Are you best in what you do? I hope you learn from my story.

Most of us have special skills and talents that always speak for us,helps us earn even with little effort.

Have you ever met someone that feels on top of the world because he or she is best in what they do or are you one of them?

Then this piece is for you!

I have this very good designer,a very young lady but quite talented,ever since I got referred to her,I always wouldn't want to try out another tailor because of fear of someone ruining my material so despite all her attitude,I try to stick around because she's good in what she does.

On my birthday last year,my mom gave me a Hitaget material as a gift,so i took this material to this tailor of mine,we agreed on what she was going to sow and the amount too,weeks passed by and she hadn't touched the material. After one month I called her and told her not to sow it again that I was going to pick it up and find someone else to sow for me and she said it's fine by her.

My main motive for saying that wasn't actually to take the material and give someone else but just to spur her up to make a commitment as to making the cloth as soon as she can for me but the response I got was a turn off.

I arranged with her on a day that she was going to be available,I went to pick it up, surprising when she saw me,we just greeted and she handed over the material without a word,I was so shocked,she acted as though nothing happened,she was so confident with her shoulders high.

I was so shocked,I couldn't believe someone can do that,hey don't get me wrong but I haven't experienced that before and I can't do that to someone else, the least I expected was a sorry for the disappointment or atleast a reason as to why she hasn't made the cloth or better still ask me to give her more time but she said nothing,so I left too.

Deep down I felt bad because I didn't know how to start the search of another good tailor but then I felt she could have done better than that, previously it was always an issue getting her to make your cloths as at when needed,I remember my birthday 2018,the outfit she was making for my birthday photoshoot was ready on my birthday when I had told her I was to do my photoshoot before my birthday,I have had some ugly experiences with her and I just decided I couldn't continue anymore.

I contacted this my friend and she recommended her tailor for me,I gave the new lady my material and she finished it before two weeks,called me to come and pick it, I was amazed because my dress was ready and waiting for me to come and claim it unlike my previous experience that I will have to call and call and yet I will still come and wait at the shop for the dress to be finished completely.

It was a first trial and the lady tried as you can see in my photos shared.

Is this the kind of attitude you give your clients? No matter how good you are in a thing,it shouldn't make you take people for granted and feel everyone will have to bow at your feet because someday they might walk away and you will only make them discover that there are other people good as you are or even better out there.

I hope you find this piece helpful,what's your own experience with your tailor,let me know in the comment section,thanks alot.

P.S: First posted by me HERE

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