in #live4 years ago

If you don't want to get sick, have sex, and do it as much as you can, because it is a natural medicine, it is an enemy of stress, it raises the levels of oxytocin and endorphins, the hormones that reduce the negative signals sent to the brain by inducing good mood, reduces those of homocysteine, the substance which, when in excess, can trigger heart problems, and stimulates the neurons of the gray brain substance, keeping the readiness of language and visual perception active in the elderly. In short, sex is therapeutic, it is healthy, and those who do not practice it, especially after a certain age, get sick more easily.
This is what emerges from a British study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which reports that even the immune system benefits from sexual practice, increasing, thanks to this activity, the production of immunoglobulin A, the antibody that fights flu and many other ailments, effectively denying the adage of the famous film "No sex we are English", and informing us that each subject of His Majesty would total an average of 5,800 sexual intercourse in the course of life. Fewer diseases - Medicine and science have always maintained that having an active sex life is a cure-all, it is good for physical and psychological health, and its positive effects affect the whole organism, even with an evident anti-aging action and documented, which slows down the aging especially of the cardiovascular system and the brain, stimulating the desire and the search for pleasure that satisfies intimately, keeping the level of antibodies high.
But sex is also good for sleep, and vice versa, because it has been shown that after sexual intercourse the levels of prolactin, the hormone that mediates muscle and psychological relaxation, increase significantly, canceling the feelings of rancor, anger and of resentment repressed during the day, and on the male, a detail on which irony is often made, has a powerful soporific effect, since the wave of oxytocin and serotonin produced during ejaculation goes to extinguish part of the prefrontal cortex, which could explain why some people collapse lifeless after a relationship. Not only. In men, sexual activity and ejaculation in general were associated with a lower risk of prostate cancer, with evident data, although to date the potential mechanisms of this association remain unknown.
Sex and its gratification, with the achievement of orgasm, were also found to have pain-relieving effects, raising the pain threshold, especially in women, in whom regular sexual activity strengthens the muscles of the pelvic floor, keeping them toned and consequently reducing menstrual pain. And it does not end here, because a further study published in The Journal of Gerontology, which has monitored sexual activity in hundreds of patients up to over eighty years of age, has shown that mental abilities, memory and functions also higher executives such as decision-making skills benefit, and the more you remain sexually active, the more mental functions are long-lived, alert and quick, registering the growth of more neurons in the hippocampus, the brain region associated with memory. Sex also works as an anti-depressant, and the feeling of pleasure it causes is related to dopamine,the neuro-transmitter that activates the reward centers in the brain, which is the same involved in addiction to some substances or drugs, although with different sensations, even if a third of the female participants in the study reported having tried a form of blues, or a sort of post-sex depression, what in technical jargon is called post-coital dysphoria. Via endorphins - Furthermore, as regards the aforementioned anti-aging function, this is due to the release of endorphins and other substances secreted during sexual arousal, all beneficial serum proteins that from the bloodstream invade the subderm and the skin of the body and of the face, maintaining their hydration, protecting the skin from wrinkles and other signs of aging, and giving a few years younger appearance. Active sex also makes you lose weight being in fact a physical and gymnastic activity that engages all the muscles of the body, and during a complete relationship you can burn up to 250 calories,many more than those consumed in half an hour of brisk walking, or with more difficulty skipping a meal. In men, having sex at least twice a week halves the risk of blocked arteries compared to those who have intercourse less than once a month, because it also halves the level of homocysteine, whose decrease in plasma has proved incredibly more sensitive to this activity compared to specific drugs. It's still. Men who have sex less than once a week double the risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared to those who have more regular relationships, while according to a US study, for those who exceed the ceiling of 21 erotic encounters a year, the risk of developing prostate cancer decreases by 33%, as does the risk for blood circulation, blood pressure and cardiovascular health.


In short, we must not lose the rhythm and the habit of lying down together with a willing and possibly active partner. In fact, too long a pause in sexual activity also affects female pleasure, reducing vaginal lubrication capacity and increasing the problems of arousal and reaching orgasm, and the aforementioned English study also recommends that both sexes not watching too much porn videos, as these are not considered allies of sexuality, because they would provoke a physical and genital sensory "de-sensitization", which would then make it more difficult to get excited live in the bedroom.



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