Failure Should Not Stop You From Going Beyond Small Outcomes
Sometimes big success comes after a lot of failure. If you've done it all the way up from scratch, and even mastered the minor details of your craft or business, when something else gets you down and frustrated you can sometimes reach a point at which you decide to just quit and give up. Sometimes this is a hard choice to make. It takes a lot of self discipline to be able to overcome the feeling of discouragement that comes with failure.
One of the main reasons that people often experience a big failure in life is because they have convinced themselves that they are so good at everything that they can't fail. This kind of thinking often leads to poor performance and even to failure itself. You might think of it as the "I can do this" fallacy.
Often, in the heat of the moment, our thoughts are geared toward the next goal or project. We convince ourselves that we can't fail. It's a common mistake to blame circumstances for our failures. But the truth is that we often create our own circumstances by focusing on what we can't do instead of what we can.
The problem with this kind of thinking is that when you focus on what you can't do, it often leaves you with a big gap in your comfort zone. When that happens, you're not equipped to deal with whatever comes. It can throw you off your game, leaving you vulnerable. It's when failure strikes that you really start to feel the pressure to perform and finish what you started before you even started.
When your comfort zone is narrowed, you can't move forward. Your brain shuts you off from the world. So, the best advice is to always expand your boundaries. Don't try to tackle everything at once. Focus on one thing at a time and keep moving forward.
Sometimes, the next biggest mistake comes when you think that you're too good for what you're doing. This is the ego-driven aspect that stops you from getting up in the morning and trying something new. If you try harder, you'll achieve more. And that's the truth even if it's uncomfortable for some.
Sometimes big successes don't happen right away. You need to be patient for them to come. If you try to rush things, chances are you'll blow it. You need to understand that sometimes you have to wait for something to be bigger and better than what you have right now. If you don't, you'll get left behind.
Big successes don't happen over night. Sometimes, they happen over several weeks or months. When it does, take a moment to celebrate and breathe deeply. The best way to celebrate is to look at the people who helped you achieve your success and thank them. It will be well worth the hustle.
Sometimes, you will fail big time. It doesn't matter what field you're in, it's a common thing to fail. Whether it's your first business venture or your last, there will come days when you fail. However, you can't allow failure to bring you down.
Instead of focusing on what could have gone wrong, focus on what worked. If you're motivated to do better in the future, you're encouraged to build on your past success. Building on past successes will help you to continue moving forward no matter what happens.
Sometimes, the big failure can actually be the most stepping-stone to bigger things. The lesson here is to not quit and go beyond your limits. You might have tried everything to reach your goals but that one big failure can always turn into a new lease on life.
So what are you waiting for? Remember that failure should not stop you from pursuing your dreams. Remember that every small victory builds on the success of the previous ones. Build your confidence and continue moving ahead with your dreams and goals.
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