| STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE | My Diary Game Of Monday 25-04-2022|| It's A Ghost Town Day And A Sport Day For Me

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago (edited)



Good morning dear Steemians, hope you guys enjoyed your weekend perfectly well, I am trusting God you guys are all doing great in this amazing platform , I'm happy to be dropping down my diary game of yesterday Monday 25-04-2022 which happened to be a ghost town in my area

Dear Diary,

morning period 🌅

I got up from bed at about 5am very early in the morning then just sat on the bed and began browsing because places were still dark. I browsed till about 6:15am then went out and eased my self. After easing my self, I return back to my bedroom and decided to transcribe my diary of the previous day which was Sunday.

So I began transcribing and it took me about 1:30 mins to finish and publish it. After publishing it, I then kept my phone on charge and did some house chores after which I then brushed my teeth. After brushing, i descoverd it was almost 9am of which I was supposed to be in the field very early because I was the one who took home our team Jersey's to wash them.

So I had to hurry up and prepare my things for field. I prepared and finish then left the house when my sister was still preparing breakfast but I had no time to wait and eat and i decided to go to the field without eating. Before going, I had to take some snapshots as usual

On my way to the field

As usual, it's always ghost town every Monday which this it all started 4yrs ago when this Anglophone crises began. We have been surffering from this a lot as we have only 6 free days in a week instead 7.

Ghost town effect

You can see how the road is so empty because most people are only indoors since it's a ghost day. Just few of us were on the street. So on my way to the field, I met some of my team members which we all went to the field together

My friends

As we were going to the field, we came across some nice and loving puppies. There were three of them, the mother and two children. They started following us to the field but we had to drive the puppies because we didn't knew the owner. When we arrived the field, it was still very empty as only few persons had come.

The field was empty

However, we had to change our attires then started making sports by jugging round the field. As we were jugging, others were coming until everybody came, then we had a very brief discussion

having a brief discussion

After the brief discussion, we then drew our various line ups after which we shared our various positions. I was playing 6-shirt because of how strong and smart I am.

drawing our lineup

The matched finally commenced at about 10:45 am, the first half was very hot until our opponents conceived a penalty after which I went up for the penalty and scored. It was half time and we were leading 1 goals to zero. The 2nd half didn't favoured us as our opponents finally defeated us 2 : 1

During the encounter

Afternoon 🌞 period

It was afternoon time when we close the match at about 1:3pm. After the Match, we had to discuss a little about matters arising within our veteran club. So we left to one of our members house where we still had a team discussion for about 2-hours and I finally arrived home at about 4pm.

So luckily my sister had already cooked. Due to the nature and the risk at which I was hungry, I had to order my sister to serve me so that I should eat first before taking my bath though I was very dirty because of the rough play people were playing me.

seating outside while eating at the speed of light

They was no way I could seat in the house, so I decided to position my self somewhere outside so that I could eat. It took me just about 5-mins to finish a big plate of rice then drank almost 1 liter of water 🙆😂😂. I didn't blame my self because I was very hungry. So after eating, I then took my bath comfortably and happily

Evening 🌆 Period

After taking my bath, I had to take a nap for about 2-hours then got up at 7pm. I got up then went out and stretch my self and sat outside for about 10mins for fresh air to enter my body since I was feeling heat

I retired back inside the house then chatted with few friends in WhatsApp and Facebook. After talking, it was now time for real business which I had to participate in a contest in the @crypto-academy community. So I had to write on my favourite Blockchain which took me several hours to finish because I had to finish at about 11pm. When I got finished, I published it then thank 🙏 almighty father for protecting me through out the day. I did this then navigated to my bed where I slept off


As you can see dear friends, that was how I spent my yesterday Monday ghost town. Hope you guys enjoyed reading. Thanks a lot for your time, may the God I serve bless you all

 2 years ago 

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