Breaking Paradigms Chapter 6 - Be Prepared Because the Future is Already the Past....

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, how are you?

In this post I'll write a little about some paradigms that I had to live with but I never cared about it because from a very young age I already knew what I wanted for my life.

I am certainly a paradigm-stone breaker because I had to break many of them along my journey. Specifically in this post I would like to talk about one that was very challenging for me.

When I founded my technology company about two decades ago I decided that I would not have employees, I just had a private secretary to answer phone calls, organize my schedule, go to the bank, make coffee, among other things. She was like a person does everything.

I already saw the world was already undergoing a major change and the end of jobs because the technology was advancing too fast.

Instead of employees I decided to have a team of developers and provide them with the opportunity to work in their homes.

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Many entrepreneurs who were my friends said that I was completely crazy because they said that people would not work and I would destroy my reputation because my friends' opinions would delay my projects and that I would risk that many projects would not be completed because everything would be a disorganization!

I've listened to this for a few years but I've been finding the right people and they had the right profile to be able to work from home, it does not make sense to spend hours in traffic, have a big office, invest in dozens of computers that are like scraps not worth nothing in a year, among many things that in my view were not seen by me as progress, on the contrary, were like going back to the past and also the time saved to produce giving freedom for my team to produce at home.

My team didn't have a specific time to work, each of them worked at a time that they thought was more productive and would be fine since they delivered the modules on the exact date determined by the chief developer.

I had difficulty finding the right people for WFH, I had to change many times some developers because they were still prisoners of the paradigms of going to the offices but with patience I got a spectacular team and these people have worked for 15 years with me.

I could see yours children's growth and they too ... LOL and we build a family of people who trust each other.

At present the businessmen who are my friends and now agree with me are still prisoners of the same paradigms until the present day even though they recognize that the business model that I structured is much more efficient for a thousand reasons.

To the present day this team is united, committed to work and everyone has become very successful financially.

Ask any of them if they want to be employed? You will receive NO! in response.

The message that I would like to convey in this post to all of you is that we are already starting to quit jobs and in a few years there will only be jobs left that really need the hand of man and their wages will be terrible because technology is overwhelming and we need to think beyond our time and forget the paradigms.

Be Prepared Because the Future is Already the Past! - @chbartist

Remember: I would be grateful if you understood the importance of resteem these posts to build a community with a positive mindset. This is my greatest goal here and you who accompany me know! This is my greatest truth and I do with my heart. Many of these information that are useful to you may be important to other people who need information for your personal growth and that is the most important thing to achieve any goal in your life and remember: Give a upvote between you who take the time to comment and discuss constructively. This has happened here and I am very glad to see you helping each other.




Dear @chbartist sir!
I agree with you absolutely. Many people are going to end their employment due to technology in the coming times. If our future is our past, then you can feel the time to come, what is going to happen next. Then why do we work on these Paradigms. Why do not we choose own business where there is no restriction of time. Whenever the time is spent on the work. Where traffic is not afraid to reach the office late.Regardless of the people, we should get involved in our work. There is no work area, only we will have to be diligent in our work.If our thinking is positive, then success will definitely be achieved as you get negative feedback from the developers with friends in the beginning and in the end, those people sing your praises.How technological and mechanization develops, if we determine our goal from the right ideology, we will never be unemployed.

Really the tenology has allowed things as good as this that you have raised ... to be able to have a company from your own home ... I am trying that, and it is the best ...

Being in a company, locked up, spending 8 hours there, is like losing so valuable time, in addition to the stress of traffic and everything to get to work and then return home tired ...

Good thing you've made a good team.

By the way ... I answered ... Thank you. :)

@blessed-girl I answered too...Regards

Breaking paradigm is not easy, its need strong personality, courage etc, you are providing them I mean us such things, helping people is pleasant thing to person like you, it's a great task, spending your valuable time you want to help people, it's really appreciable. wish you good luck. regards.

Thank you Friend

It is incredible that many people resist change, especially when it has been shown that everything evolves and that if we do not move forward, unfortunately, we are left behind. People who remain stagnant back to their time, unfortunately become mere spectators and not the protagonists that our society needs. Thank you always for your reflections, @chbartist

In today's time we have advanced technologies band in future we would we highly upgrade into it. Robots, cloud computing and AI will will change the way we work. So we have to upgrade ourself to be in the race. Now is the need of time to become flexible and adaptive to the upcoming changes. Going office in morning and coming back to home ij evening or even late is not the trend which will continue long. Many companies now offer work from home with flexible working hours depending upon the clients requirements. Its a good change in the working sector and good for working people. People save a lot of time and money in travelling and companies save operating costs so win win situation for both.
I also appreciate your efforts @chbartist that you are putting much efforts to create such posts and share knowledge with us and that too all posts now a days are connected to one after another like a series. Have a great day friend.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your kind words friend.

very very nice article i like it, At today time, there must be trust in yourself and nobody can stop you from success if you go ahead further with genuine passion and self - confidence.

your welcome, its my pleasants chbartist . see you on the top.

@chbartist sir!
Basically, what i have seen , and observed quite closely, as to how and why the paradigm of offices , is prevalent and struck with a lot many people, is because of the way, at some places and colleges, where youth is encouraged to become a part of Work force more, rather than Explore, Create, and attain exposure.. One reason, is also cause, following some pre-defined set patterns and models , include fewer risks and less chances of failure! But , people who are self motivated, thinkers are able to create a successful work ethic culture , at almost anywhere,, be at home or some other place.. As , it's all in mind... and at the end of the day, it's all about focus and concentration, along with self discipline . Automation Is the Future!! that will disrupt and take over Jobs Of the Past...

Exactly! Thank You for your comment!

In the case of my country, that has begun to be seen for a few years, 2 or 3, and it is becoming very common to hear about people who work and produce from home. I am a bit of both, I work in the street and in the house, but not because I can not break paradigms, but because recently I accepted a job as a music teacher, and I am in the wave of working to learn, for a project I want to do , and for that I need to learn many things. In addition to that I continue working as a musician, and for that I need to go out.

But at the same time I work in my house, with my networks of Steemit, now Weku and the others that they created weeks ago, and some pages of mining in which I work. We have to keep up with the changes around the world to take advantage of the benefits they bring.

Great! Regards

Hi chbartist, I'm happy that you are too much active here to build a beautiful community.

We are quitting jobs because everyone wants to work staying at it is more easy to do business than before .working from home really a great fun.

Thank you friend for your comment!

The development of AI and cloud technology will accelerate automation to a point where human inputs needed will be minimal which will make productivity enormous at the sacrifice of the labor force. If you layer blockchain and the smart contracts that can be powered by it, it also cuts out the middleman which is a large part of the services economy. This will dramatically change the landscape of the workforce in the future. Therefore, we need to be adapting to these changes to become an agent of change and remain relevant.

Exactly friend! Thank you!

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