Simple Technique For Increasing Your Short and Long Term Memory

in #life3 years ago

If you are interested in learning some simple techniques for increasing your short and long term memory, then this article was written for you. Specifically, I will talk about what memory is, the nature of memory, how it can be influenced and even how to use memory to your advantage. In this article, I'll explain what memory is. For those of you who don't know, the brain is basically made up of neurons which each store and transmit information in a particular direction. They use pathways that have already been built up in your brain and ensure that you continue to operate properly.

The more information that you can take in and remember, the better your brain will function. This is because there is an incredible efficiency in your brain when it comes to taking in and remembering information. Your brain uses both long and short pathways. Longer pathways are used when information has not been stored previously and used; while short ones are used when the information has already been stored but is not able to be utilized at that moment in time. You can see how the efficiency of your brain works by watching a couple of birds fly across the screen from left to right to left.

Your neurons have a certain efficiency rating. They only accept information that they can utilize immediately. So, if a piece of information is not usable instantly by your neurons, then it will not be stored permanently in your brain. That is why information stays in your memory only long enough to allow your brain to make the association between it and what you have just seen, or what you are listening to, or even where you are right now.

Now that we have explained what memory is, we need to learn about how we can increase our short term memory and improve our long term memory. We need to understand the concept of retrieval. A recall is a series of information that is retrieved in the context of the whole context at the time it is being accessed. For example, if I am writing an essay, and I take a nap during the writing process, my long term memory may not be as strong as if I do not take a nap. So, I am not writing my essay in my sleep.

How can you use a simple technique for increasing your short term memory? You can use a drill or mnemonics to help increase your short term memory. You can also use mnemonics in order to improve your long term memory. Here are some examples:

Let's say you are trying to remember names. You want to get you first and last name out. To do this, you would take the list of your first and last name and draw one or more names from it. Do this repeatedly, choosing names from the list that you have drawn. Make sure that you focus on the names and draw them as if they were actually saying them.

Now, you can use this same drill when you are trying to remember the next word in the sequence. Again start with the list of words and pick a word out. Repeat the drill, but this time draw the words in as much detail as possible. Continue this drill until you feel confident that you can actually say these words on your own.

This is a very simple technique for increasing your vocabulary. It is surprisingly effective and it can really help your memory. By breaking down large chunks of words into smaller chunks, you will be able to remember those chunks easier and faster. Remember to make sure that you do not go back to the basics. Always go for new and interesting words instead.


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