It's all part of the plan, right?

in #life6 years ago

From the day we first set foot on the planet our minds are shaped, even in the womb, I would assume!

As we grow up, we are indoctrinated like Joseph Goebbels masterfully wrote the script/propaganda of our lives and many don't even give it a second thought, regardless of how painful it can be!

"But that's life" right? A saying so dismissive yet so powerful. Has anyone ever continued to argue after someone pulls out a "Well that's life" Probably not many, but I will! It is life yes, but it doesn't have to be your life.

We have free will of the mind and body yet we chose not to use it!

So what is the plan?

More often than not the plan is to be born, go to school and get an education, pick out a career you like, work, get married, have kids and, watch your kids have kids before you die!

If you can pull that off, like the billions that do every day, you're basically labelled a success. He or she lived a full life, didn't they?

Even though they never questioned a single thing, did everything they were told to do and died.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Albert Einstein, be he a bit of a dick (I'm a Mileva Marić fan) said the very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Well maybe you don't expect different results and want the same as everyone or as your descendants, well then you have every right to do so.

But then don't complain that you're stuck in it and your life is shit, you literally chose that path for yourself, and you can change it.

To me many peoples complaints are due to a lack of action, its like I'm so hungry, but I cannot walk over to that tree and pick fruit since no one told me how!

The plan isn't full proof

If the plan is so great why are so many people so lost, miserable and disillusioned all the damn time? Well, I'm here to tell you the plan isn't for everyone.

The education system is designed to template your mind and turn a profit.

For more on that:

Check out my post - Why The Current Education System Is An Antiquated Fallacy

Most modern jobs are but cronjobs

Arinse and repeat or worse a hole digger in the morning and a hole filler at night! These jobs are not naturally beneficial to the market nor fulfilling to the employee!

Marriage has lost its value

So many think more about having the biggest wedding bash they can possibly have and that's marriage. Not about the ever after. Which is why divorce is so high, if it is sitting it 50% and those are only the ones strong enough to call it quits what is the real % of the cowards that stay in failed marriages?

I'm not knocking marriage as an institution it has its place in the world and is actually one of the key reasons we've developed as a species. I just think the evaluation and perception of marriage have been skewed. People are sold a marketing concept from a bridal magazine and TV shows and not a life commitment.

Having kids isn't for everyone

and just because you can have them doesn't mean you have the ability and the means within you to raise one. Kids are discarded every single day and to me is one of the biggest tragedies of humankind, they didn't ask for this!

We are 7 Billion strong; I think we can slow down on the mass production of humans, don't you?

If you take the time to think about it, logically having free will means there is no blanket rule for life and how to be happy.

Different strokes right?

Modern day indoctrination

The majority of the human race has become a commodity. I'll say it now as I've said before I firmly believe there are around 10 000 - 100 000 people thinking for the rest of the world and all the rest of us do go along with it, and they profit.

Hence the 1%. 1% don't just remain in control over billions by force alone, it's by keeping you sedated and distracted that they can slowly extract your wealth.

We're breading a generation of buyers and sellers, but whats worse instead of free trade and barter its more of a pimps and whores situation with a middleman always taking his cut for doing well nothing in my opinion.

No purpose, No place

So what are we doing with this precious commodity called time on this one inhabitable planet we were given? Working jobs we don't want, to buy shit we don't need, to impress people we don't like?

Makes perfect sense to me! That was sarcasm by the way!

We have no great motivation to do anything right? Modern life is so cosy, we don't hunt for food, we swipe a card for it. We don't build anything we buy rebuilt homes.

Everything is done for us these days, we know no hardship, no work ethic, we have no great depression, its consistent unnoticed depression and suppression.

Convenience has cost us our strength, our victories have only served to defeat us as creature comforts are our struggle. You only have to look as far as the obesity epidemic to see it all play out.

What is the purpose of all this?

So what is our purpose? Why do we do all the things we do? Consume the content we do, buy the things we do, interact with the ones we do? For data collection of course!

Well, that's my view and a topic I'll tackle in a future post! So look out for it :)

Defending the system

So why can we not see through the system? We'll our minds have become dependant on it. We can't think of another way of living; I need the next paycheque to pay for the next thing and keep this unsustainable rat race going like the rest of the people I compete against for some form of social status and validation.

