What did China's largest block chain chat about last night? 深夜,区块链微信群,王峰十问薛蛮子:都聊了什么?

in #blockchain7 years ago

What did China's largest block chain chat about last night? 深夜,区块链微信群,王峰十问薛蛮子:都聊了什么?
Late at night, block chain WeChat group, Mr Wang asked xue savages, ten are talking?
On February 24, carved ye, zhu XiaoHu, wei-shing Chen three bosses in the block chain spat, zhu XiaoHu, wei-shing Chen is on social networks debunk among each other, block chain detonated landscapes of the New Year, regardless of class and the young and old rich and poor women and children, are together to buy (hao) white (jiu) food (CAI).
A bosses on mutual Dui is settled from a distance. In a group at three o 'clock, blue port interactive group founder and chairman of the board and CEO wang feng for famous chain blocks to the angels, barbarian fund founder and block chain practitioners xue barbarian issued 10 questions of substantive significance.
Besides xue savages, the so-called "1 trillion market value community" 500 crowd gathered a group of big risk investment and science and technology circles, such as very serious fund founder xiao-ping xu, angel investors xue savages, founder of baihe mu, RON brought Mr. CAI, founder of the capital, quantum ShuaiChu, founder of the chain.
There is a group of entertainers, with curiosity, such as: Mr Wang, gao, in the positive, liyan tong, Qin Lan, hu can be, ocean, han geng. Since the Spring Festival until midnight every day at 3 o 'clock, discussion has focused on the limelight is all three words - "block chain".
Mr Wang and xue barbarian question and answer is like a game, artful in communication, the following records for product way business review (WeChat ID: pintu360) choreography.
The first question: xue barbarian will be the next son?
Mr Wang: the first, I remember, you told me you are reading in Berkeley, California, and softbank masayoshi son is confronting friends, classmates or senior? Later on the investment of utstarcom have successful cooperation, you once said masayoshi son, the biggest success is out of the alibaba and yahoo. Did you think barbarian fund in the chain block out the next opportunity to alibaba?
Xue barbarian: don't give money to the rhythm of the whole die? Ha ha ha! Sun (justice) is my boss Berkeley summer job. He paid me $7 an hour, a vacation earned $seven thousand (gold). Sun is undergraduate and I am a graduate student (master). I am bigger than him. But his money has been more than I do. And more and more. Every investor looking forward to throwing a ali. This is too * * hard!
But the old man the opportunity came to sixty-five years old.
Chain block is a real turn the table hu lu the table all the mahjong tiles. Everything is zero. Up to the BAT niche to start on the same level. Can you tell me something about the old man not excited?
All people have the opportunity to do a BAT, especially the BAT can't play this now. This is a big opportunity!
The second question: block chain entrepreneurial spirit is what?
Mr Wang: the second question, I saw you mentioned several times "block chain entrepreneurial spirit", before the age of the Internet I also define the golden hill, a former boss of lei jun, talk about the Internet thinking, even "focus on extreme fast by word of mouth" tactic, seven words you mentioned "block chain entrepreneurship" refers to the concrete? Do you know the block in the chain of entrepreneurs, who has these characteristics?
Xue barbarian: I want to talk about what is before block chain entrepreneurial spirit, let's talk about what is a mental block chain.
My understanding of mental block chain: the first is the scale of trust, followed by the code that is common, the third is assigned to the individual.
Block chain era entrepreneurial spirit: I this overpass near Kyoto see a spectacle is * * days. Originally is the sea has a sandbar, a few miles long and the bai causeway and su of the west lake is only a beautiful scenery. But to a place on the top of the crotch with a day. Every visitor must see the scene under your head to the crotch. At that time, the sand dike, it is not an ordinary sand dike, but just like a huge dragon, direct to the sky. I was the example, it is overturned because the chain of blocks before the business logic.
Therefore, subversion is the first. Second spirit is have swung open arms and tide wait for no man of spirit. The third spirit is to have a strong ability to learn, to keep pace with The Times. Vision, mind, knowledge of can and the amount of allowing people is important than ever.
