Dumbo.- History of Friendship and Love.

in #aaa5 years ago

Hello everyone, who does not like to enjoy an animated movie with his son or daughter, the animated films in turn do not leave teaching. This time I saw with my girl Dumbo.

Summary of the movie

This film begins with storks flying and carrying a diaper with babies on its beak, which is dropping to reach their parents, Mrs. Bear received two bears, the kangaroo breast a kangaroo, the hippo, the tigress, each animal of the Circus received her baby minus Mrs. Jumbo, who stayed waiting for her son. The next day the Circus begins to leave, in that they go on the train, a stork wagons vaguely to Mrs. Jumbo to deliver her son. After so much looking for her, he finds her, he gives her to his son. Mrs. Jumbo is very happy to have her son, in that her son gets up but in that the other elephant ladies start to make love to her, between her affections the baby elephant makes her want to sneeze, but in that her ears fold, The other elephant ladies are amazed at their ears that are larger than their body, something that is not normal, for a baby elephant, they begin to criticize. In that Mrs. Jumbo to see that they are making fun of her son what she does is take it and hide it in her trunk, in that they put her by the name Dumbo, protect him in her arms.


They arrive at the place where the circus is going to be sponsored, everyone starts installing the circus, as many people as elephants are riding the tent on a rainy night, until little Dumbo coloborando, the next day the circus owner starts sponsoring his circus Throughout the town, showing his artists and animals, and little Dumbo goes very happy deflating, when walking excitedly he stumbles with his ears falls into a water hole, the next day children arrive when they see the animals, and Dumbo happy because there are children together to him, but the children begin to mock the poor Dumbo by his ears, his mother realizes he hides it from the bad children, but in that one of the children takes it away from his mother, and continues his mockery, takes it by the ears, his mother, seeing that it bothered him, took one of those children with his tubes, gives the boy a few spanking for the way he treated his children, a fuss forms and the circus owner arrives, they begin to whip it, tie it up, until he takes her to a cage and encloses her, he is isolated from everyone even from his son. Now both are sad for the separation they made, the little elephant is left alone and crying, the other elephants criticize his mother for fitness, an elephant who was nearby listens and is upset about what they are talking about.


The mouse Timothy, observes how the elephant treat the little baby, from there he becomes Dumbo's best friend, from there he takes care of it, makes the little one be taken into account in the circus, when the director is asleep, the little mouse tells the ear of a good big show, says that Dumbo is the protagonist on a top of a pyramid of pure elephants, but in the act, something happens and causes everyone to fall and hit causing the act to be suspended, Dumbo is demoted to work on the clown show. When that happens, elephants exclude him from the group of elephants.
As Dumbo is sad, the little mouse takes him to his mother, he tells a story to Dumbo, so that he does not believe that his mother is punished by him. He and his mother share a while (this part of the movie is sad), then he returns, in that Dumbo drinks water from a Bucket, but this water is alcoholized, the poor elephant gets drunk and just like the mouse, he starts See images of pink elephants.


The next morning, there are some mocking crows waking up the mouse and the elephant, they unknowingly tell the crows they make on the ground, and one of the crows says that they are not on the ground, that they are up in a tree . Without any explanation, how they got on, suddenly the little mouse said Dumbo you flew, the crows start laughing and singing. The mouse gets angry, he takes the poor elephant who is still a victim of mockery besides having his mother away.

In those the crows, stop him and start a plan, he tells Dumbo to try to fly with a magic pen, in that Dumbo makes the attempt, moves his ears, but a cloud of dust rises, in that the mouse says that no, he can't fly, but they realize that if Dumbo is flying, the crows start singing "What I never saw or hope to see is an elephant flying."

In that they go to the circus, Dumbo must do the show with the clowns that are on a top of a building must launch to fall
into a bucket with water, but in that he did not expect that Dumbo had the “Magic Feather of Flying” but when the pen is falling out of Dumbo's tube, in that the little mouse tells him that he can fly, that the pen that was not magical to open his ears and fly in that Dumbo does, leaves flying. From there Dumbo becomes a star and the Mouse in his represenso much.
In that makes his mother treated differently special, the movie ends with Dumbo flying, his mother in a car just for her. Both happy.



It is one that was released in 1941, was produced by Walt Disney Pictures, is the fourth feature film of this company, despite being in conflict the Second World War, it was one of the most famous and highest paid movies.

  • Won the Academy Award for best original music
  • Oscar nominees for the best song for "Son del Corazón".


Despite being a classic from 1941, they are stories that leave teaching today, the animated films of today are not the one of suede, I had sharing with my one year old daughter, she despite being one year old, she He looks at her and loves it when there are songs.

  • Dumbo was an elephant with big ears, it was very different from the others. This should not be felt that your self goes down because they are different from others. Each of us must love ourselves as we are.
  • When the mother defends her son for being mocked. What mother is not a defender of her children? No mother likes to make fun of our children. I was acted in the same way as Dumbo's mother, defending my son if they are bothering him.
  • Friendship, always in these stories, friendship is very important, they are what push us to take that step that we fear, or help us when we are sad and alone. If the friendship of the Dumbo mouse went sad and alone.
  • We should never be guided by words that are not adequate or believe in bad words, unless you discredit us, always open someone who tells you that you will not be able to do it, or that you are an ugly person. We should not take these words into account.
  • We must always trust our abilities, always have faith in ourselves, that we can do what we set out to do. Just like the little Dumbo who could still be an elephant could fly.

Although many of us have already seen this classic, I invite you to see it with your daughter, teach her more teaching in this animated movie ... So look for your cotufas and enjoy

URL: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/11360-dumbo
Crítico: AAA


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