Extraterrestrial Movies. This Month's @phctop3 contest

in #phctop35 years ago (edited)


I'm absolutely buzzing for this months topic. But therein lies the problem! What to choose. Sci-fi is my favourite genre and this month we have chosen the sub genre of Extraterrestrial movies. There are so many great ones that now I am in a quandary!

Header Image by Pawel86 from Pixabay

The criteria for the month explains that it doesn't have to be a alien themed movie, it just has to have an extraterrestrial being of some sort in the movie. A life form not of this planet (Earth, just in case you were asking!)

So here are a couple of movies that include aliens/extraterrestrials that I haven't included but feel really uncomfortable passing them up. Because.....well......They are frickin awesome!


Superman is the icon of my childhood. My bedroom wallpaper was always Superman. If anyone ever asked me what super power I would choose it would be to fly. DC have created and own the best superhero of them all. But wait, I hear you say! He's not an alien? Well, yes he is. I know it's not an alien movie that springs to mind but it's well and truly covered in our criteria and is also why I am struggling!

Christopher Reeves is a legend and was the perfect Clark Kent. Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman add an extra bit of class.

Star Wars: A New Hope

Another movie that doesn't automatically spring to mind when thinking about aliens but it's full of them! This is arguably the most influential movie to me of all time. Maybe even more than the guy who wears his red pants on the outside of his trousers! (Superman, just in case).

I was taken to the cinema for the first time ever to see this movie. I was five years old. My dad and my favourite uncle went to The Cannon cinema in Whiteladies Road in Clifton, Bristol, England. The whole experience was life changing and that was before the Imperial Destroyer flew over the top of you, rumbling like an earthquake was hitting. I will never forget that moment.

I'm sure there will be other times in the @phctop3 contest when I am going to be able to gush over, quote and go crazy about both of these movies but now doesn't seem the right time.

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So here are my three nominations.

Nomination Number 1



Whether you are a fan of Big Arnie or not this movie is a beast. Great setting, great concept, great cast and one MF of a good alien. Back in the days when they had to be smart; because the tech didn't allow them to do what filmmakers wanted, they held off from showing the Predator until the right time. They even managed it in this trailer below, and then they unleashed it big time. It didn't disappoint either and it was well worth the wait.

There is a funny story about that! The finished alien was a true masterpiece in special effects at the time but it wasn't always the case. The original 'Predator' was less than impressive. It was some weird long-necked latex monstrosity that was manned by none other than Jean-claude van damme.

Needless to say, It didn't work.

But don't let this detract from what was arguably the best alien special effects of all time. Here he is, manned by Kevin Peter Hall, with his mask on just incase you haven't seen the movie.

Nomination Number 2

Close Encounters of the Third Kind


Another colossus of the sci-fi genre that's made even more impressive when you know that it was released in 1977. The same year as Star Wars. A brilliant Richard Dreyfuss plays the main protagonist in this alien contact movie. It is intense, at times, harrowing, frightening and above all breathtaking in its concept and delivery. Steven Spielberg has created a few masterpieces but few to match this cinematic experience.

Spoiler Warning

This is a brilliant remastered 40th anniversary Trailer and shows a lot of the movie, including the ending. If you haven't seen the movie then watch the original trailer below the first one.

Original Rare TV Trailer

Nomination Number 3



A space horror to end all space horrors. This movie scares the crap out of me to this day. I was unceremoniously introduced to this movie; as a wet behind the ears 10 year old, by my mischievous older cousins. They kind of made me watch it and I hate horror. Really hate it. But something definitely kicked in for the sci-fi part of me and I stuck it out.

Great casting. Sigourney Weaver is the pin up queen of sci-fi and plays an amazing part. Ian Holm and John Hurt, two very good british actors add to the quality.


Image Source

The alien itself is up there with the best of them.

Image Source

The original movie is gritty, character driven and well acted. The score is phenomenal. The 'birthing scene' has scarred me for life!

The Original Trailer

"In space, no one can hear you scream" Tells you all you need to know really!

