How to Prevent Agoraphobia

in #health7 years ago

 Identify Panic Attacks Early

Agoraphobia often stems from panic disorder and from the stress and anxiety associated with panic attacks. About one in three people with panic disorder will eventually develop agoraphobia. Early diagnosis and proper treatment will prevent that and keep the symptoms in check. If you think you are suffering from panic attacks, speak to a therapist or medical professional immediately rather than trying to "compensate" for them on your own.


Avoid Avoidance

Agoraphobia often develops as a means of avoiding situations where you feel anxiety. You stay away from public places such as restaurants or grocery stores because you're afraid of what might happen if you have a panic attack. The perceived social stigma, the sense of helplessness and the belief that you are trapped or unable to exit public areas will lead you to compulsively avoid them. As the agoraphobia develops, the locations themselves become the source of fear as much as the panic attacks you originally tried to prevent. Instead of staying away from public places, ask a trusted friend or family member to come with you when you visit them and help keep you calm. Talk to a therapist about your fears and anxieties, and ask about methods of addressing your panic disorder. The more you can fight growing fears of such places, the more readily you can prevent the development of agoraphobia.

Consider Medication

Prescription drugs can sometimes reduce or eliminate the anxiety associated with agoraphobia. A number of different types are available. Antidepressants work very well over time, though it usually takes a few weeks to begin seeing the effects. Treatment typically runs for 6 to 12 months. Benzodiazepines act more quickly to halt panic attacks--usually within 30 minutes to an hour of being taken--but they can be addictive and shouldn't be taken for extended lengths of time. Beta-blockers address the symptoms of panic attacks, such as dizziness and rapid heartbeat. You can take them before entering a stressful situation to help keep you calm. Medication often works well in conjunction with therapy, and you should always speak to a medical professional before going on a prescription regimen. Never mix different kinds of medication: if you are taking pills for other conditions, be sure to mention them to your doctor. 


i have had it many times. panic atacks (escope type). feeling that i was going to pass out. but it was never happening and i finally understood mechanics that it could not appear because it was only in my brain and i don't care anymore. problem is that if it will be real i will not be able to differentiate :D . just let it try it's best but it can harm none. key to cure is to know its just brain treating you.

Thank you for this article!
Many people suffers greatly from this, and the problem is that they feel many times they are going to die from something is not being taken care of properly like a hard attack or brain tumor.
I am an EFT practitioner,(Emotional Freedom techniques), and fortunately enough that has been a proven method to deal successfully with panic attacks, PTSD, anxiety, phobias, allergies and more. Helping many times to get rid of the use of medicin y get back to a healthier life.
If anybody is curious about you can see the video from the founder of EFT, Gary Craig. see video...
Of course it is not mainstream allopathic medicine but many times the APA, American Psychology Association, had to recognize it as a safe and effective treatment for many study cases including PTSD. See more...

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