IT IS OKAY TO GET TIRED BUT PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ...50%to @campusconnectng

In your journey and pursuit for success I want you to know that it will get to some point that you will get tired. When this happens, don't feel bad or beat yourself up to it. It's okay to get tired.⁣

At some point all the things you started may no longer make sense to you. You might want to give up. I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you.⁣
You are human and you are prone to all these.⁣


There is something you should do when this 'tiredness' strikes you. Just sit back and relax. (I'm not saying you should be lazy).⁣

One of the major factors that Influences your productivity is your mental health. Once it's unstable you can never be productive. You need to guard it with all diligence.⁣

I know you have been told that you should not give up. I am not asking you to give up but I'm telling you something many rarely talk about. Some of your coaches have made everything look 'perfect' to you and when the reality strikes you, you will begin to feel as if you are the only one on that page.⁣


In case you were not told, perfectionism is just an Illusion.⁣

Each time you get tired, Remember why you started.⁣
When I asked you to relax, I wanted you to sit back and look back. Yes! Look back. Think of what motivated you to start. Think of how you got the passion.⁣
Think of your past failures.⁣
Think of how people discouraged you and how you kept moving.⁣
Think of the challenges you have encountered and how you battled with them.⁣
Think of the successes you have gathered.⁣

Think think think.⁣

By reflecting on these, it will help you gather some momentum to keep moving.⁣

It's okay to get tired but please don't give up. If you have done it before, you can do it again, this time better than before.⁣


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