So there you have it. My three selections for your viewing pleasure. Don't forget that as a @phctop3 panelist, I cannot enter but will gladly add my earnings from this post to the prize pool.

If you would like to enter then click the link below.


With decent steem prizes every month you'd be crazy not to have a go.

Good luck everyone.

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Curation Trail

We have a curation trail for @phctop3, which you can follow here to continue to add to the prize pool and the growth of the competition. Don’t forget to log into steemconnect.

Delegate to @phctop3:




Great selections dude!!! I love that quote about no one hearing you scream in space. Love the horror in that. Brilliant and just genius! To have the mind that can create such an alien masterpiece!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks @foxyspirit

That quote is genius, you're right. Terrifying.

Nice! Hope to see many of the entries this enthusiastic! There really are some excellent alien films. I totally agree that the tag line for Alien was dead on. A thriller for sure, but so well done. Sigourney Weaver was fantastic. The original Predator has been viewed multiple times in our household, as well. I don't think it would have made the same impact with that original suit! Great choices, as always! Looking forward to what your ladies share with us!

Thanks @plantstoplanks

Love this topic!! 😁 but I know you are aware of that already. Lol.

The family cheese4ead will be on shortly.

I think Aliens is the favorite of many, I easily see her first! Although Superman is also very good option hahaha.

We're hoping to see another quality entry from you @fmbs25 😁

Superman is such a cool movie. I showed my daughter a few years back; she is quite critical of dated looking movies, and she loved it.

Lots of options out there. I'm still remembering great movies and head slapping even now! 😁

~Smartsteem Curation Team

Very much appreciated @smartsteem

Thank you.

Great selections, @cheese4ead. I can’t handle horror movies either. But there is some wonderful sci-fi out there. I guess it hadn’t occurred to me that Alien was both! Haven’t seen it in so many years!

Hey @jayna

Don't get me wrong, quality is quality but Horror is definitely near the bottom on my genre choices. Alien is a great example of a 'Space Horror' that has quality as well as action and graphic imagery.

Have you chosen your three yet? 😁

Nice selection, i would highly recommend the signal https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2910814/
It has some nice plot twist and an interesting story, in my opinion should have a higher rate.
I also liked a lot Prometheus that is connected with alien and predator.

All sounds good @darkuso

We would love you to enter with some of those quality choices. The link is in this post. There are going to be some good prizes again this month. 😁

I will definitely check out Signal @darkuso

Thanks for the heads up.

I liked Prometheus but it was always going to be difficult to come up to the standard of the original two Alien movies. I don't really like any of the predator v Alien stuff.

I've seen all 3 of your movies, and I liked all of them, but I like Predator the best of these 3, then Alien and then Close Encounters. I have to disagree with you on one thing - Richard Dreyfuss tops my list of the worst actors in history - ever - with Ted Danson coming in second, lol.

Lol. Dreyfuss is awesome! lol. My favourite movie of his is Jaws. His relationship with Quint is amazing although I appreciate that Robert Shaw was class. The Drunken scene on the boat is the most natural, funny and emotional scenes you could want to see. I guess Matt Hopper (Jaws) and Roy Neary (Close Encounters) are similar characters.

Ted Danson!! What! Sam Malone is one of my all time favourite characters. Lol. You're killing me man! 😂 lol.

I know there are a lot of people who think both of them are great, and that's fine. I just personally think Dreyfuss always overacts. Danson, although he starred in, gained fame and got a huge career boost from Cheers, is just a terrible actor otherwise, IMO. :)

Lol. No worries. That's the beauty of different opinions.

Cheers was so good, though. Sam, Diane and Coach, in the early ones, especially.

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Thanks @kkc865

Maybe you should enter? 😁

There are so many great choices that I can rationalize my "focused procrastination" - LOL!

Enjoyed your post.

Namaste, JaiChai

Great choices! Predator is one of my favorites also :)

Another good Arnie movie with aliens is the original Total Recall, maybe someone will pick that one...

Great shout @dksart

I love the original Total Recall. I didn't even think about that. It's amazing how many movies are out there to choose from with real quality.

Great clip as well. The whole movie is so quotable.

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