United Arab Emirates exploring - Grand Mosque/沙特阿拉伯之探索- 清真寺
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque is located in Abu Dhabi which is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. She is the largest mosque in the country and was built between 1996 and 2007.
谢赫扎耶德卡比尔清真寺位于阿拉伯联合酋长国的首都阿布扎比。 也是这个国家最大的清真寺。从1996开工到2007竣工。
The natural materials were chosen for much of its design and construction because of their long-lasting qualities including marble stone, gold, crystals and ceramics.
所选用的材料全是天然的以保证质量。这些材料来自世界各地。 主要用到大理石,黄金, 水晶和瓷器。
In order to get in, traditional Muslim Abaya dress was provided for women at the entrance.
当地阿拉伯的风俗是女子只能露脸。 阿巴亚是女子传统的服装。 在进入寺里的入口处会提供给参观的女子。
It's impressive for her artwork and architect details. I'm a big fun of white and dreamed of having a piece of such artwork.
真是建筑和艺术的完美演绎。 她的美是没有语言可以形容的。主色调是白色也是我的挚爱。 幻想我要能有一小件这样艺术品。