Saving Is A Step Towards Sovereignty

in #money4 years ago

Hey Jessindependant thinkers

The older I get, the more cynical I become and what never ceases to amaze me is how quick we are to believe anything that comes out of someone's mouth with a title and a suit. Our ability to do critical thinking, to be cautiously sceptic, to be willing to research, to be ready to learn various points of view, to be able to use deduction and reason is tossed out the window.

Laziness has made us submissive; convenience has made us submissive; privilege has made us submissive. I often talk about how the system is rigged and how to view what they tell you and try to sell you, but you're not a victim of the system, you're a victim of yourself.

You need to save yourself, from yourself first, before you can save yourself from these systems. We all talk about freedom, financial freedom, freedom of speech, location freedom, but do we want it? No, we want it given to us by divine right, we don't want to work to get those freedoms, nor do we want to work to keep those freedoms.

But freedom is a right

How can I say that? The fact that you give your ability to be free away so freely. The fact that you are so quick to take your value from your effort and give it to Apple or Nike or whatever brand to make yourself feel better, to attain some hollow convenience or boost your prestige or self-esteem shows me you don't value freedom.

To save yourself, you need savings!

If you don't have savings you don't have a say, storing as much of your value is a way for you to build negotiating power, to make better decisions, to take advantage of certain situations. We talk about proof of stake in blockchain, but we've had it in life for so long, and we never used it effectively.

If you don't have savings, you don't make decisions; you take directions from those that do.

Saving yourself

Image source: -

If you don't have savings you probably all into the majority

Wage slaves

Probably the best of technology of the bunch is the wage slave, that can live from paycheque to paycheque, while it may seem dire most people live like this, but it still allows you to save should you cut out certain expenses. It may seem hard, but that's what they want you to think, to close off your window of opportunity, to reject savings and stay on tethered to your wages forever.

Debt dependant

Next, we have those that are in the whole for a penny or a pound. They've sold their potential labour for loans or mortgages, buying things they cannot afford and something that loses value. They're paying a premium for the access to the capital to hang themselves and are now stuck paying off debt with nowhere else to go.

Each year that goes by sees them miss out on an opportunity to save or take risks or advantage of their income because it has to go to servicing debt on a decision they made years ago.

Government grovellers

Finally, we have those that don't live off their own steam or value, and those are the ones that either work for the government or get subsidies from the government. Their entire livelihood relies on this system, and they are going to protect the hand that feeds them despite it punishing everyone around them and even themselves.

The freedom delusion

I know you feel it may not be worth it, but every fortune has to start somewhere. Starting to save, gives you the chance to diversify, to diversity means you get an opportunity for more significant upside, the bigger the upside, the more value you attain. We all have a price that we feel will bring us the freedoms we want, some are higher than others, but having zero or less than zero is not freedom, despite your civil liberties.

Who is going to stand up to any establishment when they're already bought and paid for with wage or debt noose around their necks? Very few, I would imagine.

Have your say

What do you good people of STEEM think? Did you think the volatility aspect was planned from the beginning?

So have at it my Jessies! If you don't have something to comment, comment "I am a Jessie."

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