For either China or the United States, the Internet or mobile Internet, entrepreneurial spirit are interlinked. Each era of entrepreneurs, the excellences three to five years, is a talent when there are opportunities. As long as the BAT window for two or three years, we will see a new generation of leaders.
3 q: want to get rich will not become a cut of the leek?
Mr Wang: you mentioned "block to the beginning of the chain is a marathon, today busy most of the company may die", now entering its block chain is obviously more and more, what do you remind of new incoming? Or I am straight, look from the current trend, new stars can should calm down? What do you think?
Xue barbarian: all his mama call at three o 'clock. Wrote a half a day to send the wrong * * group! I'm sorry.
Don't superstitious so-called "experts", the "bosses" of the platform, more needs to be vigilant against pyramid selling. The whole block chain industry is full of air COINS, want to get rich, are easy to cut chives. I suggest that the entrepreneur is steadfast 3-5 years, focus on research and development, learning, and patience to find a spot, concentrated mobilize resources all around the world, blockbuster.
All of these block chain than children play the Internet and mobile Internet entrepreneurs are more tender. Have to give them time to heat up.
4 q: block chain should aim at specific scenarios such as the content, the electricity business, social?
Fourth q, wang feng: I also saw you the first few days claimed "more dangerous" and that the male to male chain chain, whether I can understand that for today's block chain project developers should to the PC Windows, smart phones, iOS, android era entrepreneurs, should put more effort in intelligent DApp written on the contract, aim at content, electric business, social and other specific application scenario. Isn't it? Many developers in our group.
Xue barbarian: scholars since I was the first cultural history. Is likely to make people laugh head off ignorance.
To be fair, from the COINS to the etheric, transaction cost, obviously transaction confirmation time, scalability, etc. Although quantum, EOS chain has a try, but it is a long distance. Before fully solve the problem of the male chain, all applications have considerable difficulty landing.
Don't * with the ring. Children want to be pregnant in October, January * * two marry a wife nor out son. That is the reason why
5 q: for the chain service of the block chain company's role?
As you mentioned yesterday, Mr Wang: the fifth asked prefer "company" for the chain service of the block chain, unfortunately I recently saw a few quantitative investment and asset management project, which was of this type? They block chain markets will in the future what role?
Xue barbarian: many people look down upon to the block chain company do white paper, PR, negative ICO community operations, digital currency investment Banks that service company. I think this is absolutely just need to, if can succeed in their respective fields of bibcock is one thing. Have such a company to come to me.
Q 6: "when others fear greedy, greedy when others fear." Do you fear?
Wang feng: 6 q, you once said that his last year at once into a whole new world, can be "a person into the kitchen to order". I always think you are very, very smart, of course, also someone says you chicken thieves. Looking today, notes has been very hot, it reminds me of buffett's that sentence: "when others fear greedy, greedy when others fear." A lot of people because of greed and fear, even my side many investors have been very successful, but also from time to time to talk about anxiety, this sentence is suitable for investment now? Ha ha.
Xue barbarian: last year, I am a traditional vc circles the first people to embrace block chain. Today all regulars comes into play. Xiaoping Wen Sheng are all in. I want to shout: hold. Children don't add fire has been crazy.
7 q: portfolio, and a few entrepreneurs for the block chain?
Wang: I noticed that there are a large number of traditional investment institutions (the dollar, the yuan) in the field of chain into blocks, and even friends I use "run into" in their own state. This year, in this case, your portfolio, and a few entrepreneurs into to the block chain project? After all, these a few years and AI, IOT, new retail and entertainment investment direction.
Xue barbarian: I'm not anxious. Along to the ocean to see the world, hot air blowing rain jiang.
