Leave aside the matter of destination, if we stay in pride, we will not be able to see the way. dTube lifetalk

in DTube2 years ago

Hello beautiful world!
Wishing you a great day ahead..
To reach the destination, almost everyone has to have a crow-like effort and a heron-like meditation. During this, we have to remain devoted to our goal with full devotion. Leaving the life of comfort and convenience, one has to live the life of a sannyasi, only then can we imagine reaching any point. If there is even a little pride in us about success, then the destination is far away, even we will not be able to recognize the paths properly. Those who desire happiness in the initial stage have to repent later. On the contrary, those who work hard in the initial time give pain to the body, later life becomes comfortable for them. Perhaps that is why it is said that destinations are never easy, most of the travelers forget the path in the middle of the way. Therefore, if we want to achieve something in life, then first adapt ourself to this situation, then try hard for it.
Thanks for is stopping by..
Have a nice day..

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