Hassan Rouhani defined the US sanctions against Iran as crime and aggression

in #steempress6 years ago

The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani defined the US sanctions against his country as crime and aggression. He calls on the European governments and others to oppose US President Donald Trump's policy against Tehran.

"Iran will also survive these US sanctions as it has experienced before, and this US government will not remain in power forever, but history will condemn other countries on what they are doing today", said Hassan Rouhani. The Iranian president stressed that his country would remain indifferent to the US threats to curb its oil exports, and noted that Washington had not thought of the consequences of this decision. "Americans say they want to curb Iran's oil exports to zero, which shows that they did not think about the consequences", added Hassan Rouhani.

Meanwhile, it became clear that the diplomatic representatives of France, Belgium and Germany in Tehran were summoned to the Iranian Foreign Ministry to protest the arrest of an Iranian diplomat.

"The Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister has expressed the strong protest of the Islamic Republic against the arrest of an Iranian diplomat and stressed that under the Vienna Convention diplomacy he must be immediately and unconditionally released", said spokesman for the ministry, Bahram Qasemi.

The ambassadors of France, Belgium and Germany in Tehran were summoned in connection with the detention of an Iranian diplomat in Germany for alleged plotting to assault an Iranian opposition group meeting near Paris.

Bahram Qasemi described the arrest as a conspiracy, aiming to harm relations between Iran and European countries, especially considering Iran's President Hassan Rouhani is currently visiting Europe in an attempt to save the Iranian nuclear agreement after the United States withdrew from it.

Meanwhile, France and Germany have announced that they will send two men, one of whom is an Iranian arrested diplomat, in Belgium, where they will be charged with taking part in a conspiracy to assault a meeting of the Iranian opposition on the outskirts of Paris.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://financeandmarkets.com/hassan-rouhani-defined-us-sanctions-iran-crime-aggression/

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