Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W4: "My best moment"

Hi community members, I will be joining this week's contest. The topic "My best moment" is really a contest to make a publication on. No doubt that the best moments would differ from person to person and this represents the memories we create in our individual world.

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Which moment in your life will you always remember? describe what happened that day. (You can share up to two moments if you have up to that)

I can pick point several best moments I've had that are worthy of remembrance. The first was my very first job with a telecommunication company immediately after my compulsory service year. For some of us who understand what it takes to get paid employment, this would definitely be one of our best moments.

Before this time, when I got done with my National youth service corps somewhere in the southwestern states of the country, having served in the aviation sector I was able to secure a place just immediately. Relocating back to the base which was in the eastern region brought about this breakthrough.

I had applications made to several companies both public and private but I was lucky to hit it that time and early. One of the telecommunication companies called me for an interview weeks after my application was made, and the rest was history.

Before I got this job, my friend then and now spouse encouraged me and supported me all this while. When the offer came, he gave me the nodes to accept it and face the new course of life. We celebrated this moment as it brought so many positive changes.

Secondly, another moment worthy of remembrance was my wedding day. This is a moment every married individual keeps their memories sacred. It is a time to great memories are created and a time to move from one status to another.

It was a thing of joy indeed as I witnessed the crowd that graced the occasion. It was amazing for me because those crowds I usually see at other people's events, it was my turn and I got them entertained.

The eve of this event saw the arrival of most family members and close friends. Some stayed in the house and others lodged. It was really a moment as it came with a whole lot of fun.

Why was it so special?

Those mentioned events are not just positive events but life-changing scenarios that brought about a going concern for life advancement. Firstly, the job offer was one that started a new life vis-a-vis my past and present status. This is the life everyone needed which is self-reliance and independence.

We cannot continue to be dependent on parents who have tirelessly supported us till adulthood nor dependent on friends for long. It was a memory to keep which greatly signifies independence.

On the other hand, my wedding day still re-echos fresh memories to me. A time a woman had to leave his parents and cling to another man and family for the purpose of establishing one's own. It is so special to my very present existence. What seems to be established close to a decade ago still stands strong in the present.

Can you compare that day with your current situation, what's the difference? (You can do well to show the pictures)

We only expect better days ahead. The special moments created at that time are the shining light of today. It is a case of planting on the riverside side. Those special moments are like the day of planting whereas the growth over time is the present stay in our lives.

The simple difference is that those special days created the beginning of a good life for us. Be it the job offer that offered financial stability and independence. The other brought about a happy family with children procreated for our replacement in the future. These special moments are indeed better avenues and doors of advancement or growth.

Why is it good to remember moments like this in life?

Remembering moments of this nature is a booster for us. They are those deep memories we hold on high. There is a beginning to everything we celebrate today and special moments of this kind are one we need to remember always.

No doubt, remembering special moments of this kind bring about happiness and a feeling of joy in us. They are mostly outsourced/root and out little beginning.

It makes us conscious of celebrating these moments so as to keep them abreast in our minds

How can you create beautiful moments for someone else?

I have always engaged in activities that promote the general well-being of others. Aside from the customer care relationship help desk role, which avails me the opportunity to offer personalized services. This over time has put smiles on the faces of people I come across and created lasting memories.

Helping people also acquire a means of livelihood is also a better way of creating life-long special moments.

Thank you, community friends.

 last year 

Hermosos recuerdos, leyendo su historia me doy cuenta de que esta dió un giro en positivo y no sólo para usted, para su amigo en ese entonces y hoy su pareja, porque es en las situaciones como esa que el amor se pone a prueba.

Se casaron y se han mantenido juntos por tanto tiempo, me alegra por ustedes, bendiciones y que viva el amor.

Thank you friend. This is me sharing those special moments. Thanks for your good remarks

 last year 

Se vale repetir esta experiencia de interacción una y otra vez para afianzar los lazos de amistad con los demás y obtener el éxito que preciso deseo para ti en torno a este artículo en el cual hablas sobre tu mejor momento. Mis deseos de feliz fin de semana.

Thank you friend for stopping by. Such moments allow us to be steadfast and bond the more. Happy weekend

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