What Made Counter Strike So Addictive

in #gaming7 years ago

As I've mentioned in an earlier post, I played Counter Strike for about 6 years. It all began with the original 1.6 version, then I moved onto Source and eventually after a break I delved into Global Offensive.

You all probably know what it is and what it's all about. But I recently started questioning myself about why it was and still is to some, so addictive?

It's Competitive

We all know that once you start playing any of the Counter Strike games, it's hard to get used to it. It definitely takes some time to adjust the right mouse sensitivity and generally get the game-sense going. I remember being very, very shitty at the game the first year. Through slow progression, I got used to the gun recoil, the movement and the maps. Taking little steps and advancing in your overall skill felt really rewarding. Though the most rewarding thing for me was the climb towards being the best. Well, at least the best between my buddies and local scrims.

Evidently, as time went on, I realized that the game got really competitive for me. Even just in the non-serious and fun events I strived to win and be the best player I can be. I trained a lot in deathmatch servers, trying to perfect my aim.

The Team Effort

To try and achieve something great in Counter Strike required a team of 5 players, if they want to compete in a higher league. I think I played for around 20 teams during the period of 6 years. Some of them were local, some of them were worldwide and seeking to compete in high-level tournaments. No matter what the goal of the team was, the simple thought of having a team, practicing and having fun with other people felt really rewarding.

I have been in a couple of LAN tournaments, though none of them were successful, I still had a lot of fun with other like-minded players and it definitely created a sort of addiction for the whole thing. I'm sure that happens with other competitive games as well.

It Can Be Relaxing

The last reason which makes Counter Strike so addictive is that it can be really relaxing. You can jump on any server, communicate and make some friends while not putting a lot of effort into playing. It's all based on preference - some may seek competition, others - a way of letting some steam off. 

Though I have to be honest, there are lots of angry players that will try to ruin your day and say some mean stuff to you. Though it's a stereotype, people claim that most of the angry and hate spreading players are Russians. I can't talk for everyone, but I wouldn't agree with that, since I've encountered many salty players from different parts of the world.

Thanks for reading and share your thoughts!


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