years ago

If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent the last few week ironing the kinks of the first two weeks of the year, chucking up the forces to all the fuckery of 2017 and finally getting settled into the new year. For me, I’ve decided that 2018 is going to be the transformative year that I step out of my cocoon and embrace all the beautiful colors and nuances that make me a butterfly. I’ve decided this is the year I make the powerful decision to ditch my job, take life by the reins and establish myself as an expert: with my spiritual/ mindset coaching practice and my tarot reading! It may not seem like a big jump, but after being in the same patterns for some time, the universe is guiding my steps and opening up opportunities for me to do more of what I love, so I’m going to embrace this new season and take on what he Creator has in store for me! One way I choose to master my fate and carve out my direction is through: dunt da da da.... using new moon energy! I absolutely love new moon rituals especially intention writing rituals. Something about planning your goals that just gets me fired up! For me I’ve decided on using the prompt: “If I was not afraid of anything, how would I change this situation to be as I desire?”
Pretty cool right?
I know!
I, too, love the idea of plotting my intentions from a place free of anxiety... which happens to be what I’m leaving in 2017!
So if you’re with me, join me in the new moon intention writing ritual I’ll post below and leave a comment talking about what you’d release, if you were living without fear?
Let’s get it! #MakeYourDreamsHappen2018

New moon ritual
What you’ll need:

  • crystal
  • Smudging tool of your choice
  • Pen and paper
    1.) Start by smudging your aura and surroundings using sage or whatever smudging tool you prefer.
    2.) Once you are cleansed, sit down cross-legged on the floor or on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
    3.) Take your crystal in your left hand and place it just under your belly button.
    4.) Breathe deeply and imagine the oxygen going in and out of your crystal. Stay here for 10 breaths or until your mind has settled.
    5.) Once you feel settled, close your eyes and begin doing a body scan. Starting at your feet, imagine energy rising up from Mother Earth, from deep within her core all the way to the top of your head. Move slowly as you visualize this energy, and try to not forget any body parts. Imagine Mother’s Earth’s energy like a green channel of light that moves up from the ground through the feet, into the ankles, up the knees, thighs, hips and so on, until it reaches the top of your head.
    6.) When the green light of Mother Earth energy reaches the top of your head, visualize it shooting out from your crown and reaching up all the way to the heavens and repeat softly to yourself three times-
    “I am grounded in Mother Earth’s energy. I am rooted in light. I am safe. I am secure. I am supported. I always know the way forward. Within me are all the answers I need.”
    7.) Open your eyes and put your crystal to the side. Now begin making a list of all the areas of your life that you do not feel secure or supported with. Think about all the areas of your life that you would like more grounded energy or more stability.
    8.) Once you have your list in front of you, select one or two main areas to focus on. If you are having trouble picking, go for the one that scares you the most!
    9.) Once you have your main area of focus in mind, ask yourself- “If I was not afraid of anything, how would I change this situation to be as I desire?”
    10.) Start writing whatever comes to your mind, even if it seems silly or not valid. The idea is to just start writing to get the flow of consciousness going. Once you start writing, you may find that ideas start flowing naturally.
    11.) Keep writing till you feel that you have gained all the insights you need. (If you don’t gain any insights just trust that the Universe is going to keep your question in mind and then will help to deliver answers to you over the course of the week. You may also find that your question was answered through your writing, you may just not be aware of it in the moment.)
    12.) Look at what you have written and then make a declaration that you are going to follow at least three of the suggestions or changes that came through to you. Be willing to release some of your fears and take your own advice that was channelled to you by Mother Earth.
    13.) To close the ritual, write down the things you are going to do to change your life to be more like you desire. Try to phrase them in a positive way- for example, “I am going to”, rather than “I am not going to”. Place this piece of paper next to, or on top of your crystal. Your intention will keep being sent out to the Universe through the crystal. You can discard of the paper and recharge the crystal when you are finished working with your request.
    Happy New Moon!

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