The Bridge You Cross On Your Way To Success

in #motivation3 years ago

Failure is the bridge you cross on your way to success. A short summary of all major life events since you were born: successful (financially, socially, physically, etc.) has happened to all of us at one time or another. As with any bridge, however, failure presents us with the opportunity to learn and grow.

So, what is failure? How does failure impact your journey to success? The definition "failure" is a word from the Latin word "fornax", which means "to fail in action". In its most common usage, however, failure is applied to the act of failing to achieve a goal - in this example, breaking even - rather than the result of not attaining a goal.

So, as a definition, failure can be broken down into two parts: the end result of an action, and the means by which you attempt to reach that result. For instance, if you fail to reach your weight loss goals, it is the result of you not taking action. But, you also have to consider the steps that you took in order to reach your target, and whether or not those steps are still relevant or necessary now that you've achieved your goals.

Now, let's consider what typically defines failure. It is when you know (or, at least, discover) that you don't have the skill, knowledge, or ability to achieve a specific result - but still believe that you are capable of doing so. Often, this is coupled with the feeling, "Something must be wrong with you" - but why is that? Why do you keep going when you know that you aren't "that kind of person?"

The answer to that question is complicated. Most likely, you feel that you are capable of taking action (even if you just know that you are NOT yet capable of it), and you continue to try because of that feeling. That "something" may be as simple as being too afraid to try, or perhaps as complex as not truly believing that you can. However, once you've crossed the embarrassment of failure and made it through the chasm of doubt, you've officially begun your journey to becoming successful. Failure is the first step, and once you have crossed it, you are in the "promised land" - where you are starting over with a clean slate and unlimited potential for improvement.

Now, why is failure such a big deal? The truth is that most people don't even come close to reaching their goals. This is because they often feel "stuck" or "in the rut." Instead of pushing forward to do more and achieving more, many people simply fall back into their comfort zone and continue doing what they've always done. They don't want change, because it's not what they are used to.

What happens when you don't accomplish much, or when you fail to reach your goals? When this happens, most people run away from themselves, not knowing where they should turn next. This is not uncommon-it happens to many successful people, including some very highly successful entrepreneurs. Why?

Because when you don't accomplish much in your life, you don't feel much more alive-and you may even lack the motivation to keep trying. The truth is that many successful entrepreneurs and many highly successful people in life had nothing to feel alive about when they were starting out. This, again, is common-but it shouldn't be the case for you!

What should you do then? Just accept the fact that failure is the bridge you cross on your way to success. It's inevitable. No matter how much good you do, there will be times when you will fail. However, it doesn't matter how big or small your failure was, it mattered that you decided to take the bridge in the first place-that you decided to follow your dreams instead of hiding in the shadow of a life that might have been less than what you wanted.

Failure is just an obstacle that you can overcome with determination and a little bit of luck. Many people overcome huge challenges such as poverty, failure, and illness with determination, hard work, perseverance, and the will to succeed. There are many examples of these people who you might like to emulate. If not, you can always get inspired by the success of others-particularly those that have had obstacles as well as great successes in their lives.

Failure is the bridge you cross on your way to success. It comes up every day. But you don't have to be another one of those people who lose everything because of failure. You can overcome anything if you will it. You have what it takes to make it in this world. Failures are just ways of life.


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