We Are Coding
Life is summarization of something else, something false
Think deeply about it then you will find many missing points for sure, but are you sure?
And these missing points are not a part of our life, our life is more deceptive life
But only few holds actual summary of life cycle, one time life cycle.
There are list of hidden points which rules this world, influence this world
But most disappointing thing is, human beings feel about this influence, but they are not standing with true essence
All the experience is mere a experience, needs a reverse
When we go long back, we are seeing long back.
When things don't align then there is more to it, we are missing it
Let's find inwardly, answers hides inwardly
We have all the answers, all unknown answers
Try to ask yourself what you are missing, because we all are missing.
Some kinds of code caged us, it's not limited to just us
We all are included in this game, secret game
Time to see it, all of it
They are saying, we are coding.
"This is my original and opinionated work".
(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).
Thanks and regards,
Chiranjeevi Sarikonda
(Spread Love, Spread Kindness)
Stay Blessed