Equity continues to do, is not affected. By my assistant Wang Kunliang. Also has a team is responsible for the chain block. Don't delay. To be honest, block chain is much faster than equity investment return period.
Mr Wang: traditional equity investment also take much of you?
Xue barbarian: should now seven partition piece of traditional chain of three points.
8 q: who is your lead in the chain of blocks in the world?
Wang feng: 8 q, I have been very curious, chain blocks, so the fresh things, some people even said that people born before 90 are not understand. What makes you truly has absolute confidence on the chain into blocks? Replacement today, who is a guider of you in the chain of blocks in the world?
Xue barbarian: early saw many old man lee smile to block chain, find translation, old cat, Zhou Shuoji et al. I found block chain with VR, AR tuyere, compared with essentially difference, block chain is the fundamental change of production relation, from a historical perspective, is an unprecedented opportunity. At the same time, I watched a lot of Chinese and foreign book block chain.
Mr Wang: which most affected by this book?
Xue barbarian: this is in the hearing of all mail and articles. In this power really is a man also. Watched a lot of Chinese, long prod-ucts will dominate and others primer is science. But shallow, lack of in-depth. Buffett tells his story is not big. God wants us to meet a few wrong people wake up a language complicated words.
Q: 9 barbarian home stay facility to accept payment currency?
Wang feng: 9 q, tell me about your "barbarian" of a home stay facility, a Kyoto old street is the one you bought almost all turned into "barbarian" path, everybody is very curious, is said to be savages home stay facility for digital currency such as COINS, etheric fang, each at present how to charge? If the price of these digital currency volatility, what is the effect of the guests?
Xue barbarian: no hurry. Anyway the duck shelves down is not urgent.
The purpose of the barbarian legend - days: since the reform and opening up, people's consumption upgrading. An annual increase of 38% of the population abroad; Location: Thailand Japan is the second one of the most popular destination, go abroad for the first landing in Thailand for suitable for shopping, low prices, Japan; And my personal influence, understanding of the abroad, have been to more than 80 countries, makes me have no advantage.
To sum up, I have found the big just need. The presence of a generation -- all the people all the way, will have a barbarian home stay facility; Less than four months, I overfulfilled the goal in Kyoto to purchase 100 sets of home stay facility. New goals mentioned 200 sets, to Osaka, or even Tokyo. Issuance of barbarian COINS, precious distributed reality, try to block chain technology implementation to offline. The name of the block chain is called the INN.
I am 65 years old to do I always like to do and it is only suitable for what I did. I want my life experiences to use vision of learning interest, also does the camel, climb the ladder is hanging. Ended up on the block chain; Distributed reality, I have hundreds of thousands of sets of town house villa available room.
CuiNian reform by qi baishi.
10 q: do you believe have COINS?
Mr Wang: the tenth asked, my side has a lot of digital currency investors after 90, they began to buy three or four years ago COINS, made a fortune. You know. One part of human speech will be called "COINS of faith", the investment strategy is the "big buy small drop small buy, tumble."
By the way, do you have a currency faith?
Xue barbarian: I'm holding some COINS and etheric lane, but to be fair, I am not a believer of COINS. My opinion of the currency: on the one hand is from my admiration of the hearing, also from my understanding of the history, the trend of understanding and the understanding of human nature. The currency is in the power of genius artist, block chain is the most profound conforms to human nature. So it can be in a year, at three o 'clock, overnight, across great river north and south.
Instead of (say) I am COINS believers, as I said, I am a human believers.






















不要迷信所谓的“专家”,“大佬”的站台,更要警惕传销。整个区块链行业到处都是空气币,想要一夜暴富,都容易被割了韭菜。我建议创业者踏踏实实 3-5年,专心研发,学习,耐心找到一个痛点,集中调动世界所有资源,一鸣惊人。












薛蛮子:去年我是传统风投圈里最早拥抱区块链的人。今天正规军全部进场了。小平文胜都all in了。我反而要大声疾呼:hold 住。孩子已经疯狂了别再加火了。














蛮子名宿的初衷——天时:改革开放以来,人民消费升级。每年新增 38%的出国人口;地利:泰国日本是出国第一第二最受欢迎的目的地,泰国落地签、物价低、日本适合购物;人和:我个人的影响力、对国外的了解、去过80多个国家,使得我有别人没有的优势。










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