SOCIETY: You Were Born to Be Different - Millennial are being Manipulated

in #life6 years ago (edited)

To control the masses, many countries and, the world itself tries to genetically create a ton of synonymity. This is drastically affecting society. Many say within a decade we could see the majority of humans both sexes will all look the same in terms of general skin color/tone and hair color/ texture. I could see it easily happen, or not. Many millennials are choosing to not having as many (OR ANY) offspring however, overall offspring of mixed racial is increasing.

"THEY", the almighty government/illluminati are atttempting to make us ALL think and feel the same. A hived minded society if you will. It's working to an extent."They" are doing it through a very greedy lens.

Its time we fight back and defend the fact that we are NOT all the same. Each and every one of us has value or brings in some way or we would not be here.

FIGHT but be nice, utopia would be cool. I'm just keeping it real. Thanks for reading!
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One thing that I noticed, back when I was younger, about 25; is how the popular music and videos on MTV changed, and were suddenly must more pop oriented, rather than angsty and strange, which is what us GenX'rs were used to. One of my friends said "Well, it's not meant for us now, you know that right? He explained further, that one of the common marketing tactics in use then, and I'm sure in use still; is to sell young people an illusion of rebellion (always tied to a product, ofcourse) but in a very subtle manner in that the illusion is being pushed by -everyone-, specifically to drive sales of "rebellious" stuff.

Looking back, and fully aware now that the very term Generation X was in fact a marketing zeitgeist, it doesn't surprise me that society is both selling rebellion, and also projecting a "false wall" for people to rebel against. It usually involves balding guys in their 40's... But in any case, the edges are fraying, due to mass-availability of mass-communication these days. Wherein once radio stations and TV networks were the gatekeepers of mass=communication, it can now be done with a simple smartphone.

And that's making 'em sweat, lemme tell ya...

Viva la Resistance!

It’s time to fight back against those who would have uniformity be the ultimate Dogma; and these people you refer to are winning by deploying wepons of mass consumption in the media. Honestly I have had enough, it’s time for exceptionalism!

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