Required Reading

in #mspsteem7 years ago


I thought I'd put together a list of articles and books everyone should read who wants to get the most out of my podcast. For anyone trying to understand what moves are happening outside of the view of their TV sets, and where I get my perspective from, the following is small sampling of my favorites:

Nick Turse: A Wider World At War

An article by the amazing Nick Turse about the militarization of US foreign policy since 9/11 and move away from diplomacy, especially in the Trump administration. The use of "special operation" to train & assist our allies in an attempt to gain a foothold in the country has become the "ambassador" of the day.

War At The Top of the World

Eric Margolis tells true tales from his time in the conflict zones of Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, India & Tibet. Giving real-life context to the complex geo-political situation, Margolis also humanizes all sides. A must read for anyone trying to sound smart about Afghanistan.

Remembering the USS Liberty - Phil Giraldi

A great article summarizing the attack on US seamen by Israel in 1967, an attack that is not just forgotten, but deliberately ignored.

Letter From Khalid Shaikh Mohammad to President Obama - "Why 9/11 Happened"

Simply important to understand "why they hate us". If you actually want to know. Truely an amazing and hard-hitting read.

The Redirection - Seymour Hersh

The article that exposed the fact that US government just (mistakenly) fought a war in Iraq for the Shite groups backed by Iran, in essence, giving the country to Iran. This dropping of the ball required the US government to "redirect" its policy back towards Saudi Arabia. This change in policy lead to the planned destabilization of Syria and the support of the Saudi slaughter in Yemen.

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm

The policy paperwork written in 1996 by American and Israeli neoconservatives for the incoming Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. The paper lays out plans for Israel to deal with the Palestinian issue, Syria, Libya, Jordan and Iraq. Some of the authors went on to have a major role in the Bush administration, working to sell the war in Iraq in the early 2000s to the American government in assist the country they were truly loyal to, Israel.

“You Grow Up Wanting to be Luke Skywalker, Then Realize You’ve Become a Stormtrooper for the Empire”

This is a recent article I found on Zerohedge written by a veteran of the War on Terror. Pulling no punches, the author explains how quickly he realized the immorality of what he was participating in.


Thank s for the list. I’m commenting so that I can come back to this post and read them.

I have an ex-sister-in-law that was a former Iranian, now US citizen. When you start looking back at the “un-revised”(read true) history, it truly is amazing what lies /propaganda people are fed.

I can think of a couple of worthwhile videos/books that will maybe cause a “light-bulb” moment.

One video series is the BBC documentary “The Power of Nightmares” available online and the other is the book “The Brothers: John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles and Their Secret World War” by Stephen Kinser.

Watch and read those and you will have a light bulb💡 moment.


Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Reference post

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