SWIM Experienced the American "Justice System" & Other Ramblings

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Greetings my fellow Steemians. I am sure by my title you understand the connotation of "SWIM." If not, look it up online. Or, I could be nice and tell you. Don't be embarrassed, years ago i didn't know what it meant either. So, here you go:
S = someone
W = who
I = isn't
Me = me

Hopefully we're on the same page now. :) My 32nd birthday was on the first; it came and went like, "who cares?." My sister, a decade younger is on a peace corps assignment in Senegal, Africa. She'll be gone for a long time; returning prior to my 35th. My point is, I received a letter from her. Snail mail there takes a loooong time, though she does have some limited internet capabilities. She sent it with best intentions for it to arrive on my birthday. It was within days. She told me birthdays aren't celebrated there and her host family found the tradition odd. Just an interesting factoid.

Anyway, I was majorly depressed on my birthday this year. I didn't even go to my own party. Sure, that's just the worst. What's wrong with me?

On the night of 2/26, SWIM was pulled over in Atlanta for a multitude of "reasons". SWIM has very poor eyesight at night and has been unemployed for a very long time. SWIM was not accustomed to this area of Atlanta and didn't know where exactly she/he was. The roadways are tricky and one way streets are very confusing.

SWIM was arrested and was in "intake" not allowed food or water or bathroom breaks from approximately 2AM - 10PM the next day. From there she/he was taken to a very tiny, cold cell. She/he heard officers making derogatory comments about the inmates. She/he noticed the intake papers were full of descrepancies.

The "officers" didn't care and wouldn't address SWIM. So SWIM put up a "fight" demanding an explanation. SWIM was then sent to another floor and labeled "suicidal." She/he had to wear a jump suit and given a thick small blanket.

Finally, after two days SWIM of whom was also not granted showering "privileges" was sick with a raging UTI. She/he was taken through an underground system that was very cold to the court house and given a return date on 3/5.

Mind you SWIM lives 90 miles SW of Atlanta. She/he is unemployed and granted a group of 3 public attorneys/ defenders for free. SWIM is in "status" and probably won't have to return to Atlanta.

SWIM has their attorneys reconvening on 4/17. She/he will probably not have to return to Atlanta. And will perform community service & pay another fine.

SWIM car was towed and impounded. Money was stolen from the car but reimbursed. Those who dealt with SWIM car left dirty footprints everywhere. UNNECESSARY. Disrespectful to SWIM.

SWIM will probably be dealing with this for MONTHS. From SWIM, don't get arrested. Nothing moves quickly or efficiently. I am told you're treated sub human for water, bathroom needs, cleanliness, phone calls, etc. Phones don't work; I was told as well.

SWIM says avoid police at all costs. Thanks for reading SWIM's story. She/he had never more than a minor traffic ticket and that was 4 years ago at that.

SWIM might/probably would find other's stories or words of encouragement enlightening. Feel free to share & I shall pass along to she/he. Thanks for visiting my blog Steem fam!





I've heard that the Georgia police are pretty hardcore. I find it very strange that the South African family thinks recognizing birthdays is "odd."

 5 years ago 

Birthdays are not traditionally celebrated in Senegal, and in many rural communities, it is rare for a person to know his or her date of birth...

We celebrate down south @free-reign and yes we can party....

Hi @joanstewart that's cool. Just not the case where my sister is "stationed"

Very interesting @joanstewart, and thanks for the info! I always thought you guys know how to party!:)

Yes they do suck @free-reign suck & SWIM was pulled over by a state trooper to make matters worse. But not charged with the worst possible thing contained in vehicle....SWIM has no confidence now and lives in a state of fear. Thanks for chiming in.

It was a bad experience for sure, but SWIM shouldn't let it hold them captive, with fear. Hopefully nothing like that happens ever again.

I once was pulled over by a plain-clothes cop who held a gun to my head, all because the toll-road agency where I live reported that my car had gone through a toll without paying. It turned out to be the fault of the person who could not tell a zero 0 from the letter O on a license plate. I know how SWIM feels. :)

Wow, that's complete bull shit. That's all I can say. Man,I am sorry that happened to you. They aren't so bright are they?

SWIM is an amazingly worthwhile to get to know but the system has failed her or him and I doubt that it is the last time.

Hi my dear, yes it probably won't be the last time. SWIM used to feel invincible, now "they" are petrified to have anything in their car even CBD. SWIM plans to keep steemit updated on the police and judicial system of America. SWIM wasn't even charged with contents of car. Its all very wrong

 5 years ago 

Interesting read, one always feels things are bad in certain regions, unfair.

Keep your chin up and try remain positive, happy belated birthday!

Thank you.. SWIM is traumatized and wants his/ her life back

I hope Swim has better luck in the future.

Thanks. SWIM has been "up to" this for quite some time but there's a lesson in this

If I get it correctly SWIM was detained for a couple of traffic violations? All the bad treatment doesn't seem right.

Yes you are ABSOLUTELY correct. SWIM found out that 8 story jail is getting ripped down because of all the dehumanizing issues going on there

What a frustrating situation, especially happenign in the States, at this point in history, after so much has gone under the bridge in terms of human rights and all that crap.
I'd be in killing mode, more than suicidal if i'd faced such an ordeal. Can't imagine
Thanks for sharing

Yes SWIM was absolutely enraged. The "officers" derogatory remarks about SWIM and other people there were absolutely wrong. SWIM would probably beat their head against the wall if this ever happened again and had many shawshank redemption schemes.


What an ordeal for SWIM. Wouldn't it be nice to have a unbiased group of individuals, that would'd advocated for people like SWIM, rather than a biased group in no hurry to find solutions and help. So typical of today's judicial system. Not quite on topic, but another area in need is the medical system. Same thing.. different circumstances.. could happen and does. Pass along my Love :-)

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I well versed in the medical field actually. Spent 14 years working in it. 7 years licensed in Physical therapy, lots of schooling. It's gotten so bad even i had a guilty conscience doing the right thing. So actually i don't see this as off topic. Good point! There are doctors prescribing chemo for money even after a patient is cancer free, effectively killing them. It's horrendous. Therapists like myself are denied giving treatments people need & have to be creative with how a patient's insurance is charged tpo give them what they need. It is ludicrous

Amen. My wife is a psychologist so I hear all about it. She says it’s very hard to advocate for the patient and be scrutinized for doing the ‘Right’ thing. I tell her to do the right thing and let them not sleep at night.

Nice to meet you by the way. Lol 😊

Nice meeting you as well. :) Yes i agree with your wife and i can charge the insurance companies by using creative language as to why i utilized a specific technique. And it's not unlawful to do so either.
SWIM is Also a therapist and unable to work because of the BS charges. >_<

 5 years ago 

This is very scary. I will remember these words. I'll go get something out of my car right now. While I am very sorry for SWIM's experience, I am grateful she/he has lived to tell the tale.

Yeah might be a wise idea to get that something out of your car. Let's say I had some glass "figurines" used for something , confiscated. Really liked them too. You catch my drift. Thanks for the comment

 5 years ago 

SWIM I think you meant to say.

No, just SWIM said i should remove them

This is actually a very bad story, which I would not expect to happen in the good old USA. Here in South Africa, we also have some issues with the police and they definitely are not efficient at all.

Happy belated birthday, I hope you feel better!!

Yes, I've actually researched police "states" across the globe. They're bad almost everywhere. I didn't think it would be this bad but SWIM is a reliable source And the us of a isn't so great

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