What do we need to face each day with energy and success?

in Project HOPE2 years ago


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Motivation also drives us to replenish our energy, that we need so much to face the most demanding days, if we need an extra energy we can get it from inspired reflections of some writings that motivate us, this lack of energy can be because we are really tired or because we are simply unmotivated, whether for one reason or another we can get that extra motivational energy.

The purpose of this post is to analyze some phrases that can become motivational and thereby assess their sense of significance.

"If you can imagine it you can achieve it, if you can dream it, you can make it happen. (William Arthur Ward)"

Many times we run out of that motivational energy because we get tired of trying and failing, however if we can achieve so much that by imagining the possible achievement we evaluate the benefits obtained, then we will really be able to work on it and obtain it.

In life we also want things that to the eyes of others seem unattainable, what is far to reach also seems like a dream, but the closest to materialize may be the dreams, that if it is necessary that we work with mor, discipline and perseverance.

"Luck is what happens when preparation and opportunity meet and merge. (Voltaire)"

The preparation is a natural process of the human being, for all of us we prepare ourselves, that is to say we prepare ourselves to be professionals, we prepare ourselves to be sportsmen, we prepare ourselves to be artists, in conclusion the preparation looks for a common objective, which is to be victorious and to fulfill our goals.

The fact that we prepare ourselves does not mean that we are ready to obtain what we expect, perhaps we are ready because we know how to do and execute what we prepared for, however we will not achieve success until someone gives us the opportunity, which is why it is key to be patient and wait for the preparation and the opportunities to merge so that we achieve success.

However, that person who believes in luck, may be waiting for an opportunity without having a previous preparation, there will be a mistake because the expected merger will not happen: preparation and knowledge + opportunity, because for success to be fulfilled the equation has to be complete, if we only have the knowledge and preparation will be much easier because the opportunity will come sooner or later.

In conclusion, we can quote thousands of phrases that undoubtedly will not fill us with energy to live the day no matter the failures, however we can be builders of our own experiences that motivate us to generate our own phrases and be carriers of motivational energy that we need so much to face the day to day.


Hello @carlos84!
Thank you for sharing these motivational quotes. I particularly like to visit accounts with phrases like this that help to recharge our energy and change our thoughts in a given situation. Motivation is the engine that drives us to achieve many things that we propose and it is necessary to recharge them because we will always find a reason to continue.

Hi, thank you for commenting, certainly when we are motivated we do better in life.

Hello @carlos84 friend, I liked reading that we must have previous preparation to take advantage of opportunities, I really believe that if we prepare ourselves to do the things that we like the most, it is very likely that opportunities will come precisely in these things that we like to do, but without preparation, it is very possible that we have to settle for the first thing that comes into our lives and it would not be fair at all.

That is why I always say that we must be prepared for success.

Hi friend, thanks for commenting, it is good that we have a previous preparation before acting in any circumstances.

Greetings and thanks for the support.

Greetings @carlos84, no doubt the motivation is crucial to start our day and to execute different jobs or tasks that we have arranged, now it is necessary to remember that motivation is over and we must resort to the planned and intentional organizational process that allows us to continue moving forward despite the discouragement, greetings.

It is essential to face our daily activities with motivation.

Greetings and thank you for your comment.

greetings @carlos84
It is very important to wake up and first of all thank god. the desire to move forward and achieve the things planted are necessary to achieve daily success and being motivated is transcendental.
Thank you very much for sharing your publications

Certainly friend to be motivated is transcendental in our lives, greetings and thank you for your important comment.

When we are not able to see anybody to motivate us, it is best we should motivate ourselves from our inner man

You have touched a very important point, and it is the fact of worrying about motivating ourselves whenever there is no one to motivate us, greetings and thanks for commenting.

Hello friend, certainly motivation is never constant, what is really important is the discipline and constancy that we put to the things we want to do and achieve. Today you give us good recommendations, it is good to hear the story of those who have achieved success, that can be inspiration for anyone. Greetings!

We can certainly be motivated, but if there is no discipline in what we do, we will be doomed to automatic failure. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

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