Can't Help But To Think That Way

in #motivation3 years ago

Do you think you can or cant? Have you ever felt like you are right, but the world is not on your side? Are you right about this, but the only one standing in your way is... YOU! If you feel like you are right about this, but the only one standing in your way is... YOU!

I think we all have something that other people don't have. Something we were born with! Whether you like it or not, you were made with a purpose and destiny. Whether you like it or not, other people live their life in the moment, but you have a choice in how you want to live your life each day!

How are you going to spend your life? Will you be an open-hearted, caring person? Or will you be the pessimistic, judgmental, SOB you've always been? Do you feel like you can't live a full life, but other people can do anything they want, and have everything they want - even when you don't! When you feel like you CAN'T do anything right, look deep within yourself - are you just holding yourself back from getting the happiness and fulfillment you deserve?

I think most of us have both. Sometimes we think we can do nothing right, and then our life would be perfect. Other times we think we CAN'T do anything right, and then life's a living hell! We wonder what it would be like if life was like a playground for us, where we could swing, play, and have fun - wouldn't that be great! But instead, we sit and think about all the things we are Doing wrong, and how NOTHING seems to work!

So why do we keep struggling with life, when there are SO many right answers? Most of us feel trapped by our belief system that life is about right or wrong, and not a mystery at all! We have to unlearn what we've been taught, and then find ourselves in positions of freedom and true freedom! Where are these elusive answers? Why are we always running around looking for them when we already know the right answers?

You may feel like you CAN'T learn how to get rid of debt. You may feel like you CAN'T learn how to create wealth. You may feel like you CAN'T learn how to solve problems, or build healthy relationships. You may feel like you CAN'T learn how to communicate effectively, or solve your own problem. Can you see how those are pointless arguments? The fact is, that you can learn how to do those things, and more, if you focus on what you can achieve rather than what you think you can achieve.

We all have limits to what we can do. If we reach those limits, we may have to rethink what we believe, and what we WANT to believe. And we can all use a little help now and again. Look in the mirror, look at what you're doing, and ask yourself if you believe it enough to actually do it. If'll have to redefine what it means to YOU.

Next time you read something that you disagree with, listen to it. Then think about it. After all, that's what "life is about", isn't it? You've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Take action today, and start living your life!

When I was growing up, I used to say to my friends, "Can you believe that? This garbage can will not fall over!" Well, almost a half century later, I finally realized why my grandfather said that. It wasn't just my grandmother being a jerk; she was right. Regardless of whether you think you can help but, despite everything anyone has done, reality always wins.

I didn't know it when I first said those words, but "can't help but" was true. I couldn't help but look at life through a different filter than I had before. Whether you believe you can help, or you believe life will always be the same, the important thing is to stop making excuses for why life happens the way it does!

When I got that "can't help but" realization, I stopped making excuses for what had happened to me. If I'd had my granny's attitude, I would've chalked it up to old age, or genetics. However, knowing the truth helped open my eyes to what could happen if I chose not to change my habits. No matter what I thought, no matter what I tried, life will throw me curve balls; the difference between a successful and a non-successful life is whether or not you're able to bounce back. Although it may seem impossible at times, there are those who have actually achieved what seemed impossible at one time. You can only look at failure as a stepping stone to success, if you choose to look at it that way.


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