A Bit About Me: 🥓Food & Fluids Edition☕️

in #food5 years ago (edited)

Greetings, my most favorite people on the planet!

The following bits about me are courtesy of @poeticsnake's recent post... that was all about her. You should go check it out... I'll still be here when you get back. 😍

Today's (very important) topic:

What is your favorite breakfast?

Eggs & Bacon. Or more correctly, that's pretty much what we eat every day. We used to enjoy eggs, bacon and toast (and would sing the song from Parks & Rec often)... but have mostly cut out bready like things... except cake. There's always room for cake. 😋 Now... if I were going out for breakfast... I'd probably order something similar, but with pancakes... or waffles...Mmm.... breakfast... Anyone else think it's weird we don't eat breakfast foods for all meals? 🤔

How do you drink your coffee?

That depends... But mostly, lately, beige, with cream only. See, deep down inside, I (like many of you) wish to dump pounds of sugar into my cup, sipping up delightful drink after drink. But, I (like many of you) am just getting too damned old to be willy-nilly with what I intake. As it turns out, I LOVE COFFEE. In all forms: hot, sweet, iced, frozen, flavored or not. I actually am drinking a cup now and it's after 8pm... I even love evening coffee. Who's with me?!

What's on your favorite sandwich?

Oooh... that's a hard one. I really like sandwiches... A lot. Speaking of... if you've not (or even if you have) you should pop over for some drool-worthy sandwich pics from @jaybird. He's been holding the Steemit Sandwich Contest for a LONG TIME. This is the 85th time! 😲 Wait... what was I talking about? Oh... my favorite sandwich toppings. Okay... generally, a meat (bird, preferred), probably some cream cheese.... NO! I can't decide! Don't make me do it!

Soup or Salad?

Well, that really depends on the day, now doesn't it? I mean, I suppose I'd mostly choose salad over soup. Yup, that's my answer. Salad. If we are talking appetizers. Now... if we talking meals... soup. 😎

What is your favorite cookbook?

Allrecipes? 🤣 To be fair, I do own a lot of old cookbooks, but with the internet at my fingertips it's much easier to just Google it. Nowadays I pretty much know how to make most things. I still look up recipes but tend to read several and just wing it once I get into the kitchen. Cooking was one of my (pardon the term) saving graces when I was sick back in the day. I really fell in love of the science of it... but more on that later... maybe. 😏

Which kitchen (country) is your favorite?

I've been thinking about this one a while. No. Really. I finished most of the rest of the post. But here I am... back again. I hate to be a cop out, but Imma say Chinese. This isn't necessarily my all-time favorite. I really like food from all places. However, if I had to pick ONE country from now on and could ONLY eat food from or inspired by that area... Then, Chinese food it is. They got plenty of options to keep my pallet guessing. And how can you lose with a menu item called Poo-Poo Platter? 😎

What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?

Wait a minute! We were talking about food! What the heck is going...? Oh... Oh, I see. Food-related... I don't really know... When I first think about it my mind goes directly to deliciously fried desserts smothered in other dessert type things. Let's say a deep-fried funnel cake topped with deep-fried Oreos, smothered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce, sprinkled with crumbled Oreos, and finally topped with a lone cherry (that I'll give to someone else). 😇

Cooking at home or eating out?

Definitely cooking at home. Either I'm substantially better than most, or I (and the hubs) have gotten so used to my cooking, it's just what we prefer. Plus, we live quite remotely and have little access to restaurants and ZERO access to fast food. We've learned to make what we want...and it generally turns out great. But they aren't all winners. Luckily, my sweet husband's heart is through his stomach...and so far, so good. 😍

I do my shopping at...

The tiny local grocery store we have in town mostly. We do also order from Amazon (non-perishables), which is super nice. We get our eggs from Woodrow, the egg guy, who lives about 30 miles away. He delivers every Monday. Our store also sells a lot of local products, but not much else. 😉 This means we just have to get creative or wait until we have another chance to get to the 'big city' for shopping. On those once a month trips we shop in all the places for all the things! Don't judge. 😎

What is your favorite cocktail?

Now we're talking! To begin, I've only recently become more of a ... drinker. I think it comes with age. 😏 Anywho... my go-to drank used to be a Cape Cod. For those unfamiliar, it's simply a Vodka and Cranberry with a wedge of lime. The lime is the cape. If there is no lime... there is no cape... meaning ya just got a Vodka/Cranberry. Don't mess this up. Trust me. 😎

Lately, at home though, I've been going all out and buying boxed wine. That's right, the classiest of the classy. De classe, if you will. There's a real beauty in having a box of wine sitting your fridge, just waiting to please you...

What should NOT be missing in your kitchen?

A good knife. For real. I had no idea HOW important this was until recently when we got new (amazing) knives. It is LITERALLY like a whole new world (Aladdin included). The ease at which I'm now able to do tasks is incredible. The number of recipes I couldn't have attempted before now reaks of endless possibilities. Seriously, if you don't have one. Get one. Just one. That's a fine start. It will change you. 😎

That's all folks pink.gif

Enjoy learning about my bits?😏

I'd love it if you shared YOUR answers with me. Do it. Make a post. Or tell me all about it in the comments... Or both. Can't wait to read all about you!😍

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