We are junkies to the system, we need that social approval, that car, those clothes, that partner, that job, that holiday, that home, those kids! Check, check, check, check! Great success, happiness and fulfilment, unlocked!

We don't take the time to evaluate the big picture and say well is this for me? Do we need this?

Its as if the scaffolding around the building was left around it and the building still feels it cannot stand on its own without this structure around it.

Challenging the system will be met with backlash.

Ever since I was a kid and I thought something was stupid and I'd tell an adult they'd say you're a kid you don't know what you're on about this is the way its done!

When I got older I wasn't experienced enough as the excuse to shut up, but as I got older I noticed that it wasn't that my questions had no merit.

Often times they did, it just made people feel uneasy having to question what they've based their lives on! People need to protect the established order at all costs, or all their time sacrificed being a part of it would all be for nothing right?

Abuse of humans greatest invention thus far

The invention of the internet has far outstripped any invention we as humans have created in our existence, this global connection of infinite knowledge continues to offer new possibilities.

Yet we spend valuable bandwidth and resources on posting pictures of our fat arses or keeping up with the lives of seemingly meaningless people.

Social media has amplified the bourgeoisie and upper class into some sort of revered status and aspirational lifestyle of nothingness. The ability to do nothing and live comfortably is the goal of so many people it is scary.

I'm all for fun and being nonsensical at times, but we've put way to much focus and effort on these empty, vapid life of luxury.

The plan wasn't designed to scale

I'm not just picking on internet use, I honestly feel you need a certain level of intellect, emotional intelligence and empathy to be allowed to drive a vehicle on the road and if you don't meet that standard, you shouldn't be allowed.

Road rage and shitty driving are one of the pinnacles of modern stupidity. We've created a transport system that cannot scale any further due to physical limits and exacerbated it by promoting travel of the individual, even though you're all on the same high way going to the same place give or take a few blocks, at the same time.

Yet we would rather sit in our cars, pissed off, trying to one-up one another to save no time or gain no ground since congestion is caused by the lack of fluidity and movement having a considerate gain in the distance compared to those around you.

It is an unnecessary stress and time waste that we've created for ourselves because, well its part of the plan!

Instead of pulling together as a people and sharing resources, we hope some smart company will take our money and make our lives easier and then applaud them for it.

We are so quick to give up our thinking and humanity for the sake of the next convenience. Convenience is king in the modern world!

The plan is sold on a simple narrative

The plan is based on the choice, the choice is yours, right? Or is it? The modern human loves to segment things from race, colour, creed, country, sexuality and some other meaningless facets.

You are these characteristics you do this, and you do that! You come from a bad neighbourhood you supposed not to achieve.

We've created these statuses and symbols and compartmentalised life into this pigeon holes from which you don't need to overthink.

The path is clear and you "made" these choices from the ones put in front of you now live that life until you die.

The funny part is choice does not matter you end up with the same hand of cards regardless.

Choice, in this case, is often just an illusion, to give you a sense of control. You made these choices, therefore, you live with them, and you accept that and don't question it for a second.

I feel its such a disservice to people when they assume they know all they need to know to live. There is so much more out there to see, explore, ponder about that can improve your standard of thinking.

To me, standard of thinking is standard of living, because perception is the reality.

In the tech space, we always talk about disruption and how great it is, yet we don't try to apply it to other parts of life. Why are we not disrupting our minds, why are we not disrupting seemly nonsensical ways of thought?

Why not question more? Do more? Absorb more? Become an agent of chaos, upset the established order, flip over the apple cart, I'll be there to support you!

I'll admit the addiction to the plan is real and so easy to go along with it without a second thought. The only reason I still do is because of this itch in the back of my mind.

I cannot accept things if a logical and well-constructed case is made for it. I understand why the plan is there for sure, it has its use cases, but I don't think it is for me!

Have your say

Do you have a plan? Do you critically think about the things you do? Is structure important? Am I losing my mind or am I on to something?

A little thought experiment

Feel free to disagree with me too; I don't mind in the slightest! Just take a read through and then perhaps visit a traditional social media platform scroll down a few pages and think.

Does what I say apply to the majority of people doing precisely what let's say Facebook wants without a second thought.

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