A Minute Of Moonlight Sonata Before Bed

in #guitar6 years ago

One of these years I need to learn the rest of this song,

But even a minute of challenging classical music before bed is great for the ol neurons. Been Trying to make a point to play music everyday, & I should start learning a new line of this song everyday as well. I’m about 20% through of the best guitar version

▶️ DTube

Very nice. You are talented :)

hey dear! is that you?? that's gorgeous...
Perfect BGM for a person who has weekend night but going to have work on Saturday...(me) ... Btw, I wanted to listen it till the end. Battery dead maybe? 😂
Looking forward to your next music post! Have a great weekend 😉

Thank you 😊 I want to listen to the end too, but I have to learn it first!

Maybe I can learn 5 seconds more a day & have the whole thing done in a couple months. Would be good for my memory I’m sure.

I’ve got some more songs I can play till the end I’ll post, but I don’t like seeing the mistakes when I play, I am but a hobbyist.

This guy plays my Favorite version...

All the way to the end! Lol

Sounds ok but I'm not very musical. If you want to learn more, do it. Don't say "should" (I need to take my own advice there too).
I am finally learning a new language, Spanish, and it isn't easy for me. I've always hated languages. I decided to face it and just make it happen. If I can do that, then I'll be able to do anything.
We gotta keep learning.

Telling yourself you’re not musical is a quite a bit like telling yourself you hate languages I think. We are what we tell ourselves we are

I don't think so. I think we are what we are, now what we say we are. I've spent a lot of time learning about myself, who I am, where my natural skills lie, what works for me, what doesn't, and so on. We're a product of our nature and our nurture - our genetics and what happens to us after we're born. Some people are genetially superior at certain things. My wife comes from a very musical family. I come from people naturally good at math. I develop my skills with learning, observation, and practice, and knowing where my natural strengths and weaknesses lie helps me decide what to focus on. I'm not telling myself that I'm not musical - I'm aware that I'm not musically inclined. I think society and individuals are both better off when the individuals are doing what they enjoy and what they're naturally inclined toward. Pushing people into careers or lifestyles they don't enjoy and are suited for hasn't worked for us.

Some things come easier for some then others, but we are all capable of adapting to stimulus of all forms.

“My wife comes from a very musical family. I come from people naturally good at math.”

Is it by coincidence that we end up identifying with the things are families teach us we are at an early age?

My dad was a lawyer & I listened to a lot of lawyer language growing up so is easy for me to understand now. Is that a natural talent or conditioning?

My sister went to French immersion school as a toddler. She speaks five languages now & working on a linguistic PhD. No one else in the family has language skills like that. Random mutation or conditioning?

Exposure to music, language & or math in development certainly plays a role in future “talents”. However, the psychology of learning can not be denied, when we believe in our potential abilities we learn much faster than when we don’t believe we can do something. Can you think of an example where that last statement is not true?

Furthermore, it seems you are greatly benefiting from learning language you claim to not have talent in. Do we benefit more from practicing things we are naturally good at, or getting outside of the comfort zone & learning naturally difficult things? My studies of neurology & specifically neuroplasticity suggest learning new challenging skills are the best stimulus for the brain.

Muy interesante amigo

Well it wasn't my family who "told" me that I'm good at math. It was noticed early in my government education, and I got invited to a 'gifted' extra class, had some men in dark suits come and IQ test me at 7, yadda yadda. I was the top elementary math student in BC in grade 6 (meaning I beat even all the grade 7 students in the province).

Later, I learned where it had come from, which is my father, and even stronger, his father. The man, when not being sent off into the world wars by his country (New Zealand), was master accountant for the local harbour, one of the largest in the country. There were no calculators or computers. His job was to keep track of everything that came in and out of the port. He had to estimate cargos in his head, memorize hundreds of figures, do long division, calculate taxes, and so on, as ships came and went from the docks. He got the job because of his abilities with math. He had very little college education, and that's how it was in those days. If you could do the job, and you were the best man for it, you got it. Anyhow, I won the Gauss Math competition in high school, 'graduated' with straight A+s including the 'advanced placement' Math course, breezed through calculus in university, and then never looked at another math problem again. When I need math in my everyday life, a lot of my skills are still there, just rusty.

My wife's family might have told her she's good at music, I don't know. I'll ask her about it :) What I do know is she has some musicians with natural talent in her family, and when she picked up a flute she nearly instantly learned to play it. She's got a good ear for notes, and she can keep a tempo. She wishes she had been in French immersion, because she ended up having to learn it slowly over 15+ years later on, and can never be natively fluent because of that. What we're exposed to in the formative years really has an impact, for sure.

My family was encouraging (in general), but didn't tell me what I was good at. I'm thankful to them for that, at least.

I once read "do what you're good at doing, and do good at what you're doing". It's a theme that has stuck with me, become part of me, and done well for me.

I'm naturally right-handed. It's possible, through a lot of practice, to develop some degree of ambidexterity. How much of my life should I devote to training the left side of my body to be more dominant?

Put another way, do you believe in specialization? Where people fill roles they're naturally suited for, and which they enjoy. Where nobody is forced to be a jack-of-all-trades. Where skill and ability is allowed to succeed, and where lack of skill and ability is not. I'm a big believer in specialization. While I do know a little about a great many things, I also know a lot about a very few things. I'm therefore capable of higher level thought in those areas, I accomplish more, I help more people through leading by example, I can defeat tougher obstacles and reach higher than before, because I specialize in what I excel at.

Do you believe in experts? Not from an egotistical viewpoint, I just mean the dictionary definition. People who are more educated about, and more skilled at, a certain topic, than 95% of their peers. I believe in experts and think that type of thing should be encouraged, or at least free to develop.

We could encourage poor writers to join Steemit. It could help develop their writing skill. But I still don't think it's how we can best spend our limited time and resources.

Capitalizing on strengths is a good thing. I see what we're talking about as akin to capitalizing on one's strengths.

There's something to be said for being too specialized, or not having even a basic understanding of important topics, and I'm not advocating for that.

Sounds like you've heard of the learning zone?

That is cool about your math skills. I tested into the smart kid school in elementary, but refused to study when I was young & football scholarship offers my first year of high school really discouraged me from studying in high school & my first part of college. Ego, girls & free food is powerful marketing to a giant teenage boy.

I think job specialization is good, but diverse hobbies are even better. My real point is that confidence & belief plays a huge role in learning success & accomplishments in general. Placebo is real after all.

I don’t think I’ve seen that specific learning zone before, but makes sense. I try to stay there all the time

Yeah I think that site worded things in a way I can understand. Learning zone makes sense. I have often fallen toward the comfort zone for survival and safety, but have learned to take forays (deep ones sometimes) into the learning zone.
You still ended up being a clever guy. I think there are a lot of us intelligent types of Steemit and other parts of this sphere. It's a great thing!

I think you might like this

That is definitely the beginning of something beautiful, please learn the rest of it, I can see you certainly have the talent required. I could only play the first few bars on the piano year ago but you have given me the motivation to work it out on the banjo! Great Stuff

Pretty sure the subconscious reason I put the intro up was to get motivation to learn the rest already.

I learned the first bit on the piano years ago too but forgot. The piano is usually played in C# minor & most play in A minor on the guitar for arrangement purposes I think.

Yankee Doodle dandy is my go to whenever I get my hands on a banjo, I’d like to see some banjo posts


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One of my absolute favorite pieces.
Yes, I'd like to learn the whole thing as well, on guitar as well as piano. Gorgeous.

Then let us start learning more tomorrow!!!

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