The kids asked me what Nintendo and Sega was. . . . I'm 33 years old C'mon

in #gaming7 years ago

Steemians I'm only 33 years old, is Nintendo and the Sega Genesis truly considered a historic item?

For those of you around my age group or even a little older, try to imagine my surprise when my 12 year old came to me and asked me questions about what she calls a historic gaming console known as a Nintendo, and the Sega Genesis. I at first thought she was going to ask me about an Atari, that I could possibly understand but come on a Nintendo? A Sega? So as you can imagine I was certainly surprise.

So as I looked at my 12 year old daughter, who was actually innocent, and shes very bright I realized I needed to do something and quickly. So I implemented a plan, I would go out and buy a Sega, and a Nintendo... and we would play a few games of Sonic.

July 14th 2017 Sega and Nintendo Update: 24 hours later

So this is my update Steemians, its officially been 24 hours and its off and not being played, Sonic apparently blew her mind and I didn't even get the opportunity to introduce her to Mario and Luigi The Famous Mario Brothers. So I do believe she now will refrain from asking such questions, and making her father feel ancient.

The End..


😂 Sounds very familiar. Although when I got the Mega Drive classic my 6 year old wouldn't stop playing Golden Axe haha

It seems many people have felt my pain lol.

Sega NHL Hockey 94' Played it Endlessly. I still have my Nintendo.

I had a nintendo, but needed money and a guy offered me 150.00 for it.. 2 years later I feel like an idiot for doing it.

Hahah what's funny is that this and some strange game called Rocket Mouse Adventures are the only games I still have for my original SEGA Genesis.

I have daughters age 3 and 1 and my older daughter is already playing games on a DS. Once they're a bit older, I'll be introducing them each to various game platforms in the order I experienced them: Atari 2600, NES, Genesis, Super Nintendo, etc...

The Atari is what will get the best results from them.

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